Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1972: misfortune

Chapter 1972: Change

No one responded to the monks who were fat and thin.

No one is a fool. In the face of such treasures, the other Zongmen forces have not changed much. Who knows what kind of danger will be encountered when taking Qixia Xianshen.

The fat old man said with a smile: "His Royal Highness said that in the emperor's grave, except for that thing, the rest of the treasures, whoever you can get, then who owns it, this is your chance."

The skinny old man also said, "Please rest assured, if you can win Qixia ginseng, other sectarian forces will definitely not dare to meddle!"

A monk tried to come to the edge of the lake and stared at the lake.

The level of the lake is quiet and deep. You can't see the situation inside, and even the gods can't detect it.

Some monks tried to throw a few stones and hit a series of water drifts on the lake, making ripples.

The huge lake is still untouched.

Seeing this scene, other monks around the lake also offered a variety of means, and tried on the edge of the lake without any response.

Finally, a monk couldn't bear it, jumped up, stepped on the lake and headed for the remote island!

This person is very clever, stepping on the lake with his toes, and drawing a shallow mark on the lake, the speed is amazingly fast.

In an instant, the man was only halfway away from the island.

During the whole process, no danger occurred.

Su Zimo was always staring at the deep lake. His spiritual sense could clearly perceive that the danger was getting closer!

Other monks saw this scene and finally could not bear it.

It would be a huge loss for them if they would take away Qixia Immortelle and swallow it.

Suddenly, at least dozens of figures around the lake set off, each unfolding, and galloping towards the remote island.

Although Xuanxian can walk in the air, it consumes too much energy.

Therefore, among these dozens of monks, most of them chose to gallop on the surface of the lake, using the power of the lake to hold their bodies.

In this way, everyone has time and strength to react even if something goes wrong.

Su Zimo felt that the lake was a bit dangerous and stepped back subconsciously.

On the other side, his expression moved, noticing that Tang Ziyi was heading towards the edge of the lake, and his eyes stared at the remote island, seeming to move.

"What does she do?"

Su Zimo was curious.

At this moment, a sudden scream came from the direction of the lake, and it stopped abruptly!

Su Zimo looked around and did not see what happened.

"what happened?"

Su Zimo frowned.

The monk next to him stared at him, as if unbelievable, and slowly said, "The monk who was just in front of me suddenly sinks into the bottom of the lake and disappears!"

When Su Zimo saw this man's desire to stop talking, he asked, "What do you want to say?"

The monk hesitated and said, "It's like something in the lake dragged the man down ..."


Just then, another scream came from the lake.

Su Zimo kept staring at the lake, this time he saw it really.

Under the lake, a dark shadow suddenly popped out, opened his mouth, swallowed a monk's legs into the mouth, and dragged it into the lake!

In this large mouth with black cracks, the teeth are full of jagged teeth, which are extremely sharp.

The monk had just sunk into the lake, and a gush of blood spewed out of the lake!

Sudden changes caused dozens of monks who were still galloping on the lake to shake their hearts, one by one!

These monks reacted fairly keenly. They stopped their body shape and exercised their tactics in the first place, rising to the sky, and wanting to stay away from the lake.

But haven't waited for these monks to get away completely, and the shadows broke through the lake, jumped out, and devoured towards the monks in mid-air!

This time, the monks around the lake could see clearly.

These dark shadows are a kind of strange-looking fish. They are black and full of eyes. They have huge fish tails and slap on the lake. Their tremendous power can make their bodies jump into the air!

Suddenly, at least hundreds of 'eyeless fishes' broke through the lake and hunted down the monks in the air.

The teeth of these eyeless fishes are extremely sharp. Once opened, the upper and lower jaws will protrude forward and become horrifying!

Once bitten by such an eyeless fish, it is impossible to escape.

Just in the blink of an eye, a dozen eyeless fishes could devour and bite a monk so that only one cypress skeleton was left!

Dozens of monks were too close to the lake.

Eyeless fish leaped from the lake, and many monks had no time to dodge. Without flying far, they were swallowed by many eyeless fish and buried in the lake!

"I seem to have seen this fish in an ancient book."

The fat man next to him looked dreadful and murmured, "It is said that among the five senses of this fish, there is only one sense of smell, which can smell all kinds of life."

"Once there are other creatures entering their territory, they will attack them until they are torn and devoured!"


At this moment, there was another figure above the lake, galloping towards the remote island in the center of the lake.

Above the lake, screams and mourning continued, and there was blood, and no one dared to cross the thunder pond any more.

Li Tian, ​​Jian Yu, and others were pale and thankfully.

Fortunately, they did not act lightly, otherwise, by their means, it would be difficult to escape the pursuit of many eyeless fish.

The appearance of this figure is extremely conspicuous!

"Someone is afraid of death and dares to go up."

"After all, Chongbao is right in front. If such a big opportunity can kill him once, it is very likely that it will leap into a dragon and fly into the sky!"

"Hum! If you can't keep your life, what dragon is it?"

Some monks sneered.

"It's Tang Ziyi!"

Su Zimo frowned slightly.

He just noticed that Tang Ziyi moved intentionally, and when he saw Qixia Xianshen, there was a slight fluctuation in his mood, which was abnormal.

He didn't expect that Tang Ziyi ignored the danger and forcibly wanted to cross the lake and go to the remote island!

Of course, Tang Ziyi, as an assassin, now has a great opportunity to take control.

At this time, the attention of hundreds of eyeless fish was on the bodies of dozens of monks in midair.

Tang Ziyi, regardless of his energy consumption, walked in the air, his height almost reached the height of nine feet, over the heads of everyone, and headed for the island.

When Tang Ziyi was driving halfway, the lake crackled!

At least thousands of black shadows broke through the water and chased down the siege towards Tang Ziyi in the air!


Seeing this scene, many monks felt a burst of scalp!

Thousands of eyeless fish broke through the water, and the height of the emptiness reached 9 feet or even higher!

Tang Ziyi was suddenly in danger!


Tang Ziyi suddenly opened his mouth, and made a sound of whale.

(End of this chapter)

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