Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1867: Kill the Blood Sun Valley

Chapter 1867 Killing The Blood Sun Valley

There is no deep friendship between Su Zimo and Lao Yan.

To him, Lao Yan was just a newcomer to the upper realm, and the first person to get to know each other.

However, for some reason, Su Zimo felt a sadness when he saw Lao Yan's body falling.

Because, in Lao Yan's body, he saw the home of most of the ascended people.

Lao Yan is a microcosm of these ascendants of the Nether.

Su Zimo, through Lao Yan, seemed to see everything on the continent, and after many of his acquaintances ascended to the upper world, he would go through everything.

This feels very uncomfortable!

Su Zimo felt a little dull in his chest, and seemed to have a breath, nowhere to vent!

"How could this be?"

Su Zimo asked: "Why would Xueyang Valley start with Fengxueling?"

"Fifty years ago, Xueyang Valley was defeated in the 100,000 mountains, and its reputation fell to the bottom of the valley. There are many forces around here that want to get out of the control of Xueyang Valley."

Xia Qingying said: "Then Xueyanggu dispatched an army to suppress these forces relentlessly!"

"Fengxueling did not have a direct conflict with Xueyang Valley. His father just ordered that he suspend his journey to Xueyang Valley to exchange Ningyuandan, but accumulated the harvested celestial grass and waited until the situation stabilized before making plans.

Xia Qingying laughed a bitterly and said, "It was this decision that made Chen Xuanyang furious and sent 20,000 troops!"

Su Zimo got up slowly, his eyes cleared, and he darted away towards Dabu in the distance, filled with a terrible breath!

"Boss, where are you going?"

Duan Tianliang asked quickly.

"Blood Sun Valley!"

After finishing these three words, Su Zimo condensed a pair of huge golden feathers behind her. The wings trembled and turned into a golden light. They disappeared into the sight of everyone for thousands of miles.


Xia Qingying suddenly responded and said quickly: "No!"

"The owner of the Blood Yanggu is the eighth-order Xuanxian. There should also be tens of thousands of monks in the Blood Yanggu. Su Daoyou must not go alone!"

After Xia Qingying said this, Su Zimo had long disappeared.

"Duan Tianliang, please go and bring people to Xueyang Valley to help Su Daoyou."

Xia Qingying took a deep breath, struggling to free himself from grief, and Shen said: "We are no longer in danger here. We can't leave Su Daoyou alone to fight against the entire Blood Yanggu!"

Duan Tianliang nodded and found Yue Hao directly.

"Brother Yue, take the person who destroys Yangzhai Village, let's go to Xueyang Valley together! The boss has passed."

Duan Tianliang said: "Fengxueling can just hand them over to these monsters. There are silver giants, giant bees, and nine-headed birds. These monsters can't cause any trouble."

"it is good!"

In Yue Hao's eyes, the intention of killing was flashing, Shen said: "Brothers who destroy the Yangzhai village, listen, let's kill the Blood Yanggu today and avenge our loved ones for the dead!

"Kill the Blood Sun Valley!"

More than a thousand monks in Mieyangzhai roared loudly.

"set off!"

Yue Hao waved and ordered, and everyone rushed in the direction of the Blood Yanggu.


Valley of Blood Yang.

"Young Master, are they coming back soon?"

"This is not necessarily the case. The young master destroyed Fengxueling and captured the young lady from Fengxueling. Maybe he could stay overnight in Fengxueling. "

Several guards at the door were idle and gathered together and laughing.

"Small Master has been staring at that little Nizi for some years. He still pretended to be a hero to save the beauty or something."

One laughed: "This time, our young master is trying to understand. Regard him three or seventy two, grab the little Nizi first and then talk!"

"What's over there?"

The other stared into the distance, frowning slightly.

I saw a distant sky, a golden light was approaching quickly, and the speed was amazing!

The spirits of the many guardians of the Blood Yanggu were shocked, and they quickly dispersed and gazed at alertness.

A guard even pulled out a messenger from the storage bag, pinched it in his palm, and was tense!

With a few breaths, this golden light has come forward, a figure manifested, stood in the air, black hair, blue shirt, cold look.


A bloodyanggu guard yelled.

"This guy is familiar ..."

The other guard was thoughtful, and suddenly seemed to think of something, his expression changed greatly, and he lost his voice: "Su Zimo! He is Su Zimo!"

As soon as the voice fell, I saw Su Zimo already walking in the air. Between the walk of the court, he flicked with his fingertips.

The sharp swords burst into anger and fell into the hearts of these guards!

These guards are only fifth-order Xuanxian, which cannot be resisted at all.

When Su Zimo passed by several people, these people fell to the ground one after another, already dead!

However, a **** Yanggu guard had shattered the Fuyu in his palm before he died.

"Enemy attack!"

A sharp shout came from the Blood Yang Valley!

Immediately, many monks awakened from the retreat and walked out of Dongfu, exuding a strong breath, trying to find out.

I saw mid-air, a golden light cut through the sky, galloping towards the depths of Bloodyang Valley!

Many monks in Blood Yanggu can't even see what this golden light is!

"Stop it for me!"

One shouted loudly.

Huh! Huh! boom! boom!

Every magic weapon is as dense as rain.

The magical power of magic, pouring down, completely sealed Su Zimo's way!

"court death!"

Jin Guang's meal revealed Su Zimo's figure.

"It's him!"

"Su Zimo!"

Many monks recognized Su Zimo and exclaimed.

I saw Su Zimo's side, surrounded by three hot flames, the heat wave was pressing, Qun Xiu dare not approach.

He waved his hands, and the three flames quickly gathered together!

Until this time, the Blood Yanggu Qunxiu remembered many legends about the battle under Longyuan City 50 years ago!


Su Zimo beat out the fire of the Samadhi Road, at the same time, Yuan Shenzhang sent out a firelight and fell into the fire of the Samadhi Road.

The fire is flourishing!

The fire of Simui came, spread quickly, and there was a tendency to sweep the whole Bloodyang Valley!

In the Valley of Blood Yang, a sun really fell!

Many monks dodged well, fell into a sea of ​​fire, couldn't escape at all, and in a flash, they were burnt to death!

Countless monks struggled, fled, and screamed in the sea of ​​fire.

These monks are too busy taking care of themselves, who can take care of Su Zimo in the air.

Su Zimo's eyes are like a torch, as if he can fall through a heavy void into a magnificent palace deep in the Blood Yanggu!

As soon as he entered the Valley of Blood Yang, he could feel that in this palace, there was a very arrogant breath!

Lord of the Blood Sun Valley!

Su Zimo moved, crossed the sea of ​​fire, and the crowd came to the palace without a pause, banging, slamming the palace door, driving straight in!

At the high position in the middle of the hall, there was a figure sitting, expressionless, staring at Su Zimo who broke in.

(End of this chapter)

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