Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1982: Whistleblower, die!

Chapter 1982: The Informant, Die!

Su Zimo didn't know much about the Four Great Celestial Sects. It was only the first time he heard about the battle of Long Yuan Xing.

Among the heavens, Zongmen is roughly divided into three levels, Xuan level, Earth level and Heaven level.

Normally, people in the Nether Ascension do not even have the opportunity to enter the Xuan-class sect.

The four great immortals are the heavenly ancestors on the Shenxiao continent, and their power can be imagined.

One of the three men had a bald head and big fat ears, like a big monk.

The other was dark-skinned, tall, short-haired, like a walking tower cast out of muddy iron.

The third is a middle-aged man, wearing a crown, fluttering large sleeves, dark and calm.

Another woman, wearing a blue dress and scarlet lips, even faintly purple, looked stunned.

These four can withstand the impact of the four major range mysteries, and they have proven their strength!

Although Su Zimo was confident that he could push a powerful enemy of the same rank horizontally, he did not dare to carelessly.

On the other side, a wolf-like figure, running towards Yun Ting, was exactly the sword feather that escaped from the dead.

Tang Ziyi, Fang Xuan, and Yun Ting's range mystery are already the limits he can bear.

Su Zimo's mystery of Dragon's Yin broke out, his blood flowed backwards, his internal organs shook, and he almost died on the spot.

"Your Highness save me!"

Although Jian Yu didn't know Yun Ting, he recognized the waist card on Yun Ting's body. It was a member of the imperial blood of Zixian Xianguo who was qualified to wear it.

Before Jian Yu ran to Yun Ting, she called out for help.

Yun Ting looked indifferent, glanced at Jian Yu, and said, "He didn't bother you at all. If you don't provoke him, you won't be in trouble."

"His Highness is kind, I don't know if this man is cruel and unkind, and he dare to kill even the upper **** next to King Gensuke-gun, and there is nothing he can do."

Jian Yu looked unwilling, and hated: "When I return to the immortal kingdom of Dajin, I will tell the original obituary of King Yuan Zuo!"

Yun Ting sneered, and suddenly shot without warning!

Not to mention that Jian Yu was seriously injured, even if he was at the peak, he couldn't stop Yun Ting's move!

"Your Highness, you ..."

Jian Yu was pinched at the back of Yun neck by Yun Ting, and the whole person was hanging in the air, like a captured chicken, panicked and unable to struggle.

Yun Ting said faintly: "I, the one I don't like the whistleblower in my life!"

"You don't deserve a sword!"

As soon as the voice fell, Yun Ting put her fingers together and cut it down!


A **** skull was chopped down by Yun Ting's two fingers.

His sword finger is sharper than a real long sword!

On the other side, the four great immortals have also started a war with Su Zimo!

The bald monk arrived first, and laughed, "Door, I'll take you to heaven!"

The bald monk raised his arms, as if crossing a thick layer of gold foil, flashing light, and fell down towards Su Zimo.

These two arms are like two thick and stiff sticks. They are heavy and fierce!

Immediately afterwards, the Tower Man also came forward, standing upright, half taller than Su Zimo.


The tower man sang loudly, as a thunder exploded in his ears.

I saw him stretch out his arm, clenched into a fist, and conquered Tianzi Gai towards Su Zimo.

The clenched fist of the tower man looks like a black hammer, with sharp edges and full of metallic luster!

Both the bald monk and the man in the iron tower are strong bodybuilders, their physical strength is amazing!

On the other side, the middle-aged Taoist wields a wide robe sleeve and sips softly: "OK!"

Little magic, fixation!

Body fixation is one of the most common little magical powers. When you realize the ultimate, you can transform and evolve into peerless magical powers. The space is still.

Although the body fixation technique is common, each person has different levels of purity and concentration, different realms, different strengths, and the effects of the show are very different.

Su Zimo's Yuan Shen has already reached the Di Yuan Realm, surpassing a great realm of the same level monk, so other people have no influence on his release of fixation!

Even if the middle-aged Taoist came from one of the four great immortals.

But this middle-aged Taoist has a backhand. At the same time when the fixation technique is released, his two wide robe sleeves are immediately approaching, wrapping Su Zimo and winding tightly for several circles!

The fixation is only the first move, and the latter is the killing move!

Although the last woman in the blue dress had the slowest shot, the old man who grew her nails on her ten fingers turned out to be a purple-green color with a foul smell.

Very toxic!

The woman in the blue skirt poked out her sharp nails, like ten poisonous swords, and grabbed Su Zimo's body.

The four great Emperors of the Sect were almost in no order, and terrorist attacks broke out!

Although the four of them were living together for the first time, they cooperated perfectly for the first time.

This is a tacit understanding among top experts.

Seeing this scene, Yun Ting nodded slightly and whispered: "Although these four people are only slave servants of the four great immortals, the means shown are indeed not weak."

"I am the only one who can resolve such an offensive."

On the battlefield.

When Tang Ziyi observed this scene, he felt a stun in his heart.

With her eyesight, it is natural to see that the four great Emperors of Zongzong are terrible to join forces.

At least she is in Su Zimo's position, it is difficult to get out.

Tang Ziyi's body moved, and she converged to move towards the middle-aged Taoist priest.

As long as one of them can be killed and three remain, it will be much easier.

"Hey, where are you going?"

Just then, there was a sneer beside.

Immediately afterwards, Tang Ziyi felt a rush of wind coming from her ears, and even her ears were aching.

What's more terrible is that this man's shot sealed all the forward routes of Tang Ziyi!


Tang Ziyi did not dare to carelessly, and quickly stopped his figure to avoid the other's killing moves, and looked at it with concentration.

A man in black blocked her way, which was Fang Xuan of the Yanyang Fairyland.

Tang Ziyi frowned slightly.

The two fought head-to-head, and in a short period of time, it was difficult to separate the winner.

And it was such a delay that Su Zimo on the other side of the battlefield had fallen into a stormy offensive of the four strong!

Su Zimo's eyes were like a torch, he took a big breath, his chest bulged high, and the whole person seemed to be a python, and he would have to spit the sun and the moon!

This is the mystery of the Great Demon King's Secret.


The sleeves of Su Zimo's body were instantly cracked, turned into countless rags, and dropped.

The middle-aged Taoist looked stunned. He didn't know how many Tianjiao had been hanged in his hand. I did not expect that it was so easily cracked today.


Su Zimo's chest was full of vitality, suddenly erupting, exhaling!

Su Zimo's left hand releases the Big Palm, as if evolving a huge grinding disc, crushing it towards the bald monk's arms.

At the same time, his right hand was swiped across his chest, his fists were swollen, his flesh was swollen, and he squeezed out a big seal, smashing it against the iron fist of the tower man!


With a loud noise, the bald monk's face changed greatly, and he pulled away abruptly, and the gold foil on his arms had been shattered by Dasha Yuanzhang!


Two fists collided, flesh and blood collided, bones rubbed.

The towering man's dark face quickly showed a flush.


The tower man yelled, looking a little bit painful, kicking back and forth in three steps.

Update early today, everyone goes to bed earlier

(End of this chapter)

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