Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1983: Jade Rune Clue

Chapter 1983: Jade Symbol Clue

The tower man stepped back from these three steps, each step leaving a deep footprint on the ground!

In a blink of an eye, the four strongest Emperors of the Sect were already behind.

At the same time, the blue skirt woman's killing tricks also came down.

Su Zimo didn't look back at all, as if with long eyes behind him, his fingers close together, pinched into a sword, and he waved his hand towards the back!


Condensed swordsmanship, this time wielding a sword, at least hundreds of swords spit out at the same time, gathered into a long sword.

The woman in the blue skirt felt the horror of this sword, her expression changed greatly, and she quickly stopped her figure and stepped back.

She was still thinking about closing it, but she was still half a step slower.


A sound of Jin Ge's clashes sounded, and I saw the blue skirt woman's ten nails, which was cut off by the sword of the sky!

Clips of nails scattered on the ground, glowing with purple and cyan poisonous light.

Facing the siege of the four great Emperors of the Sect, Su Zimo counterattacked and forced all four of them back!

On the other side, Tang Ziyi, who had already fought with Fang Xuan, temporarily relieved himself.


Su Zimo laughed loudly and said to the four of them, "Yes, it is possible to retreat from my hands, and you have some skills."


The middle-aged Taoist slumped and sang loudly.

The other three bald monks were silent and looked a little ugly.

Su Zimo's words did indeed sound extremely harsh and blindfolded.

But the three knew clearly that Su Zimo's words were not false at all.

The moment the bald monk collided with Dazhuanyuan, he noticed that he was wrong and stepped back in time to avoid injury.

If he withdraws slowly, his two arms may be obscured by the flesh and blood rubbed by the big dude!

The reason why the Tower Man could withstand Su Zimo's punch was also to use a secret method to transfer the power of the opponent's attack into the earth through the flesh.

Therefore, his three steps will leave such deep footprints on the ground.

Women in blue dresses are even more dangerous.

She is good at poisoning and physical blood, far worse than the bald monk and the tower man, far worse than Su Zimo.

If she just dodged a bit slower, her two arms would be chopped down by the Heavenly Sword!

The four were from the Four Great Sects, although they had the lowest status among the Sects.

But the monks who can enter Xianzong are the most humble and lowly groceries, and they should far exceed the same level!

Unexpectedly, in this emperor's grave, the four met such a cruel person.

On the other side, Yun Ting's look became a little complicated.

Just now, he just said that he could resolve the siege of four people.

Unexpectedly, Su Zimo not only resolved, but also counterattacked, almost wounding the four great Emperors of the Sect!

On the other side, Tang Ziyi and Fang Xuan kept fighting, and it was difficult to distinguish between victory and defeat.

Although Tang Ziyi cultivates the way of assassination, her physical blood is good and her foundation is very strong. Even if she confronts any Tianjiao evil, she will not fall into the wind at all.

Fang Xuan was more and more shocked.

After four or nine days of calamity, he soared, and the lower bound was invincible. Even when he reached the upper bound, he had never encountered any opponent.

Originally, in his eyes, only Yun Ting, Su Zimo, and the Four Great Emperors could threaten him.

He didn't look at Tang Ziyi at all.

Unexpectedly, the woman who looked ordinary in front of her was so tricky and terrible.

The shots are tricky and changeable, and they are all killing tricks!

On several occasions, he almost hit him hard!

"Where did this come from!"

Fang Xuan cursed inwardly.

Just then, the distant sky suddenly burst into a turquoise brilliance, soared to the sky, but soon disappeared.

Many monks were shocked and thoughtful.

Su Zimo also saw this green light.

"Is it a jade charm?"

Everyone did not have any clues about Yufu, and the green light that suddenly appeared now immediately caused everyone's association to guess.

Just a little quiet, and soon the monk set off, galloping in the direction of Yufu.

"Your Highness, shall we?"

A monk whispered in Zixuan fairyland.

"Let's go over there first, I'm bound to have Yufu and Tiansha Jianjue!"

Yun Ting groaned a little, his eyes cleared, and said, "Find the jade charm first, this Su Zimo cannot be lost."

After a pause, Yun Ting smiled and said, "In my judgment, no one but me can stop him."

"His Royal Highness seems to appreciate him?"

Behind him heard Yun Ting's implication.

Yun Ting nodded slightly, and said, "This person is very talented, and he also cultivates the sword of genius, which is also some fate with me."

"However, he is a person who ascended from the lower world. It is very difficult for him to have a prosperous day in the immortal kingdom of Jin Dynasty. Follow me, it is possible to become famous!"

The monk laughed: "In the Upper Realm, like His Royal Highness, there is almost no respect for the monk in the Lower Realm. If this person can win His Royal Highness, it is also his chance.

Yun Ting shook her head and smiled, "This is not necessarily. Those who have such talents, such combat power, are all evil, proud, and difficult to attract."

"I have to defeat him and convince him to take it to his Majesty."

After speaking, Yun Ting took another look at Su Zimo, and took the many monks in the fairyland of Xuan Xuan toward the green light.

"Fang Xuan, don't worry about that woman, go find the jade charm first, you can't let people take the lead!"

The voice of the elderly Ge surged in Fang Xuan's mind.


On the battlefield, Fang Xuan and Tang Ziyi slammed together, flung back, flung thunder from his fists, and sneered: "I won't play with you, you and I will fight again!"

"Next time you will die."

Tang Ziyi said lightly.


Fang Xuan laughed loudly: "Want to kill me? You are far away!"

As soon as the words fell, Fang Xuan turned and galloped, returned to the old man surnamed Ge, and left the place with the people of the Yanyang fairyland.

Originally, the four great immortals who were confronting Su Zimo also resigned.

The task entrusted to them by Zongmen was to find jade charms, not Qixia Xianshen.

If they continue to wrestle with Su Zimo here because of small losses, they will be punished even if they can win Qixia Xianshen.

At this point, the strong men of the four great immortals looked at each other, and at the same time retreated, leaving with the other monks in the sect.

Tang Ziyi came to Su Zimo to stand.

More than a hundred people from the immortal kingdom of the Jin Dynasty entered the emperor's grave, and now only two of them are left.

"It seems that everyone's goals are the same, all for that jade charm."

Su Zimo murmured softly.

Tang Ziyi nodded, which is the default.

Su Zimo frowned deeply: "I don't know exactly what the origin and secret of this jade charm was, and it surprised so many Zongmen forces."

"In the eyes of these sectarian forces, it is even more important than Qixia ginseng."

Tang Ziyi said: "Such a secret is estimated to be possible only by someone who is distinguished like Yun Ting."

"Let's go and see!"

Su Zimo said in a deep voice.

Even if there was no plan from King Motosuke, he wanted to see what the jade charm looked like and what secret it was hiding!

Tang Ziyi did not speak, but just followed Su Zimo silently.

Get up early and get up early ...

(End of this chapter)

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