Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1901: Strong suppression!

Chapter 1901 Strong Suppression!

The shadow came and instantly attracted countless eyes.

"It's Su Zimo!"

"Brother Su!"

"Hahahaha, Boss Su is not dead!"

Inside and outside of Fengxueling, boiling instantly!

Yue Hao and others were all excited.

"This person is Su Zimo?"

"I heard that this son has the ability to kill and leapfrog. This son returns, and today's battle, I am afraid that many variables will be added."

"I don't think so. No matter how strong this child is, can he withstand four eighth-order Xuanxian such as Feng Yan?"

The leaders of the major forces all met Su Zimo for the first time and talked about it.

"Su Zimo, you came just right!"

Xuanyin Shanding's eyes were bleak and murderous, saying, "Today, let you pay for my child!"

"Su Zimo, you killed two of my evil wolf army leaders and slaughtered my tens of thousands of brothers. Today I will make you **** and bloody!" Feng Yan also yelled.

"eye for eye!"

Many monks in the army of the wolf have red-eyed, screamed loudly, and had great momentum.


Su Zimo suddenly opened his mouth and burst into a loud roar at the crowd below, like a thunder on the ground, and suddenly exploded!

This is the more terrible blue dragon roar than the roar of the dragon and the phoenix, which contains the power of killing the voice of supreme will and horror!

Many monks in the vicinity of Su Zimo and monks of the Goshawk were all shaken!

Some fourth-order Xuanxian and fifth-order Xuanxian's bodies were shattered by this roaring sound and turned into a mist of blood!

Bloodstains appeared on the faces of some sixth-order Xuanxian, their eyes were dull, their faces were dim, and they fell to the ground, already falling.

Even many seventh-order Xuanxian can't resist it, Qiqiao bleeds, his expression is stern, and his combat power is completely lost!

Under this roar, there were nearly ten thousand monks who fell on the spot!

Dozens of goshawks even roared down in the air and died on the spot!

The morale just raised by the 100,000 troops was roared by Su Zimo, and suppressed strongly, and the blast of smoke disappeared!

On the battlefield, there was even a brief silence.

Qun Xiu changed color!

"What is the mystery of the sound field, which has such terrifying power?" Zhen Lei Tang Tang said with a look of shock and a voice.

Zhen Lei Tang also knows a secret method of sound range, but it is far worse than this roar of Qinglong.

With this roar, his mind was trembling slightly, even with the urge to worship!

"It doesn't make sense."

Scorpio frowned and murmured, "It is said that this Su Zimo is only a sixth-order Xuanxian, a mystery of sound range. How could it have such powerful lethality?"

"He, he doesn't seem to be a sixth-order Xuanxian ..."

At this moment, the master of Xuanguang Gate seemed to perceive something, and his voice trembled.

On the battlefield.

Many Xuanxian far away from Su Zimo, although escaped, but also looked painful.

Even the eighth-order Xuanxian, such as Feng Yan, was shocked, and his head was tingling, and a sense of dizziness appeared!

"very scary!"

Feng Yan and others secretly startled.

If it was a frontal fight, Su Zimo suddenly yelled, they were a little lost, and they would be killed on the spot!

"Just because of you, these black people, also want to kill me?"

Su Zimo stared at Feng Yan, his eyes were like a torch, and he chuckled, "Give me your life!"

The words did not fall, the golden wings behind Su Zimo vibrated, the speed soared, turned into a golden light, and killed the wind toward Feng Yan.

"Stop him!"

Feng Yan was taken by Su Zimo's momentum, and he was frightened and shouted quickly.


"Blow the wind!"

"Soul Eater!"

Feng Yan and the evil wolf army were in charge. Cangya and Cangying helped the deputy to help the four eighth-order Xuanxian shoot at the same time. Little magical powers broke out and came down.

At the same time, a few cold rays broke through.

The four eighth-order Xuanxian released magical powers while sacrificing magical powers, without any reservation.


In Su Zimo's knowledge of the sea, the fortune lotus lotus bloomed with a glow.

Immediately after the advent of the power of immobilization, he was dissipated without any impact on him.

The stronger the monk ’s primordial spirit, the greater the impact of body fixation on the opponent.

And Su Zimo's Yuan Shen Xiu has reached the ninth-order Xuanxian.

Eighth-order Xuanxian's fixation is completely useless to him!

And Su Zimo released the golden-winged Dapeng, super fast speed, fast speed, and even passed through the block of the remaining small magic power and magic weapon!


Many small magical powers and magic weapons all fell through, hitting each other, and a loud noise came.

The evil wolf army II standing in the forefront looked horrified, and watched a golden light galloping, trying to dodge.

But the speed of this golden light is faster than his thoughts!


As soon as he was about to escape, the golden light pierced him!

The blood spring spewed out!


The evil wolf army screamed violently.

The next moment, the call stopped abruptly.

The golden light is Su Zimo's physical body, which contains the power of terror, penetrates the body of the head of the evil wolf army II. This power is enough to destroy it!


The physical body of the evil wolf army II exploded on the spot, and the gods were destroyed!

This person died, and behind him was the big head of the wind!

Seeing that the situation was not good, Feng Yan had already escaped from the ground one step earlier and fled towards the army behind him.

He knew little magical stealth.

If you can mix into the army and release stealth, you can definitely avoid Su Zimo's perception and escape the calamity!

Su Zimo seemed to perceive Feng Yan's intention, his body flickered, and he disappeared directly from the place.

When he appeared again, he was behind Feng Yan!

True Dragon Nine Flashes!

"It's this secret method again!"

Some people who had seen Su Zimo's shot in Longyuan City exclaimed.

At that time, in the next battle of Longyuan City, Su Zimo's many powerful means had already been launched on Longyuan Star.

But the leaders of the major forces present were unwilling to believe it.

How could Xuanxian release a method similar to teleportation?

It wasn't until they saw it with their own eyes that the leaders of the major forces realized the horror of this body method!

Feng Yan felt the murderous power behind him and was shocked.

He has also heard that Su Zimo possesses a teleportation-like body.

Realizing that it was not good, he took the initiative and immediately urged Yuanshen to release the little magical power. He gently walked towards a sixth-order Xuanxian not far away and yelled:


The power of magic is pervasive.

Feng Yan suddenly disappeared in place, replaced by the sixth-order Xuanxian not far away!

In full view, the two exchanged positions.

This little magical power has no killing power.

But at this critical moment, Feng Yan released the transposition, but escaped from the dead. It was perfect, and it was dangerous to avoid it.

Feng Yan can become the master of the evil wolf army. For many years, he naturally has his excellence.

It is this alertness and response that has already surpassed many peers of the same rank.

Even many monks who watched the battle saw this scene, and they felt an astonishment in their hearts!

Unfortunately, he met Su Zimo.

Just as Feng Yan used the shape shift to leave the place, Su Zimo looked cold and his body flickered a bit!

He has practiced to the second weight of True Dragon Nine Flash, which can flash twice in a row!

(End of this chapter)

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