Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1868: 疯 Secret method

Chapter 1868

"Su Zimo!"

The Lord of the Blood Yanggu stared at the figure at the gate of the palace with a stern look.

Although the two had never seen each other, he guessed the first time. The monk with dark hair and blue shirt in front of him was Su Zimo, who had gained fame on the stars of Longyuan in recent years!

The eyes of the two collided in mid-air, tit-for-tat!

A terrible breath permeated the body of the Blood Yang Gu Gu, slowly asking, "Can my son Xuan Yang be alive?"

"I've been killed!"

Su Zimo said coldly, "Don't worry, I'll send your father and son down for a reunion!"


The Lord of Blood Yang Gu laughed and said, "Okay, okay, okay! For many years, no one dared to talk to me like this!"

"I didn't expect that today I was threatened by a junior who has not risen for more than a century!"

Blood Yang Gugu slowly got up, and said in a cold voice: "Su Zimo, with your talents and qualifications, if you are willing to dodge yourself and practice to the eighth-order Xuanxian, this Longyuan star is afraid of nothing. People can suppress you. "

"However, you are still too young, too aggressive! Just practice to the sixth level of Xuanyuan Realm, and you dare to kill me in the Blood Yanggu to challenge me!"

"Today, I want you to pay for my son!"

As soon as the voice fell, the palm of the Lord of the Blood Yanggu Valley patted on the storage bag and drew out a huge halberd!

The vitality was injected, and the halberd was shocked, flashing five lines!

This halberd is actually a perfect magic weapon!

Su Zimo looked fearless, striding toward the Blood Yanggu with striding stars, his eyebrows flickering, and a bronze square tripod appeared, suspended above his head.


The Lord of Blood Yanggu took a leap, holding the halberd in both hands, and descended from the sky, chopped down towards Su Zimo, and swallowed thousands of miles!


Su Zimo also shouted at the same time.

But in his killing words, there are powerful sound secrets, such as thunder and blast, echoing in the palace, deafening!

The Lord of Blood Yanggu was shocked.

However, the blood and blood in his body surged, and the impact of Lei Yinsha was suppressed in an instant!

"Break me!"

The Lord of Blood Yang Gu looked at the broken and broken bronze Fang Ding suspended above Su Zimo's head, his eyes were stunned, and his strength rose again!

In his opinion, this Ding Ding has been shattered into this, as long as he hit it with all his strength, he will be able to crack this Ding to pieces!


The halberd fell on top of the bronze square tripod, and Mars was splashing!

The bronze square tripod does not move.

The owner of Xueyang Gugu felt a tremendous force of anti-shock. The whole arm was shaken a little.

Su Zimo was conscious.

Bronze Fang Ding straddles the void, without stopping, slamming towards the Lord of Blood Yanggu!


Another loud noise!

The halberd in the hands of the Lord of the Blood Yanggu Valley hurled across the bronze Fang Ding, but the whole person had been forced to land from mid-air.


Su Zimo stepped forward, turned into a blue shadow, the blood and blood surged in his body, and the sound of the tide came out!

Today he will kill the Lord of the Blood Yanggu Valley, and he does not care if the blood of Qinglian's true body is exposed.

Su Zimo quickly approached the owner of Xueyang Gugu, turned his hands, and shot down towards the latter's heavenly cover!

This palm is like a huge grinding disc, bursting out a powerful crushing and obliterating power!

Big ass!

The Lord of the Blood Yanggu Valley raised the halberd in his hand and resisted again!


The palm of Su Zimo fell on this halberd, and the entire halberd was shaking slightly!

Blood Yang Gugu's heart trembles!

He had heard of Su Zimo's fighting power long ago, his physical strength was strong, and his magical powers were numerous.

But until today, he realized that Su Zimo's melee power was so terrible!

With flesh and blood, he almost knocked down the halberd in his hand!

Between the two, although there is a gap between two small realms.

But under the blood-thinning Qinglian true body, this gap has been wiped out!

Not only that, it was almost the moment when the two played against each other.

Su Zimo, while controlling the bronze Fang Ding consciously, continued to suppress the Lord of Blood Yanggu, while fighting close-up!

With a halberd of blood yanggu, Xueyanggu couldn't resist it, and it was defeated!


Su Zimo saw the opportunity and punched the host of Blood Yang Gugu with a punch, and instantly shattered the goggles on his chest!


After this goggle broke, a powerful halo burst out, shaking Su Zimo away.

The Lord of Blood Yanggu quickly retreated, taking the opportunity to take a breath and look dignified.

The two played against each other with dozens of breaths, but under such a powerful offensive by Su Zimo, he was already sweating and his body was sore!

Although he resisted these rounds, he consumed him too much!

On the other hand, Su Zimo, after a fight, still has a long breath, his face is rosy, and he cannot see the slightest fatigue.

The Lord of Blood Yanggu realized that if he continued to kill in this way, he would be killed by Su Zimo!

Just now, he had this goggle and saved his life.

Next time, there will be no treasures that can resist Su Zimo's offensive.

In the eyes of the Lord of Blood Yanggu, there was a rush of madness and a look of embarrassment. It seemed that a very important decision had been made.

"Crazy Secrets!"

The Lord of the Blood Yanggu Valley runs the Yuanshen and urges the secret method, and the whole person seems to be transformed into a huge vortex, devouring the vitality of heaven and earth!

His breath, strength in his body, climbed quickly in a short time!

The cultivation of the Lord of the Blood Yanggu Valley was originally at the peak of the Eighth Level of Xuanyuan Realm.

Nowadays, his strength keeps rising, and there is no sign of stopping. In a short time, he has broken through the Nine Levels of Xuanyuan Realm!


Su Zimo frowned slightly.

In the realm of cultivation, there are indeed some magical techniques for forcibly increasing strength.

But such a secret method that can break through a realm is extremely rare.


The owner of the Blood Yanggu Valley is full of strong heaven and earth vitality, feeling the powerful power in his body, and laughed to the sky: "Su Zimo, this is the secret technique obtained by my coincidence, this is my hole card! You are ready to receive Die! "

Su Zimo squinted his eyes slightly, felt it, and suddenly sneered: "The disadvantages of this secret method are too obvious!"

At the same time as the power in Blood Yang Gugu's body climbs, his birthday is also rapidly dying!

He was originally a middle-aged man with dark hair.

But now, in these short breaths, he is already gray-haired and wrinkled!

Looking at this posture, the Shou Yuan of the Lord of the Blood Yanggu Valley may have been less than ten thousand years!

Xuanxian Shouyuan 100,000 years, less than 10,000 years Shouyuan, it means that it has begun to enter twilight.

It is also the sacrifice of a large number of Shou Yuan that the Lord of Blood Yanggu can forcibly upgrade a realm and obtain a short period of powerful power!

Even if he can beheaded Su Zimo today, his lost Shou Yuan will never be recovered.

(End of this chapter)

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