Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1853: Robbery while fire

Chapter 1853 Robbing While Fire

The four heads of the evil wolf army were in the game, and at the moment of death, they did not understand how Su Zimo disappeared out of thin air and appeared behind him.

Not to mention him, even an outsider on the city wall looked horrified and didn't know what had happened.

"what happened?"

"Is that a teleport?"

"Impossible. Momentary movement is a superb supernatural power. How could Xuanjie be released!"

"But that Su Zimo just disappeared out of thin air, and appeared behind the fourth senior of the evil wolf army ..."

After a brief silence, a burst of noise erupted in the crowd.

The leaders in Longyuan City are also in shock!

You know, most of them are Shangxian Shangxian, and they are far more knowledgeable than others in the major forces.

But even they couldn't see how Su Zimo, who had just disappeared, appeared behind the head of the family!

Actually, don't say that they are the immortals. Even if they are the immortals of the Jin Dynasty, the immortals will not recognize the origin of this body method!

This is the Dragon Clan, the top non-secret technique!

There are many dragons in the dragon realm, but not many are qualified to practice this true dragon.

"What happened just now?"

Liu Tong led a big frown, and whispered, "Is it a magical power?

"Not like it."

The other leader shook his head and said, "There is also someone who needs to exchange positions with Su Zimo while changing position. But just now, this person disappeared out of thin air and appeared behind the four masters, beheading him.

"Is this what body form?"

Long Yuanxing's chiefs were a little dignified.

If they had just moved with the four heads of the evil wolf army, facing this hand, I am afraid it would be difficult to react!

This is a bit scary!

Originally, the Su Zimo under the city wall was, in their eyes, a cricket ant who could stretch his feet casually!

But now everyone finds that this ant has a means to threaten them!

"Please help each other!"

At this moment, the three heads of the evil wolf army suddenly shouted at the crowd on the city wall: "Who can help me to kill this person, my evil wolf army is willing to produce one million Ningyuandan!"

The reward for killing the order from 100,000 directly rose to one million!

The three masters have realized that if they do not ask for help, he will die here.

Only by letting the strong men of the major forces help each other on the city wall will there be a chance to kill this person!

Under the reward, there must be brave husbands.

What's more, the major forces have long been eyeing the Miluo leaves in Su Zimo's storage bag.

The value of this leaf is more valuable than one million Ningyuandan!

"All Scorpio Village obey!"

The master of Scorpio Village suddenly understood the voice and said, "I don't care if this person is dead or alive, but he must grab the storage bag!"


Everyone in Scorpio Village heard the news.

The old man behind the young master of Scorpio Village, a seventh-order Xuanxian, whispered: "Young master, you don't have to go on, I'll be enough to lead these dozen people."

Master Scorpio hesitated, nodded, and said, "Jiangbo, please take care of you."

"Relax Young Master."

Called the old man of ‘Jiang Bo’: “Since the war, the hole cards should be used almost without any threat.


Jiang Bo waved gently, and led a dozen Scorpio Xuanxian in Scorpio Village down the wall.

Almost at the same time, monks at Tiansha Gate, Tianhuo Temple, and Xuanguang Gate also flashed out, falling down the city walls and heading towards the battlefield!

Only the two major forces, Shuanglongjiao and Zhenleitang, chose to stay on their own.

Ssangyong taught Xu Wan to want to associate with Su Zimo, so naturally it is impossible to fall into trouble at this time.

The other monks in Zhenleitang originally wanted to do something, but were stopped by the woman in the blue skirt!

The woman in the blue skirt has a vague feeling, it is best not to go to this muddy water today.

Long Yuanxing's eight forces, the Blood Yanggu Army, have been intercepted and killed by Su Zimo in the 100,000 Mountains.

Everyone in Xuanyin Mountain was also killed by Su Zimo in Dark Night Square. The master of Xuanyin Mountain died and died!

In addition to these four forces, among the eight forces, there are four forces: Scorpio Village, Xuanguang Gate, Tianhuo Temple, and Tianshamen who rush to the battlefield and want to rob and seize treasure!

Among these four major forces, all were led by the young master and four seventh-ranked Xuanxian.

Counting the three heads of the evil wolf army, this is the five seventh-order Xuanxian!

Behind them, there are dozens of sixth-order Xuanxian!

These monks seem to be few in number. They are far less powerful than the army of evil wolves, but they are extremely powerful.

Everyone knows that the flame that burned the evil wolf army before it consumed too much, and Su Zimo could not release it a second time in a short time.

Even if it can be released, the five seventh-order Xuanxian can work together to suppress the flame completely!

Su Zimo noticed this scene and was unmoved at all. He just sneered slightly without looking at them, picking his tiptoe lightly, and took the four-headed storage bag and the dark black blade in his hands.

This dark black blade is a psychic magic weapon, although it has been abandoned, it is of great use to him!

Su Zimo rejoiced in his heart, and took the black blade into his pocket.

At this moment of time, monks from the four major forces, such as Scorpio Village and Xuanguang Gate, all descended on and surrounded Su Zimo!

"Several Daoists, after a big fight, the five of us joined forces to confront this son."

Jiang Bo Shen said: "The rest of you wait, don't have to step forward, stand outside to find opportunities, and attack with all your strength!"


Xuanxian of the Xuanguangmen and other forces also nodded.

The evil wolf army three heads naturally have no opinion.


Su Zimo fell into siege. He couldn't see the slightest confusion. Instead, he looked more and more mad, looked around, and sneered, "What forces do you want to join forces with the evil wolf army?"

The seventh-order Xuanxian of the major forces was silent, but looked at Su Zimo coldly, gazing at alertness.

They don't want to plant a big heel at this time!

This blue-shirt monk has a lot of cards and weird means. Even if they are crowded, they still dare not care.

Su Zimo smiled, nodded, and said: "Very good, since you are going to rob while the fire, don't blame me for killing!"

Su Zimo was laughing, but what he said made everyone in the audience feel a shock!

"Boy is arrogant, I do not know the sky is thick!"

Jiang Boli sighed, "I tell you, you are a fifth-order Xuanxian on Longyuan Star, and you still can't be the master! Your arrogance is not here!"

"Do it!"

As soon as the words fell, five seventh-order Xuanxian shot at the same time!

The evil wolf army swallowed a crimson elixir, and the whole person's breath suddenly became extremely violent, his eyes were red, and a roar rushed towards Su Zimo.

Jiang Bo squeezed out the fairy tactics, urged the Yuanshen, bite the tip of his tongue, spit out a fine blood, and screamed, "Scorpio is coming!"

This essence of blood is hundreds of years of cultivation!

As soon as Jiang Bozhen shot, he tried his best!

(End of this chapter)

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