Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1971: Qixia Ginseng

Chapter 1971: Qixia Immortal Ginseng

Everyone panicked, ran all out, and kept running for more than a hundred miles before they stopped.

The mantra behind him has disappeared. The fat and thin old men counted the number and found that there were a dozen people missing!

I don't know if it was separated from the crowd or swallowed by the cursed mist.

It was less than half a day after they entered the tomb of the emperor. Today, there are only more than 30 people left, and the losses are heavy!

The encounter for a long time made everyone fear, even cruel people like Li Tian and Jian Yu became silent.

No matter how strong they are, they just dominate the king in Xuanyuan Realm.

There are too many things that can kill them in this emperor's grave!

"What was that spell of mist?"

Some monks had a lingering fear and could not help asking.

The skinny old man with a somber face said, "It was the curse of the emperor's grave that came together for various reasons and evolved the essence."

"If swallowed by the cursed mist, the power of the curse will infiltrate the flesh, the viscera, the bone marrow, and even if you can leave here alive, you will surely die!"

Nowadays, the talents have just entered the emperor's grave. Although they are cursed, this power has not really penetrated the monks.

It is because of this that we have the opportunity to resolve.

"Let's go!"

Everyone had rested for half an hour, and the fat old man rose to his feet and took the remaining thirty people to move on.

In fact, Su Zimo had a chance to leave in the process of exile.

But the way to leave the emperor's grave, in the fat and thin two elderly people, he need not act alone.

What's more, the environment of the emperor's tomb is complicated and dangerous. He does not know much about the emperor's tomb. If he follows the crowd, he will have more opportunities to escape.

"what is that!"

Not far away, there was a monk's eye pointed at a distant area and shouted.

There was some light shining in that area, like a huge mirror.

On this mirror, there are faint flashes of faint and strange brilliance, which are fleeting.

Su Zimo's eyesight is strong, and he can see clearly long ago that there is a huge lake, and the water is rippling, refracting some light, attracting everyone's attention.

As for the splendor of the lake, he couldn't see clearly because it was too far away.

"Go and see!"

The thin old man Shen Sheng said, taking everyone in that direction.

"It's a lake!"

A monk identified it.

"A lot of people over there!"

Before they even approached the lake, everyone found that there were many monks standing around the lake, forming their own team, spreading the distance, and dividing into different camps.

Su Zimo glanced broadly.

There are about seven or eight camps around the lake, and the state of cultivation is similar to them. They are all eighth-order and nine-order Xuanxian.

But these monks did not have any identifiable marks on them, and they did not know where they came from.

Before entering the emperor's grave, Motosuke-gun said.

In addition to them, there must be other forces in this emperor's tomb.

"Huh, it's all small sectarian forces, not to be afraid!"

The thin old man probably judged for a moment, his expression was slightly slower, and Shen said, "Let's go!"

"Senior, these sectarian forces do not have any marks. How do you judge it?" A monk asked.

The skinny old man proudly said, "Whenever a real big gate or great force enters the emperor's grave, it will certainly not hide the trace, but will reveal a unique sign to shock others."

While talking, the thin old man pointed at a black gold token at the waist.

On this token, a big 'Jin' word is written!

"Look over there, Dajin Xianguo is here!"

"I heard that this time the emperor's tomb appeared in the Shenxiao Immortal Realm. It was not only the Great Jin Immortal Kingdom, but the other two Great Immortals also sent in.

"More than that, it is said that some of the four great immortals also entered the emperor's grave and made plans."

Some monks around the lake recognized the origins of Su Zimo, and whispered.

Some monks seemed unwilling to provoke them, and evaded the past.

The three great immortal kingdoms sealed their territories on the continent of Shenxiao, each with its own king, with absolute dominance.

Except for the Four Great Sects, no sectarian power can compete with it.

All over the world, there is no land for kings!

Within the territory of Immortal Kingdom, all ancestral families, all monks and creatures must obey the immortal kingdom's rule, and must not violate it!

The monks around the lake, recognizing the identity of the two old men who were fat and thin, naturally did not want to conflict with them.

Li Tian's people only experienced a lot of vicious dangers before, and they were embarrassed. Now they have found a little self-confidence.

Su Zimo and others came near the lake and looked intently.

I saw an isolated island in the middle of the lake. On this island, there were sometimes brilliant lights, beautiful.

Moreover, in the direction of the remote island, there was a faint medicine fragrance.

"Don't ..."

The fat old man stared at the light on the isolated island, suddenly widened his eyes, exclaimed: "It is Qixia Xianshen!"

The thin old man nodded again and again, saying: "It must be Qixia ginseng, and it can't be wrong!"

"Unexpectedly, in this emperor's grave, Qixia ginseng grew out, and it has completely matured, and it flashes seven kinds of Xiaguang!"

Fat and thin, the two old men looked excited, and even had some disorders.

Su Zimo couldn't help but asked Tang Ziyi's voice: "What is Qixia ginseng?"

"This is one of the most famous elixirs in the upper world. It is said that it is completely mature and emits seven kinds of glow, life and death, and flesh and bones. No matter how many injuries you have, you can be cured!

"If the mature Qixia ginseng is outside, it is the true immortal and the immortal king. I am afraid they will fight."

After a pause, Tang Ziyi said, "In addition, Qixia ginseng can also increase the monk's life."

In Su Zimo's eyes, there was a trace of solitude.

No wonder the two old men are so excited.

The two people were close to Shou Yuan before choosing to enter the emperor's grave. If they could get this Qixia ginseng, they would naturally get rid of the threat of Shou Yuan's exhaustion!

Su Zimo also found a trace of weirdness.

Tang Ziyi, who was always calm, even described Qixia Ginseng with a tremor in his voice.

If it is true as said by Tang Ziyi, such an elixir is truly supreme.

Su Zimo itself is the true body of Qinglian. This elixir is also very useful to him!

But he can stay calm.

In the emperor's grave, such an elixir was grown, and the surrounding monks did not have any changes. It can be seen that this elixir is not easy to handle!

Su Zimo's eyes fell on the lake.

The lake was constantly clear, with a hint of green, and with Su Zimo's eyesight, it was not clear what was under the lake.

But if it is dangerous, it is most likely in this lake!

Just as he was meditating, the fat and thin old men had calmed down and returned to normal.

The thin old man looked around and suddenly asked, "Who will get this ginseng?"

(End of this chapter)

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