Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1987: Spread beans

Chapter 1987

This sound is like a large number of large and small pearls falling on the jade plate, tinkling.

If this sound is elsewhere, it sounds quite crisp and sweet, but in the emperor's tomb, in this desolate and ruined hall, it seems a bit ugly.

The crowd looked around and saw the stone steps in front of the hall rolling down the cobblestone-sized beans, with a cloud of yellow mist surging inside.

At a glance, there were at least tens of thousands of these beans, constantly rolling down the stone steps.

"What the **** is this?"

"These beans seem to be surrounded by ghosts."

Everyone looked alert.

Yun Ting frowned slightly, his eyes flickered, thoughtfully.

As the King of Immortal County, he had the blood of a royal family. Although young, he was well-informed.

"Is it ..."

Yun Ting murmured.


The beans had shattered before they fell before many monks.

Then, from among these beans, the yellow mist was raging, and in the eyes of everyone, they turned into shadowy figures!

Some wore tattered robes, with thin cheeks and thin stature, holding dusters in their hands.

Some broke one arm, took a long knife with one hand, and walked towards it side by side.

Some cheeks are gone, but they are still murderous!

These figures all have one thing in common: the hole in the eyes, a scarlet red, emitting a strange red light, it's terrifying!

"Yin soldier, it's Yin soldier!"

"No wonder this way came up. I never saw the Yin soldier blocking the road. I didn't expect to be trapped in this hall."

"How can these ghost soldiers get out of the beans?"

There was a burst of exclamation from the crowd.

Thousands of invisible soldiers appeared in the hall, blocking the way of the crowd, and they were really shocked.

"Ha ha."

In the air, Yun Ting looked as usual, and seemed to have guessed the scene in front of him, chuckling: "I didn't expect that in this palace, I can still see the magical power of spreading beans into soldiers."

This sentence has even caused an uproar!

Scatter beans into soldiers, this is a peerless superpower!

Many of the monks present were not high-level, mostly from the lower world, and had never seen it before.

At most I only heard some legends. Some of the immortals waved a handful of beans, and in a blink of an eye, they could summon the heavenly soldiers and generals, forming a mighty army, invincible, no disadvantage!

Nowadays, many monks have seen it with their own eyes before realizing that what Shoudouchengbing calls out is not a Tianbing Tianjiang, but a Yinbing Yinjiang!

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Thousands of yin soldiers and generals snarled, staring at scarlet eyes, rushing towards many monks.

Yun Ting was not afraid, chuckling, and said, "Presumably, this is the last test you left."

"These evil things can stop others, but they can't stop me Yun Ting! Yufu, I am bound to get it!"

As soon as the words came down, Yun Ting rushed towards the army of Yin soldiers ahead.

The two sides have not yet touched each other, and I saw Yun Ting put her fingers together and waved forward slightly.


A blazing light came out along Yun Ting's sword fingers, and it was extremely severe, directly tearing the army of Yin soldiers through a huge gap!

The front soldier was cut in half by this sword light, and the fracture was smooth.

This sword is even sharper than the real sword!

Yun Ting's body moved and broke into it alone.

"His Highness be careful."

Many monks in the fairyland of Zixuan shouted and rushed up.

However, there was a steady stream of Yin soldiers, and soon Yun Ting's body was drowned, filling that gap, and separating Yun Ting from other monks.

The monks standing on the periphery could only see the army of Yin soldiers. The sword was violent. Wherever they passed, people turned on their backs, their limbs and arms were flying around.

Fang Xuan, the old man with the surname Ge of the Yanyang fairyland, killed everyone with him behind.

The four great monks also swarmed up.

The other monks also set off and rushed to the army of the Yin soldiers.

Whoever can rush through the obstacles of the Yin soldiers first can seize the opportunity and have the best chance to grab the Yufu!

Although these yin soldiers will be outrageous, they are limited in their realm of cultivation. They are almost all Xuanxian, and there are even many low-level Xuanxian, which pose little threat to everyone.

And these Yin soldiers Yin will have extremely obvious flaws.

There is no supernatural power that can't be used without Yuan Shen.

What they depended on was only their dilapidated corpses.

Su Zimo did not take the first shot, but chose to stand by and watch.

It would be too simple if this peasant soldier was really the last test left by the Emperor to everyone.

Su Zimo twitched his ears, and faintly caught a slight sound in the chaotic shouting of the hall.

That's the sound of beating beans!

Su Zimo frowned slightly, jumped up, came to a high place, and looked up.

I saw the end of the hall, there are still many crystal beans, jumping and rolling down on the stone steps.

Then they broke apart and turned into individual soldiers and soldiers, and even some beans evolved some huge birds and beasts, and a variety of strange creatures!

After some smashing, not only did the number of invaders not decrease, they also increased at a terrifying rate!

The beans at the end of the hall are endless. If they are consumed here, the Yin soldiers and horses derived from them are probably not tens of thousands, but hundreds of thousands, millions!

What's more terrible is that Su Zimo can clearly feel that the evolving army soldiers and generals later are obviously stronger than before, and the body is more complete and terrifying!

He has seen the ghost soldiers who have a realm of the earth, evolved from the beans!

Following this trend, there may even be a sixth-order earth fairy, a ninth-order earth fairy, or even a heavenly fairy soldier!

Even if these yin soldiers will have no gods, they cannot release the magical powers of the gods, but by virtue of the physical power of the gods and the gods, they will be enough to kill all of them.

It is simply impossible to kill all these soldiers.

Not to mention, **** jade charms under the guard of this endless army of infernal soldiers.

There must be a way to crack!

Since the immortal senior left this treasure and waited for the fate, he could not cut off all the way out.

Su Zimo narrowed his eyes and looked intently.

At the end of the hall, jade charms were suspended in mid-air, exuding a splendid brilliance.

Guanghua sprinkled, forming a large blank area in the hall.

The beans rolled down from the stone steps, but they seemed to have spirituality, bypassing the area.

Su Zimo already had a plan.

"You have to rush through the obstacles of the Yin soldiers as soon as possible and reach the area covered by the jade amulets. You must not entangle with these Yin soldiers!"

Su Zimo turned his mind to this point, and looked around, and began to find Tang Ziyi's whereabouts on the battlefield.

Although Tang Ziyi was good at hiding, he was smashed by a dense army of invaders and could not hide his trace. He was constantly fighting on the battlefield and advancing slowly.

"The insidious soldiers are endless. The back is getting stronger and stronger. Don't fall in love. Rush past as soon as possible, and the obstacles in the air will be smaller!"

Su Zimo knows the sound.

(End of this chapter)

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