Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1981: Heaven and earth

Chapter 1981: Lost In The World

"Give the ginseng out!"

"Why is this waiting for your treasure?"

Some monks yelled out loud without revealing their purpose.

Numerous monks flocked and were aggressive.

Even if you can't use any magic weapon, many magical skills come down at the same time, it is shocking and terrifying!


A sharp howling suddenly sounded in the crowd, extremely harsh, pierced through the stone, as if to tear the eardrums of many monks!

This is the fairy whale sound!

Tang Ziyi did not leave.

The monks around Tang Ziyi only felt trembling, tingling in their ears, and gushing blood arrows.

Even the monks who were a little further away were also shocked. The magical secrets that had just been condensed had become less stable and slightly shaken.

According to legend, the body of the immortal whale is filled with the blood of the taboo Kun Peng, and its body is huge. Once the whale sound erupts, it will have extremely terrible lethality!

Tang Ziyi stood up in the air and screamed.

Above her head, a huge immortal whale seemed to emerge, swimming in the water waves, slap the water, set off heavy waves, and continuously made whale sounds!

Immortal whale sounds, as if condensed into substance, centered on Tang Ziyi, shaking the void, spreading continuously around.


At this moment, another strange roar suddenly sounded not far away, with a mighty momentum, as if all things were ringing, shaking the earth!

Yun Ting looked slightly.

I saw in the distance, a man in black in the kingdom of Yanyang leaped up, black hair fluttered, and shouted in the direction of Tang Ziyi!

This person is Fang Xuan.

Under Fang Xuan's feet, tens of thousands of giant elephants appeared faintly, shaking his long nose, the giant teeth stabbed to the sky, and the sky was rising!

If you say, the whale belongs to the overlord in the sea.

That idol is a land god!

Immortal whale sounds, Vientiane Qiming, the two big range mysteries, fiercely collided together in the air, no one would give in!

The two large-range occult techniques are difficult to distinguish.

However, because of Fang Xuan's shot, the spirit of many monks who originally besieged Su Zimo was greatly relieved from the pain of the fairy whale sound.

"Fun, fun."

Yun Ting was originally watching from a distance and had no plans to take a shot.

But at this time, the collision of the two large-range mysteries made the blood in his body become agitated and difficult to calm down.

"Unexpectedly, in Xuanyuan Realm, we can still meet some good opponents."

Yun Ting laughed, pinched his sword, and slashed down in the direction of the battlefield ahead. He drank three times: "Break!

Yun Ting's voice is much weaker than the sound of fairy whale and Qixiang Qiming, and there is not much momentum.

However, his three sounds were broken, but in the air, three long swords condensed, showing his sharp edge and being aggressive.

Gathering swords with sound!

This kind of kendo talent is really appalling and beyond imagination!

Even Fang Xuan looked dignified and put down the contempt in his eyes.

Originally, he really didn't look at Yun Ting.

But only then did he realize that this was an extremely powerful opponent!

This three-handed sword came to the sky without fear of the confrontation of the fairy whale sound and Vientiane Qiming, falling from the sky!

Stab it!

It seemed as if a piece of cloth was torn by a sharp weapon.

Immortal whale sound and Vientiane Qiming's two sound ranges were actually split by Yun Ting's three tone swords in the middle and cut in half.

In Su Zimo's eyes, fierce light surged.

Originally, he had no intention of using Dragon's Mystery.

This is one of his hole cards.

Less than necessary, will not be easily used.

But at this time, the three major vocal mysteries came at the same time, colliding and agitating in his ear, making the Qinglian blood in his body boil as much as possible.

If it stays hard, I am afraid that Qinglian's blood will be exposed.

What's more, deep in Su Zimo's heart, there is also a hint of pride, and he wants to compete with the world and be proud of it!

"Give me all ... Get out!"

Su Zimo slowly spoke, and when it came to the last word, the method of Dragon's Mystery broke out!

Suddenly, the world shook!

Beside Su Zimo, there appeared a divine dragon with twinkling blue scales, heads and horns, awesome majesty, hovering up, and chanting!

This dragon is lifelike. At the time of the howling, the dragon must dance, the scales on it exploded slightly, and the entire dragon body swelled a large circle!

This dragon groan is too terrifying, it seems to contain a supreme will!

The fairy whale in the air suddenly jumped, disappeared into the sea and disappeared.

Under the control of Su Zimo's will, Long Yin Mystery has the least influence on Tang Ziyi.

The giant elephants under Fang Xuan's feet were all shattered and scattered between the heavens and the earth under the tremor of the dragon's sound.

Fang Xuan's figure was slightly shaken, but quickly stabilized.

The three-handed tone sword persisted for a long time, but it also shattered and became invisible.

You know, in this dragon occult mystery, many secret methods are integrated, including thunder kill, voice of dragon and phoenix, and roar of blue dragon.

Each of these vocal range mysteries is enough to sweep the same level.

It is natural to imagine what terrible power can be achieved by combining these secret techniques.

Long Yin Mystery broke out, the world lost its voice, and everything was silent!

"Long Yin?"

Yun Ting's figure remained motionless, squinting slightly, and murmuring.

But soon, Yun Ting shook his head again and said, "No, in this mystery of the sound field, it seems that other methods are also integrated, alas ... the power of lightning."

Whether Fang Xuan or Yun Ting, their position is relatively far away, coupled with the strong blood and flesh of the two, Su Zimo's Dragon Mystery has little effect on the two.

But on the battlefield, many monks who fired at Su Zimo suffered.

They first received the baptism of the fairy whale sound, and then, they also suffered the impact of Vientiane Qiming.

Subsequently, Yun Ting's three-handed tone sword.

These three major sound-field mysteries came down, and most of the monks on the battlefield were already somewhat unsustainable.

Long Yin's secret technique is even more horrible.

At the moment of the outbreak, some monks closest to Su Zimo exploded directly and died instantly.

The physical blood of these monks was not badly injured by the three major vocal mysteries. If they retreat in time, they may be cured.

The Dragon's Mystery is like a violent storm, destroying them directly.

Some monks farther away also fell from the air.

Some people slumped directly on the ground, their faces were covered with bloodstains, horrified, and almost destroyed by the power of Dragon's Mystery.

The mysterious mysteries of mid-air have not yet come down, they have been broken by all the mysteries of the four sound ranges!

Those who can enter the emperor's grave are carefully selected and the top powerhouses in Xuanyuan Realm.

However, many monks realized that the gap between the two sides was different even if it was also the ninth-order Xuanxian.

Fang Xuan's eyes were full of warfare, striding toward the meteor Su Zimo.

There are four monks, three men and one woman, divided into four directions, and also surrounded by Su Zimo.

There are not many monks who still have combat power after the four major vocal mysteries, which shows that these three men and one woman are powerful.

"Be careful, these are the four immortals."

Tang Ziyi's voice sounded in Su Zimo's mind.

Because of the website review, some chapters have been blocked before, so the chapters will be confusing. If this happens, if you recollect it, it should be normal.

(End of this chapter)

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