Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1986: Sad Emperor

Chapter 1986: Immortal Emperor's Thoughts

Su Zimo's body moved and galloped in the direction of the main hall.

At the same time, monks from all walks of the palace also noticed the movements here and surged towards the main hall.

The crowd in front of the main hall became more dense, more than 10,000, and they looked excited and rubbed their hands.

When Su Zimo arrived, he was seeing the forefront of the crowd. Yun Ting stood up in the air, his eyes were clear, he was mad at the bull, and he kept waving his hands.

In a short period of time, Yun Ting's fingertips sent out at least hundreds of auras of light, and in no time, he entered the large array in front of the main hall.

The burst of light burst out suddenly and dazzlingly, engulfing Yun Ting in an instant, causing a burst of exclamation.

Many monks thought that Yun Ting was defeated and was backfired.

But soon, everyone found that Yun Ting's figure was still under the reflection of the large array of light, and she was more powerful and revealing!

"Drive me!"

Yun Ting sighed and pointed forward.

The light from the large array was like a tide, divided into two by the middle, and then slammed away.

All light disappeared after a short bloom.

The large array at the entrance of the main hall was all torn.

However, Yun Ting's face was only slightly pale, and his momentum did not decline at all. He took a pill of strong medicine from the storage bag and swallowed it, and his face became rosy soon.

With a bang, the main hall's door collapsed heavily, arousing countless dust.

Seeing this scene, many monks were shocked by their spirits, their eyes were hot, and they were stunned for a moment, and then they set off to break into the main hall and find out.

"Finally, someone is here again ..."

At this moment, a sigh suddenly sounded in the entire palace, as if from a distant past, full of years of vicissitudes and thick.

With this sigh, everyone in the palace seemed to be settled in place, and could not move!

Even Yun Ting in the air, Su Zimo in the crowd was the same.

This power is completely beyond everyone's imagination!

Who is this person?

How long did he stay here and say such a thing?

Staying in the emperor's grave, this person is not dead yet?

"This palace was one of my palaces of the year, and Yufu was in the main hall."

A little silence, the voice sounded again.

The master of this voice, is it ...

That fairy emperor of the year!

Immortal Emperor is not dead?

Many monks thought this place with a shocked look.


Yun Ting looked complacent, Shen Sheng said, "It's just the immortal thoughts left by the immortal in the formation, breaking up a large array, this remnant will be released, not a clever means."

"It is very rare for any of you to break through the formation I left. However, I don't know who can win the jade charm in the main hall."

After a few words of this voice, it has become a little weak.

It seems that through the endless years, the power of this disillusionment has been exhausted.

"Yes, there is one more thing."

The voice of the Emperor once again sounded intermittently: "In this palace ... another treasure is hidden in the palace ... it is better than many jade charms. I don't know which one ..."

Before the words were finished, the voice had disappeared, and the invisible power bound to many monks had disappeared.

"Sure enough, it is the immortal emperor's thoughts."

"What was the last sentence he said just now, I didn't understand."

"It seems that there is another treasure in this palace, which is more precious than jade charm!"

After the immortal thoughts of the Emperor disappeared, the crowd burst instantly, causing a burst of noise and discussion.

At this time, Su Zimo stood still, but his heart was beating a few times.

The treasure in Xiandi's mouth is most likely the bronze lamp engraved with the word Soul!

In all fairness, this bronze lamp is really hard to notice.

It is not in the side hall where the magic weapon of the magic soldier is stored, but in the side hall where the magic potion is stored.

And it's just an ordinary lighting object on the wall, covered with patina. Even if someone finds it, they won't take a closer look.

If there had been a change in the prison before, even if Su Zimo searched in the side hall several times, he would not pay attention to this bronze lamp.

Of course, this is just the speculation of Su Zimo.

The treasure in Xiandi's mouth that surpasses the jade charm may not necessarily be a bronze lamp.

Many monks' first attention was on the unknown treasure in the mouth of Xiandi.

But soon, everyone reacted.

What is the treasure in the mouth of Xiandi, no one knows it, nothingness, but the jade charm is in the main hall in front of you!

The current situation, it still matters to get jade charms!

After a short silence, Yun Ting broke into the main hall first.

Immediately afterwards, many monks swarmed in and crowded each other.

Some monks were even squeezed into the wall around the main hall, which triggered a ban and died on the spot!

Yu Fu has not yet seen it, and the **** atmosphere has permeated.

Su Zimo sacrifice the wings of the cricket, quickly passed over everyone's heads, broke into the hall, and looked across.

The light in the hall was dim and the dust was floating, but it was extremely wide. Tens of thousands of monks came in and didn't feel crowded at all.

In the mid-air in front of the hall, there is a palm-sized jade charm floating with brilliant brilliance, and the surrounding void is rendered by it.

Everyone saw this jade charm the first time, but no one dared to act lightly.

There are tens of thousands of nine-level Xuanxian here, who will dare to go forward at this time!

Even Fang Xuan, who had a mad temper, had converged sharply after waiting briefly with Tang Ziyi and Yun Ting before experiencing it.

Su Zimo glanced around and spread his consciousness, but found no trace of Tang Ziyi.

He knew that Tang Ziyi must be among this crowd.

But there are too many monks here, and Tang Ziyi's hiding methods are extremely clever. Even Su Zimo can hardly find her.

Su Zimo suddenly felt a strong hostility, looked at him slightly.

Over there are the four great immortals, the bald monk, the tower man, the middle-aged priest, and the blue skirt woman.

The four of them failed to suppress them just now. At this time, Su Zimo has been regarded as their biggest opponent!

"Ha ha."

Just then, a chuck came from the front of the crowd.

"Since no one dared to come forward, I'm welcome."

Yun Ting's laughter, with a hint of irony, did not take everyone in this place into the eyes.

Before leaving, he turned his head and looked at Su Zimo deeply, with an unspeakable meaning in his eyes.

Like provocation and appreciation.

Su Zimo frowned slightly.

He doesn't know Yun Tingsu, and he doesn't have any intersection. I don't know how this person suddenly noticed him.

Yun Ting walked in the air, slowly moving towards Yufu.

Although he was proud of himself, he didn't dare to care.

Who knows if there is any other danger in this hall!

Just before Yun Ting took a few steps, in the hall, a strange noise suddenly sounded!

(End of this chapter)

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