Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2000: Sorry i want to win

Chapter 2000 Sorry, I Want To Win

Beheading the blue skirt woman, behind Tang Ziyi, Feng Lei's wings fanned wildly, thunder was fierce, crackling, and flashed towards the side.

She is fast, and the middle-aged Taoist priests are not slow!

Almost at the same time that Tang Ziyi beheaded and killed the woman in the blue skirt, a pair of middle-aged Taoist priests beat up.

The pair of children's robe sleeves seemed elegant and soft, but when they came down, they suddenly tightened, like two thick and hard iron rods, falling from the sky!

Although Tang Ziyi was able to avoid the deadly vitals behind his head, how could he not avoid the killing of the vest.


The robe sleeve was beaten on Feng Lei's wings, shattered it, and then hit heavily on Tang Ziyi's vest, and a muffled sound came.

Tang Ziyi was shocked, his footsteps were sloppy, his mouth was opened slightly, and a blood arrow was spit out. His face became pale instantly.

But even so, her expression was extremely calm and she seemed to feel no pain.

Both sides are the top powerhouses, and the difference in combat power is not large.

She could forcibly kill one person under the siege of four people, so she could not retreat.

Middle-aged Taoist priests used the secret method of "penetrating the heart". The power of this attack is extremely horrible. It is even possible to penetrate Tang Ziyi's vest!

And Tang Ziyi's strain is also very clever. While offering the wind and thunder feathers to accelerate, the pair of children's wings also resisted a lot of power for her and minimized the damage she suffered.


The middle-aged Taoist priest failed to kill Tang Ziyi and was not annoyed. He just sneered: "I was hit by 'penetrating my heart,' and I think you can hold on!

Tang Ziyi walked out, and the bald monk and the tower man were fierce and fierce, and they were siege. They did not give Tang Ziyi any respite!

Tang Ziyi was expressionless, tossing and moving in the siege of the three, and his body became obviously slower.

In just a few breaths, there were several distresses, almost killed by the three on the spot!

Although the four major Tianjiao people lost one person, Tang Ziyi's situation is even more dangerous, and he may even die on the spot at any time!

Su Zimo frowned slightly.

If he did, Tang Ziyi would be saved.

But this way, it is tantamount to giving Yufu a hand to Yun Ting.

Human life is off the sky, no matter how important Yufu is, it is just an object, let it be for Yun Ting.

At this point, Su Zimo had a decision in his heart and was ready to give up the jade charm to help Tang Ziyi.

But just when he thought about it, and his body hadn't moved, he suddenly felt a terrible gas machine and locked him up!

If he moves a little bit, he will surely lead to unimaginable terrorist attacks!

Under this spirit, Su Zimo even has the illusion that he will be cut into nothingness at any time!

"In front of me, do you dare to walk away and want other ideas?"

Yun Ting's voice sounded, and in the calm, there was suppressed anger.

Like the tranquility before the storm, the dullness under the thick dark clouds, suffocating.

Su Zimo looked at Yun Ting and was shocked!

At this time, Yun Ting, slowly floating in shape, rising blood in his body, has obviously urged to the limit.

These qi and blood circled around his body, forming a **** sword qi, densely packed, thousands, constantly intertwined and condensed behind him!


These **** sword qi trembled continuously, making a sound of sword groan, entangled.

Behind Yun Ting, a huge blood-colored sword gradually emerged, soaring into the sky, even the dome of the main hall could not cover its edge!

This **** longsword has not yet condensed into substance, it has already exuded a devastating atmosphere.

It seems that everything in the world and the three realms cannot stop this **** sword from being cut!

Bloodline vision!

This was Yun Ting's blood vision, but he was clearly not fully in control.

This power is too powerful and terrifying!

Yun Ting couldn't control it at all.

Even Su Zimo felt a trembling heart, Qinglian's blood roaring in his body, almost unable to suppress it.

Once Yun Ting's bloodline vision was condensed, he could only shake it with the bloodline vision that created the green lotus.

Su Zimo looked dignified.

This blood vision that Yun Ting condensed was enough to kill him!

Not a heavy hit, but a complete kill, disappeared!

Yun Ting's face was blood red, his body was shaking and shaking slightly, urging blood vein vision, and he was also under tremendous pressure.

So far, no monk of the same level has been able to force him to sacrifice a bleeding vision!

"Su Zimo, I admire you very much, I can't bear to kill you."

Yun Ting stared at Su Zimo, his eyes covered with bloodshots, and slowly said, "But at this point in the war, you and I must have a victory today!"

"I Yunting, don't want to lose, and I will never lose!"

Before that, Yun Ting would surely get the jade charm first, and then entangle with Su Zimo.

But now, he was hit by Su Zimo, if he didn't have the silver armor armor, he would have been defeated.

With his arrogance and pride, such a result is simply unacceptable!

What jade charms, what kills the heavens, has been left behind by him.

He now has only one idea: to go all out and use all his power to defeat Su Zimo!

A steady stream of sword gas condensed, and the Scarlet Longsword became more solid.

Yun Ting danced. Under the reflection of this **** sword, the whole person seemed to be stained with blood!

"I haven't fully controlled the power of this blood vision. Once it is released, I can't control it."

Yun Ting bowed slightly, and whispered, "You are probably going to die."

In Yun Ting's tone, there was a hint of pity and a bit of intolerance.

Rare to meet an opponent like Su Zimo, he really can't bear to kill.

Even if you ca n’t subdue it and make friends with it, it ’s a big deal.

But now he has no choice!

After a pause, Yun Ting seemed to be firm, raised his head, looked at Su Zimo and said firmly, "Sorry, I want to win!"

"leave me alone!"

Just then, Tang Ziyi's voice came.

Although she was trapped in the siege and danger situation, she also noticed the movement on Su Zimo's side.

She knew that if Su Zimo was still thinking about her and was distracted and could not go all out, she would die!


The bald monk suddenly gave a soft drink.


Although Tang Ziyi did his best to dodge, he was still hit by a bald monk on his shoulder.

Click! Click!

The sound of bone fracture sounded extremely embarrassing.

Tang Ziyi's shoulder was smashed by a bald monk, and his entire arm could not move.

"Hey, in the siege of the three of you, how dare you talk to your little love man?"

The bald monk laughed strangely, and his shots became fiercer.

Tang Ziyi was hit hard by middle-aged Taoist priests, and his strength was greatly diminished.

Now being bald by a bald monk, the situation is becoming increasingly critical and life threatening!

Su Zimo glanced at Tang Ziyi and retracted his gaze before looking at Yun Ting, said lightly: "Sorry, you can't win."

(End of this chapter)

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