Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1985: Bronze lamp

Chapter 1985: Bronze Lamp

Su Zimo stopped and frowned slightly.

In this side hall, there are some panacea. How can Zhending Ding have such a reaction?

Zhending Ding has only devoured the refined Lingbao, and has never been interested in any elixir.

What's more, the elixir here is affected by the curse and has long lost its potency and has no value.

But this change in the knowledge of the sea is extremely obvious and can never be an illusion.

To be precise, it is even bigger than Zhenbao Ding's encounter with Lingbao!

Su Zimo searched carefully under this remnant.

At the foot is a dusty ruin, buried with a pile of waste and useless things, various elixir mixed in the soil, it is almost difficult to distinguish.

Su Zimo leaned down and looked carefully.

This area is not large, but there are a lot of debris, including broken stone tables, dilapidated desks, abandoned bronze lamps, and many broken crock pot porcelain ...

Su Zimo looked for a long time, but did not find anything here worthy of the attention of the prison.

He groaned a little, his eyes turned, and he fell back on the bronze lamp.

This bronze lamp has a simple shape and is very common. There is no subtlety. It is buried in the mud for more than half. It should be in this side hall. The lighting originally embedded in the wall is very common.

Furthermore, the exposed part of this bronze lamp can be clearly seen with a layer of green spots on it, which is obviously corroded by the curse of the emperor's grave.

Therefore, when Su Zimo first saw this bronze lamp, he didn't take it to heart and swept away.

At this moment, he came to the bronze lamp and leaned down, trying to pull the bronze lamp out of the dirt.

The moment he touched the finger with the bronze lamp, he shivered and consciously.

Among the bronze lamps, suddenly a strong and weird suction force was issued. Su Zimo only felt that he knew the Yuanshen in the sea, and he wanted to get rid of his physical body and get into this bronze lamp!

Feeling the crisis, the celestial lotus was full of light. Among the 81 lotus holes, a turquoise ray of light burst into an instant, turning it into filaments, and quickly wrapped Su Zimo's primordial spirit and set it on the lotus platform.

But even so, this suction is still very strong!


It was just a moment of stalemate, and the turquoise silk on Su Zimo's Yuan God was all broken!

The good fortune lotus can't resist this power!

Hum ...


In the sea of ​​Su Zimo's knowledge, there was a large Sanskrit sound, and even the Buddha's shadow manifested, and the Buddhist scriptures were recited aloud.

The content of the scripture is the Prajna Nirvana!

Around Su Zimo's Yuanshen, Sanskrit characters emerged, glittering, majestic, and mysterious, forming a circle of Sanskrit barriers.

Strange to say, after the buddha's phantom manifested and the Buddhist scriptures sounded, the weird suction force gradually weakened, and the aggressiveness was not as strong as it was at first.

But the Prajna Nirvana was incomplete, and after the Buddhas chanted for a while, their voices broke, and the surrounding golden Sanskrit characters quickly faded.

The suction power from the bronze lamp has skyrocketed again!

Su Zimo's consciousness has returned to short-term clarity. He quickly withdrew the palm of his hand and took a half step back, his expression was shocked!

What exactly is this bronze lamp, almost devouring his spirit!

He couldn't protect him even if he created the Huantai. If he hadn't practiced half of the Prajna Nirvana, it would have led the Buddhas to manifest and chant the scriptures. At this time, he might have fallen unclearly!

This thing can't be touched, it's really evil.

Su Zimo waved his robe sleeves and wiped away the soil around the bronze lamps, gradually revealing the true features of the bronze lamps.


Su Zimo's gaze fixed, looking at the lower half of the bronze lamp buried in the mud, frowning slightly.

The exposed part of the bronze lamp is covered with green spots, but the buried part is the dark yellow color of the bronze without any green spots.

You know, everything in the emperor's grave was eroded by the curse, and the soil under his feet was not spared.

Theoretically, even if this bronze lamp is buried in the soil, it should be eroded by the curse of the emperor's grave.

But the situation of this bronze lamp is quite strange.

Su Zimo stared at the green spot on the bronze lamp for a while, and gradually discovered the anomaly.

Not surprisingly, the green spots on the bronze should not be caused by the curse of the emperor's grave, but a kind of patina!

In other words, the endless years of this bronze lamp in the emperor's grave have not been eroded by the curse!

In the emperor's grave, it is difficult to resist the erosion of the curse of the emperor's grave. So far, only Su Zimo's town prison tripod will not be affected by the curse of the emperor's grave.

In other words, this bronze lamp is definitely better than the psychic magic weapon!

Most likely, it is Jiu Jie Pure Sun Lingbao, or Dongtian Lingbao!

Thinking of this, Su Zimo rejoiced.

If so, if the bronze lamp is consumed and refined, the fourth wall of Zhending Ding may be repaired!

Su Zimo glanced around and found that there was no one else in the side hall, so he moved Zhending Ding out.

Zhending Ding is in the sea, but he dare not throw this bronze lamp into the sea.

He didn't even dare to use his consciousness to move and remove bronze lamps, for fear of the dangerous situation before it.

Su Zimo carefully operated the Prajna Nirvana and cast a light golden Buddha light on the sleeves of his robes.

Then he shook his robe sleeves, quickly rolled up the bronze lamp on the ground, and threw it into the prison.

With a splash, the bronze lamp fell into Ding Nei's hot red molten iron and disappeared.

Su Zimo Changshu breathed a sigh of relief, and was about to put away the prison in Dingzhen. After hearing a bang, the molten iron in the Ding surged, and the bronze lamp floated again!

Immediately afterwards, the town prison tripod continued to shake, and the molten iron was rippling, throwing the bronze lamp out of the tripod and falling to the ground.


Su Zimo froze, stunned.

Zhending Ding spit out this bronze lamp?

The bronze lamp took a turn in the prison, and the baptism was intact, and it seemed to become more mysterious and strange.

The green spots on the bronze lamps have been washed away by the Dingnei iron, and the original bronze color has been restored.

"This thing can't even swallow the prison prison?"

Su Zimo stared at the bronze lamp, his eyes flickered, thoughtfully.

This bronze lamp may be more valuable than he imagined!

After washing off the patina, I saw a faint engraved word in the lamp with the lamp oil stored at the top.

Su Zimo took a closer look and distinguished carefully before whispering: "Soul ..."

The word "soul" is in the lantern, and it was written in Sanskrit, so Su Zimo could not recognize it immediately.

Su Zimo groaned a little, took out a new storage bag, or operated the Prajna Nirvana according to the previous method, and rolled the bronze lamp into the storage bag with a robe sleeve, and stored it separately.

What is the origin and use of this thing, he still does not know.

But the things that Zhending Ding can't swallow are definitely not ordinary things!

At this moment, there was a change in the direction of the main hall.

It's broken!

(End of this chapter)

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