Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1988: Threat

Chapter 1988 Threat

Tang Ziyi knows "Too Void Lei Jue" and may have some connection with Lei Huang.

Lei Huang was suppressed for hundreds of thousands of years. Tang Ziyi was very young. Of course, he could not be the successor of Lei Huang, but he might be a disciple of Lei Huang.

If nothing else, it is because of this relationship that Su Zimo could not watch Tang Ziyi be trapped by the army of Yin soldiers.

Tang Ziyi is also extremely clever.

She fought with many army soldiers for a while, and felt a little bad. She was hesitating to advance or retreat. Su Zimo's voice came.

Without hesitation, she jumped up into the air, and galloped forward.

As an assassin, she has always been alone, from childhood to age, without any friends.

Her parents died prematurely, and she did not believe anyone except her teacher.

But for some reason, she didn't know Su Zimo for a long time, so she had an indescribable sense of trust.

It's like an intuition, a sixth sense, this person won't hurt her.

Therefore, she did not hesitate after hearing Su Zimo's voice.

The resistance in mid-air was really much smaller.

Moreover, when standing tall, Tang Ziyi also found a horrible sight at the end of the hall.

The dense beans rolled down, turning into a horrifying figure, and it was so terrifying!

If you continue to entangle with these Yin soldiers and horses, let alone kill the past, then, even if you want to withdraw from the hall, I am afraid it will be as hard as possible!

"Rush to the area covered by the light of the jade rune."

Su Zimo's voice sounded again.

When Tang Ziyi looked at it, the area was really strange. Whether it was the original beans or the transfigured Yin soldiers and horses, they seemed to be afraid of it. They did not dare to touch the area and avoided them.


At this moment, Su Zimo came to Tang Ziyi and stretched out his palm.

Tang Ziyi knew Su Zimo's body skills were powerful, and the latter wanted to take her over.

But at this time, looking at the palm of Su Zimo's hand, Tang Ziyi panicked for no reason, bowed his head slightly, and subconsciously avoided Su Zimo's eyes.

Soon, Tang Ziyi calmed down, raised his head expressionlessly, and said, "With my ability, I can also pass by myself. Yun Ting has already discovered the anomaly, don't let them take the lead."

At this time, Yun Ting, who was in the forefront of the Yin Army, also came into the air, and when he looked at it, he discovered the horror of spreading beans.

At the same time, Fang Xuan of the Yanyang Immortal Kingdom, several strong men of the Four Great Immortals, and some Tianjiao from other sectarian forces also came to the sky.

These people are the top powerhouses in Xuanxian. When they encounter this kind of danger, they almost all find anomalies in the first place.

Xuanxian walks in the air and consumes a lot of energy, not to mention fighting in the air.

Therefore, most monks are fighting on the ground with the army of Yin soldiers.

And Yun Ting these days are proud and evil, but there is no scruples, each show their magical power, walk through the air, galloping in the direction of Yufu.

Yun Ting himself seemed to be a sharp sword, the fastest, rushing forward.

The elder Ge surnamed Yanyang Xianguo, Fang Xuan is behind.

After that, they are the strongest of the Four Immortals.

Tang Ziyi reached out and gently pushed Su Zimo a little, urging: "You go quickly, don't worry about me."

She knew that if Su Zimo took her, the speed would slow down and lag behind.

At that time, even if the two can rush past, they may not get anything in the bamboo basket.

Su Zimo groaned slightly, then nodded: "Be careful."

As soon as the words fell, Su Zimo suddenly grew a huge pair of golden wings behind him.

Below the golden wings, there are also a pair of almost transparent, relatively small wings.

Dapeng's wings, and Wing's wings broke out at the same time!


Su Zimo's body turned into a golden light, and he rushed towards the front like a gallop of electricity, with an amazing speed!

At the same time, Yun Ting and others in front of him didn't go all the way and encountered some trouble.

The farther back, the transfigured Yin soldier Yin general, became more horrible and more powerful.

The original army of ghost soldiers had almost no flying capabilities.

But now, there are already some soldiers and soldiers, or some fierce birds are intercepted in the air, murderous.

Yun Ting and others had to stop and fight with these ghost soldiers, and the speed naturally slowed down.

Su Zimo relied on Dapeng's wing's superb magical power, and even if the Yin soldier blocked it, he could quickly pass through.

Many times, these yin soldiers will never react at all, often afterwards.

The bald monk, one of the four great sects, is turning his golden fist to fight a shadow soldier.


There was a rush of sharp wind in his ear.

Immediately afterwards, a golden light flickered in the corner of his eyes, passing by him!


The bald monk was startled.

"It was Su Zimo of the Great Jin Dynasty."

The middle-aged priest recognized it.

At the beginning, Su Zimo was struck by this method to cross the lake, and he was very impressed.

"It was surpassed by him!"

The tower man roared and slammed in front of him, pushing away the Yin soldier blocked in front of him, striding with meteors.

On the other side, the old man surnamed Ge fought with Fang Xuan and followed Yun Ting.

Flying in the air, it was already exhausting, let alone fighting.

The old Ge surname has entered the twilight. Although the realm of Yuan Shen is strong, his attack on the consciousness has no effect on the Yin soldiers and horses.

The battle at this moment had left him exhausted and panting.

Initially, he teamed up with Fang Xuan and was able to closely follow Yun Ting.

But nowadays, the old surnamed Ge has weak blood and reduced combat power. In many cases, Fang Xuan has to take care of him.

Elder Ge surnamed Fang Xuan instead.

Elder Ge surnamed a glance back, the others in Yanyang Xianguo had been completely surrounded by the army of the Yin soldiers.

At this point, even if these people want to quit, they have no chance!

On the battlefield, there were screams of screams that made the scalp numb.

He saw with his own eyes that a monk was torn in half by a Yin soldier!

The old man's face turned pale again.

"Fang Xuan, you can't leave me!"

The elder Ge surname seemed to think of something, and quickly turned around and whispered threateningly: "Only I can take you out of the emperor's grave. If you dare to leave me and seize the jade charm alone, I will immediately pass the message back!"

"At that time, even if you can go back alive, I can let you die without burial!"

Fang Xuan resisted the Yin soldiers, and said, "Shangxian is thinking too much. We also hope that Shangxian can say a few words for me in front of the hall.

"As long as you know."

The old man surnamed Ge snorted.

At this moment, Fang Xuan looked and noticed Su Zimo catching up.

"Shangxian, we have to stop this person, we can't let him over us!"

Fang Xuan sighed and rushed up.

(End of this chapter)

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