Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1973: Storm Thunder Wings

Chapter 1973: Storm Thunder Wings

Tang Ziyi had a good plan and wanted to use the outbreak of the fairy whale sound to fight for a little vitality and rush out of the siege.

But among the five senses of the eyeless fish, there is only sense of smell and no sense of hearing at all.

Although the explosion of the fairy whale sound is strong, it has no effect on the eyeless fish!

Tang Ziyi's look remained unchanged, and suddenly a thunderbolt arc burst out from her body, quickly gathering behind her, condensing a pair of thunderbolt wings!


Between the lightning flash and thunder, Tang Ziyi's figure once again emptied and soared into the sky, and the speed was extremely fast. Before thousands of eyeless fishes encircled, he broke out of the siege and galloped towards the remote island!

For Xuanxian, even if flying in the air, the altitude that can be climbed is limited, but the highest is nine feet.

With the help of this pair of thunder and lightning wings, Tang Ziyi even reached a height of more than ten feet, and his body speed has doubled!

Su Zimo was inherited by Lei Huang, and he recognized it at a glance. This is the secret method in "Too Xie Lei Jue".

To be able to cultivate the wind and thunder wings, this is tantamount to getting the true biography of Too Virtual Thunder.

Su Zimo had speculated before that Tang Ziyi might have something to do with Lei Huang, and now he has confirmed this speculation.

On the other side, the fat and thin two old men saw this scene, squinting slightly, their expressions gradually getting cold.

The two looked at each other without speaking.

The sky above the lake, after Tang Ziyi released the wind and thunder wings, the waves reappear!


The lake suddenly cracked, and a huge black shadow broke through the water, like a tens of feet of python, carrying heavy water mist, and pumped towards Tang Ziyi!

The speed of this shadow was too fast, almost instantly.

Tang Ziyi showed off her thunder and wings, and the speed was also extremely amazing. When she realized that she wanted to dodge, it was too late.

Tang Ziyi only felt that a large black shadow was covering her eyes, she could only raise her arms, move her blood, and stand in front of her.

Compared with this shadow, Tang Ziyi's figure looks extremely petite.


A muffled sound!

Tang Ziyi was shocked, thunder and lightning burst, and blood swelled, but he couldn't withstand the power of this dark shadow. The whole person was pumped and dropped from the air.


Tang Ziyi spit out blood.

This time the hard shock caused a huge shock and shock to her viscera.

The wind and thunder wings behind her were also shattered and broken by the shadow, almost collapsing!

"What is this?"

"It looks like a red ink squid. I didn't expect this ferocious beast to be pregnant in this lake!"


At the same time, the lake boiled, with huge stout tentacles breaking through the lake and chasing Tang Ziyi in the air.

Above the tentacles, there are circular suction cups the size of a washbasin, constantly squirming, terrifying!

Suddenly, there are at least hundreds of tentacles dancing in the air, and the sound is terrifying!

The monks around the lake were scared and panicked one by one, for fear of being caught in the lake by these tentacles.

Tang Ziyi fell in shape, and immediately thousands of eyeless fishes jumped up, trying to bite and eat the flesh and blood of her body.

Relying on the broken wind and thunder wings, she could barely support it.

Today, she can't resist the siege of hundreds of horrible tentacles of the Chimo squid!

Hundreds of tentacles squirmed, almost forming an airtight space, trapping Tang Ziyi in it!

Even if the body is about to die, the animal's mouth is buried, Tang Ziyi's look remains unchanged.

But she sighed softly.

"Well, waiting for the treasure, after all, I can't get it."

"There was a moment of greed, and it was no wonder that someone was buried here."

Before she died, countless thoughts flashed through her mind.

"Let's go, this island is guarded by this red ink squid, we can't rush at all."

"Let's go."

Many monks shook their heads. Although they were reluctant to leave their eyes, they had no choice but to leave.

"Who is that?"

At this moment, there was a monk's eyes, glimpsed a figure flashed, and rushed towards the island of the lake!

"It's really terrible, dare to rush over!"

"Oh, somebody hurried to death."

Everyone looked at the figure and sneered.

The fat and thin old man quickly recognized this figure as Su Zimo!

When Su Zimo's figure reached the edge of the lake, a pair of vitality wings suddenly appeared behind him.

Then, on this pair of wings, a pair of wider gold wings grew again, shining brightly!


Two pairs of wings fluttered, Su Zimo's figure turned into a golden light, the speed reached the limit, and even exceeded the reaction of most monks present!

"What secret method is this, it seems to be faster than just the girl's physical method!"

An exclamation came from the crowd.

This golden light passed through one of the tiny gaps and came to Tang Ziyi's side almost before hundreds of tentacles were closed.

"It's you?"

Tang Ziyi thought he was going to die, but did not expect that Su Zimo broke in.

"What are you doing!"

Tang Ziyi stared at Su Zimo.

"Certainly picking Qixia ginseng."

After a short pause, Su Zimo smiled and said, "By the way ... to save you out."

"Are you crazy?"

Tang Ziyi looked at Su Zimo's eyes, as if looking at a lunatic, and said, "Did you not see the situation just now? The power of this Chimo squid is irresistible even by the immortals, and you are not going away! "

The two were in a small space surrounded by hundreds of tentacles, almost closed, with only a few tiny gaps and dim light.

Just then, the surroundings suddenly fell into darkness.

The space formed by the hundreds of tentacles has no gap at all!

"I don't want to leave now I want to leave."

In the darkness, Tang Ziyi bowed his head slightly and sighed.

Just then, she suddenly felt a tightness around her waist, and a strong arm wrapped around her.

She was stiff.

If it were normal, she would have shot and killed.

But at this moment, she was desperate in her heart, thinking that the two were about to be buried here, and these more rude acts would go with him.


Just then, Su Zimo's voice sounded in her ear.


Tang Ziyi only felt that there was a moment of nagging in front of him. It seemed that the space was chaotic, the years changed and the light reappeared.

She calmed her mind and looked at it, unable to help but be present on the spot.

The two had even escaped the siege of Chimo squid and came to the top of the lake!

"It's that secret method!"

Tang Ziyi's eyes lighted up and he soon reacted.

At first, in the ten solitary prisons, she shot and killed Su Zimo, but she was seized by this opportunity because of this unpredictable ghost, which is almost a secret method of instantaneous movement!

Su Zimo swayed Tang Ziyi, and Dapeng's wings fluttered behind him, and the golden light flashed. For thousands of miles, he flung the red ink squid directly behind him.

When the red ink squid under the lake reacted, Su Zimo and Tang Ziyi had already come to the top of the island.

(End of this chapter)

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