Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1854: Idol comes! (One more)

Chapter 1854: The Idol Comes! (One more)

This spurt of blood quickly evolved in mid-air, condensing a huge scorpion with a length of more than ten feet, with a curved tail and a poisonous needle hanging above the head, facing directly forward, and rushing towards Su Zimo.

"Vientiane boxing!"

The seventh-order Xuanxian of Tiansha Gate urged Qi and Blood, and the meteor strode straight forward, the vitality condensed, and punched Su Zimo!

This man's fist was obviously carrying a Xuanjie glove.

A punch blows out, and there is a sudden appearance of Sen Luo Vientiane. The ghosts are heavy, and the spirit is blown at the face, which is heartbreaking!

"Xuanguang imprisoned!"

The seventh-order Xuanxian of Xuanguang Gate is a beautiful woman, dancing with her hands, exuding a mysterious light from her fingertips.

The power of magic is pervasive.

Immediately afterwards, Su Zimo's body actually appeared with chains that exudes the light of God, which was engraved with mysterious runes, winding all his limbs and shrinking!


The seventh-order Xuanxian of the Tianhuo Temple condenses the fairy tactics, stretches out a finger, and points a finger towards Su Zimo's head!


A huge pillar of fire fell from the sky and fell towards Su Zimo!

Five seventh-order Xuanxian shot with all their strength, immortal art, magical powers broke out, and melee and long-distance attack, in cooperation with tacit understanding, all of Su Zimo's retreat was instantly blocked!

This offensive is far more horrible than the two major heads of the evil wolf army.

This time, there are seven masters of the Xuanxian who are three masters and Tianshamen in melee.

In the distance, the seventh-order Xuanxian of Scorpio Village, Xuanguang Gate, and Tianhuo Temple also sacrificed immortal magical powers, rushing to the ground, with a terrifying sound!

Su Zimo frowned slightly.

His cultivation is a realm, after all, a lot different from these five people.

Nowadays, he dare not use his blood. Although he still has the upper hand in close combat, it is difficult to win in a short time.

The killing power of the Heavenly Sword Technique and the Ground Sword Technique is extremely terrifying.

However, once many swords are dispersed, they may not pose a great threat to the seventh-order Xuanxian.


At this moment, dozens of sixth-order Xuanxian who were lingering on the edge of the battlefield also shot, sacrificing their magic weapons and magical powers, and descended overwhelmingly.

Su Zimo's eyes were magnificent, he once again urged Yuanshen, and a talented supernatural power broke out!

I saw two huge white ivory suddenly growing on both sides of his back, sharp and sharp, as if they could penetrate everything and pierce the void!

Talented supernatural powers, six teeth magical power!

On the continent, Su Zimo has already mastered this talent and realized the peak. Once released, the power of the six idols will all grow out.

His power will climb six times!

But in the upper bound, it is limited by law.

In addition, the release of this talented supernatural power is also extremely intense for the consumption of the Yuanshen.

With Su Zimo's Seven Yuan Yuan Shen Xiu as his master, he could barely release two idol teeth!

But even so, his power soared by as much as twice!

Not only the physical strength soared, but even the power of the Yuanshen climbed a lot, as if touching another level!

"what is this!"

"Why hasn't you seen this magical power?"

"How do I feel, the breath of this son has soared so much, it seems like a person!"

Everyone was shocked on the wall!

"Look, what is that!"

The eyes of many monks condensed and saw that behind Su Zimo, a huge idol appeared faintly, with six white ivory as ivory, and a thick and powerful pressure permeated all over!

The Six-Tooth Idol came, and many monks in Longyuan City felt an inexplicable palpitation, and wanted to bow their heads and worship!

Even the eighth-order Xuanxian who was present, Liu Tongling and others were astounded!

This six-tooth idol is like an ancient deity!

Coming on the Longyuan star, it seemed that this star could not withstand the heavy pressure brought by the Six-Tooth Idol, and shuddered slightly!

Su Zimo suddenly opened his mouth, and he shouted!

At the same time, the illusion of the idol behind him, his long nose fluttered, hissing in the sky, and a loud, angry roar broke out!

collapse! collapse! collapse!

Su Zimo's dark light chain broke in an instant and turned into nothingness!

At the same time, Su Zimo waved his sleeves and raised a handful of yellow sand.

This yellow sand is scattered, glittering with golden light, forming a huge yellow sand barrier, resisting dozens of sixth-order Xuanxian magic weapons and magical powers!

This is the precious treasure that Jiupin created the green lotus!

You know, not many people in this world know what kind of changes the Jiupin made the green lotus.

On the continent of that year, even Butterfly Moon only said that after the green lotus was created, there will be greater fortunes, but I don't know why.

Therefore, Su Zimo released nine days of interest without worrying about others' recognition.

At the same time, Su Zimo picked up the bronze Fang Ding with his left hand and suppressed it in front of the three masters who rushed forward.

Hold your right hand tightly and don't look back, punch with your backhand, and fight against this celestial Vientiane of Tianshamen!


A loud noise burst almost simultaneously!

Three masters were shocked, and felt a terrible and fierce force, pouring into his body along the four-leaf golden hammer!

He can't bear the flesh and blood in his body!

This power is much stronger than the power released by Su Zimo at first!


Three masters screamed.

The bronze Fang Ding blasted the four corrugated gold hammer in his hand. His palm couldn't be held at all, the tiger's mouth was torn, and the blood was dripping!

This four-leaf golden hammer was smashed into flight, and also contained extremely terrifying power, turned into a golden light, and directly crashed into the crowd outside.

Two sixth-order Xuanxian couldn't dodge, and were hit by this golden light. They were hit on the spot and were torn apart.

On the other side, the punches collided.

On the fist of the seventh-order Xuanxian of Tiansha Gate, he also carried the Xuanxian magic weapon, and released the immortal method of Vientiane Boxing, which evolved into Sen Luo Vientiane.

But the ghost of Vientiane was crushed by Qinglian's real punch!

The seventh-order Xuanxian of Tiansha Gate also changed his face. The clothes on his arm were instantly shattered by the influx of violent violence!

I saw bloodshot cracks on his arm.

This is obviously because the power of Su Zimo's fist cannot be sustained, which will lead to this situation!

The man stared at his arm, looking pained, and snarled deep in his throat!


Immediately, under the gaze of countless eyes, the arm burst, flesh flew, and in the blink of an eye, there were only a few sections of white bones, exposed outside, and pulled casually.

The severe pain stimulated the man's knowledge of the sea, and he almost passed out on the spot!

Just then, a white light caught in the corner of his eye.

Immediately afterwards, an extremely sharp edge was approaching instantly, and the intention of killing burst out. This person fell into the ice cellar and was cold all over!

"not good!"

In the mind of the seventh-order Xuanxian of Tiansha Gate, these two words flashed.

The next moment, a touch of white light sword energy fell into his forehead.


A blood hole emerged from this man's eyebrows, and scarlet blood burst out.

Tiansha Gate Seventh-order Xuanxian, Fall!

(End of this chapter)

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