Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1900: Fairy Broken

Chapter 1900 Broken Fairy Array

Wind and snow outside.

The evil wolf army and the goshawk helped the 100,000 troops in turn to strike the fairy array.

This fairy array was still indestructible at first, but under the constant impact of the 100,000 army, the energy of the Yuanling Stone in the eyes of the major arrays of the fairy array also decreased sharply.

The glory emitted by the Xianzhen is obviously much bleaker than the original.

Every time the army strikes, it will make the fairy array shake.

Seven days of cultivation, the wound on Yue Hao's abdomen has been bandaged to stop bleeding.

Although he was still unable to fight, he at least restored his ability to move.

Yue Hao and Xia Qingying looked at the army outside Fengxueling with a dignified look.

The most clear in their hearts is that once the Yuanling Stone in this array of eyes is exhausted and the fairy array is broken, it is when the Fengxueling falls!

In Fengxue Ling, there are no extra Yuanling Stones.

Even if they did, they didn't know how to replace them.

This fairy array will not last long!

Xia Qingying clenched Yue Hao's big hand.

The two looked at each other, and they didn't have to say much to communicate.

Even if they die, they will die together!

"Brother, almost all the major forces came, but none of them dared to stand up and fight against the evil wolf army and goshawk."

Shen Fei sighed.

In the past seven days, the major forces on the Dragon Scorpion, such as the Scorpio Gang and Zhen Lei Tang, have successively arrived at Fengxueling.

What's more, all the leaders who come here are the leaders!

Scorpio Gangzhu, Zhenleitangtang, Tianshamen, Xuanyinshanshan, Tianhuodian, Xuanguangmen, all came in person.

But neither Scorpio helped the master, or Zhenleitangtang, or the leaders of other forces, did not bring many people.

More than a few thousand, and less only a few hundred people.

This has shown their attitude.

These helpers and church owners did not plan to help Fengxueling at all. They came here just to see the excitement.

Some people may still have the idea of ​​robbery in the fire and falling down!

Yue Hao shook his head slightly and said, "They are not afraid, but they don't want to. With the strength of the major forces, if they work together, how can the evil wolf army and the goshawk gang resist?

"But between them, each has a misgiving, and they are worried that fighting against the two major rogues will weaken their own strength, so no one wants to stand up."

Click! Click!

The barrier around Fengxueling suddenly heard a sound of infiltration, and cracks appeared on it, spreading and expanding rapidly!

Fairy is about to break!

"Ready to fight!"

Yue Hao ordered his teeth.


At this moment, the distant ground was billowing with dust and a violent vibration came.

There is a large army galloping towards this place!


Feng Yan, Cang Ya, and the leaders of the major forces all looked at each other, and everyone in Fengxueling looked hard through the crowd.

"It's Ssangyong!"

An exclamation came from the crowd.

"Looking at this posture, there are almost 40,000 troops!"

Shen Fei was shocked and couldn't help but say, "Is Shuanglong teaching here to help us?"

"Look again, it's hard to say."

Gu Wenjun took a deep breath and stayed calm as much as possible.

"Kou Yong, Xu Zhi'an, what are you doing with Shuanglong bringing so many people?"

Scorpio helped the owner raise his eyebrows slightly and asked loudly.

"It's a rare two gangsters to get together, naturally to kill them!"

At the forefront of Ssangyongism, a burly man shouted, murderous.

This person is Kou Yong, one of Ssangyong!

Xuanyin Mountain Master Ding Ye yin and yang said weirdly: "Two people, I advise you to better not swim in this muddy water, lest you get angry."

Behind Kou Yong, a figure chased after him, Xu Zhi'an looked indifferent, and asked, "When did Xuanyin Mountain stand by Liu Kou?"

Ding Ye grunted coldly, his expression gloomy.

Feng Yan suddenly exclaimed: "Today is the grudge of my evil wolf army, Goshawk gang and Fengxueling. I also asked the two brothers to sell a thin noodle, and I will thank you in the future."


Kou Yong laughed loudly, patted his backhand, and the long knife on his back jumped out, making a trembling sound of "铮铮", the air of the knife was permeated!

"You are a bandit leader, and you deserve to be called a brother and a brother!"

Kou Yong shouted loudly, holding a long knife in his hand, leaped up, fell from the sky, and fell down towards the army of evil wolves.

Everyone froze in their hearts.

No one had expected that Kou Yong, one of the Ssangyong, was so strong, he chose to fight with the two big Kou directly!

"Kill me!"

Xu Zhi'an also waved his arm and pointed forward.

The 40,000 Ssangyong Sects swarmed up and slaughtered with the 100,000 Squadrons of the two gangsters!

The moment the two armies collided, an endless blood mist burst out.


At the same time, the fairy array on the outskirts of Fengxueling could not support it and was completely broken.

All the people in Fengxueling were exposed to the sight of the two big bandits.

"I have heard of the Ssangyong means for a long time, and I rarely meet today, so just ask for advice!"

It was here that Xingyin Shanding Ye suddenly stood up and teamed up with You Hufa to kill Kou Yong and Xu Zhi'an.

"Unexpectedly, Xuanyin Mountain also shot."

Zhen Lei Tang Tang frowned slightly.

The Scorpion gang sneered: "Xuanyin Mountain and Ssangyong Sect are very close. If Shuanglong Sect can be killed here, Xuanyin Mountain can use the power of two major bandits to swallow Ssangyong Sect and strengthen its strength!"

"Looking at this trend, not only is Fengxueling today, Ssangyong may also be wiped out!"

Xuanguang Gate main road.

There was Ding Ye and Xuanyin Mountain's right protection method entangled Ssangyong, Feng Yan, the second head of the evil wolf army, Cang Ya, and Cang Ying helped the deputy to get away and killed the past in the direction of Fengxueling.

This is four eighth-order Xuanxian!

In Fengxueling, except Yue Hao and the Silver Giant, they are the seventh level of Xuanyuan Realm, not even the second seventh-order Xuanxian.

Both Yue Hao and the Silver Giant were hit hard, making it almost impossible to participate in the war.

Four eighth-order Xuanxian broke into the battlefield, and in an instant, they stormed the army of Fengxueling into a mass, causing heavy casualties!

No one can stop the killing of the four Fengyan!

Cangya led hundreds of goshawk troops, constantly firing in the air, causing great damage to Fengxueling and Ssangyong.

Although Ssangyong is also an eighth-order Xuanxian, their royal sky leaps up to nine feet.

The goshawk is flying in the air at dozens of feet!

It is very difficult to catch and tame a goshawk.

Although this army of Goshawk is not large in number, only hundreds of people, but with this hand, it has already been invincible!

In Xuanyuan Realm, no one can hurt them!


Feng Yan looked at Yue Hao and others, and laughed recklessly: "You guys are long overdue to die! Don't say Ssangyongism today, even if the gods come, they won't save you!"

"Fengxue Ling, get rid of today!"


The voice did not fall, and a distant sky sounded from the sky in the distance.

"Okay, okay, okay!"

Someone spoke.

The first word "good" is still on the horizon.

By the third word "good", this voice has appeared on the battlefield!

This speed is terrifying!

"I am here today, who can make Fengxueling be removed!"

A cyan figure stood in the air, fanning behind a pair of huge gold-blinking wings, black hair dancing, eyes like electricity, majestic, and a loud scream, as the thunder rolled down, the majesty was astonishing!

(End of this chapter)

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