Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1974: dark

Chapter 1974: Darkness

"That man has passed!"

"What happened, how did he rush out?"

"I don't see clearly, it seems to be teleporting past. What is this person about?"

When the crowd around the lake saw this scene, a burst of sounds were set off instantly.

The two old men who were fat and thin also frowned slightly.

With their eyesight, they couldn't see clearly how Su Zimo just broke through the block of Chimo squid and landed on the isolated island.

"This is a trick."

The thin old man secretly spoke to the fat old man.

"If this son can really pick that Qixia Xianshen, hehe ..." The fat old man didn't continue to say anything, but just laughed, his eyes were hot, his expression was excited.

Over the island.

Su Zimo controlled Dapeng's wings, landed slowly, spread his senses, and explored the situation on the island.

Tang Ziyi seemed to be aware of it. As soon as his body made an effort, he quickly distanced himself from Su Zimer, bowed his head slightly, and said nothing.

"I owe you another favor."

After a while, Tang Ziyi said.

Originally, she had returned Su Zimo's favor, but it didn't take long for her to owe another.

Tang Ziyi was a little confused.

She is stubborn and extremely strong, and does not want to owe others.

She originally thought that if she could pay off the kindness of this person as soon as possible, she would have nothing to do with this person.

Somehow, when she met the person in front of her, she was always tangled, but she got deeper and deeper.

"It's all right."

Su Zimo replied casually: "My goal is also Qixia ginseng. I just saved you by hand, don't worry about it."

Tang Ziyi shook his fist slightly.

The more Su Zimo said, the more she couldn't let go.

"This island is weird, be careful."

Su Zimo's voice came again, letting Tang Ziyi be at a loss, temporarily letting down many thoughts and calm down.

The location of Qixia Ginseng is probably in the center of the island.

Out of caution, Su Zimo descended on the edge of the island.

But when he landed on the isolated island, the eyeless fish and the red ink squid behind him did not hunt down.

Chimo squid was quite angry. Hundreds of stout tentacles slapped in the lake, setting off huge waves and rough waves, but the monster was afraid to approach the remote island half a step!

However, Su Zimo spread his consciousness and inspected the remote island, but found no other life on the island.


Su Zimo murmured, carefully moving towards Qixia Xianshen.

Tang Ziyi followed.

On the isolated island, there are many shrubs and bushes, each of which is more than one person tall. The two soon disappeared into the sight of many monks.

This isolated island is not large, but Su Zimo, out of prudence, walked to the place where Qixia ginseng was located, but it took an hour.

During the whole process, the two did not encounter any danger!

Su Zimo stopped outside Qixia Xianshen and Ten Feet, then stopped and did not continue to approach.

Through the bushes in front, you can see a baby arm-sized ginseng, which is shining with seven rays of light, the aura is pressing, and it exudes a strong medicinal fragrance!

"It doesn't seem to be dangerous?"

Tang Ziyi whispered softly.

"A bit wrong."

Su Zimo looked dignified.

Although he didn't find any danger nearby or even alert him, he always felt that something was wrong.

Su Zimo repeatedly searched around several times, but still found nothing.

"What kind of environment can give birth to treasures like Qixia ginseng?"

Su Zimo asked suddenly.

Tang Ziyi said: "This is the legendary elixir, and I don't know. But to conceive such a treasure, the energy needed is unimaginable."

"There is nothing strange about this isolated island, and I don't see any famous name. I don't know how to produce such an elixir."

Su Zimo groaned for a while, without thinking of a reason.

Tang Ziyi said, "If I do n’t take it, I will return it to you if I can take it off."

Su Zimo glanced slightly, his heart moved.

Although Tang Ziyi didn't say it clearly, her idea was nothing more than to return him as a human being.

"Let me go."

Su Zimo smiled slightly. He had some treasures on his face, and he had a lot of cards. Even if he encountered any danger, he had a chance to escape.

Su Zimo took a deep breath and walked away toward the bushes in front of him, toward Qixia Xianshen.


Seven feet.

Gojo ...

Su Zimo is getting closer and closer to Qixia Ginseng, and his spirit is becoming more and more tense, but there is no change around him, and it is quiet and scary!

In an instant, Su Zimo was only three feet away from Qixia ginseng.

There is still no danger.

Su Zimo didn't dare to care, kept alert, and continued to approach slowly.

One foot!

Just two more steps, Qixia Ginseng is within reach!

Su Zimo's mood also became a little excited, and he moved forward again.

At this moment, the metamorphosis was sudden!

The surrounding space seemed to tremble a bit!

Then, around Qixia Xianshen, an extremely pure and cold power permeated.

In Su Zimo's sight, the void in front of him was like a blank piece of paper, with a little black ink falling on it.

Subsequently, this ink fainted and spread over.

Su Zimo's eyes widened.

Darkness spread, devouring everything around.

The shrubs around Qixia ginseng were passing by the darkness, disappeared completely, and became part of the darkness!

Many of the eyeless fish in the lake, including the red cuttlefish, felt what they felt. They all penetrated into the depths of the lake and disappeared.

Even the lake seems to be unable to withstand some kind of pressure.

Just before the waves are surging, in an instant, they calm down!


Someone pointed at the lake and exclaimed.

I saw the entire lake as if it had been sprinkled with thick ink, and it became completely dark, exuding a cold and eerie atmosphere!

On the island.

Su Zimo's feet seemed to be stuck in a quagmire, unable to move.

Seeing the surging darkness ahead, the spiritual consciousness continued to warn, Su Zimo directly sacrificed the supernatural power, condensing Dapeng's wings.

But even so, he still couldn't escape.

His body seemed to fall into a bottomless dark abyss. No matter how he struggled, he could not escape!

He was so conscious that he wanted to sacrifice the prison.

But his consciousness seemed to be devoured by darkness, and he lost contact with the prison prison!

Many mysteries such as True Dragon Nine Flash cannot be released.

Su Zimo could only watch, the darkness surging forward, but there was nothing he could do.

"Su Zimo!"

Tang Ziyi's exclamation came from behind him.

"do not come!"

Su Zimo roared.

In this case, everyone has to fall into it!

Darkness struck, and first passed Su Zimomai's right leg.

Su Zimo lowered her head, her pupils contracted, and her eyes were filled with incredible colors.

His right foot was brushed by the darkness and disappeared first.

No pain.

No blood.

But Su Zimo knew clearly that his right foot was gone!

Because, he couldn't feel his right foot at all!

Flesh and bones are gone, completely devoured by darkness, and become part of this group of darkness!

Immediately after that is the calf.

The darkness swallowed fast. The next moment, Su Zimo's entire right leg disappeared!

(End of this chapter)

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