Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2001: Yuanshen Ningjian

Chapter 2001 Yuan Shen Condensed Sword

For Su Zimo, stimulating blood veins, sacrificing bleeding vein visions, and shaking with Yun Ting is naturally the simplest, violent, and direct solution.

Moreover, he believes that under the blessing of the six-tooth idol supernatural power, the creation of the green lotus vision can definitely defeat Yun Ting's blood sword vision!

But it was just defeated.

Su Zimo had no confidence in killing a county king.

Because, he didn't know at all how many cards and treasures Yun Yun had on his body.

If Yun Ting cannot be killed, the creation of Qinglian will be exposed.

Su Zimo has not been in contact with Yun Ting for a long time. Looking at this person, although he is proud of himself, from beginning to end, he is still quite shameless.

But Su Zimo dare not bet!

No one knows better than him what murderous nature Qinglian will cause once exposed.

The scene of soaring still often appeared in his mind, and it is still a little scared to think of it till now.

A forged green lotus attracts not only the King Yunyou, but also other fairy kings!

With Su Zimo's cultivation today, he can't afford the second such robbery.

Of course, even if he doesn't release blood vision, he has other means!

This means is more intense and more violent!

Su Zimo's eyes were clear, his eyebrows flickered, and an extremely terrifying wave of consciousness burst out.

"Does Primordial attack?"

Yun Ting sensed the anomaly, and immediately guessed Su Zimo's mind.

But he didn't take it into his heart, just shook his head slightly, and said, "It's a good idea to use metamysticism, but you are still too naive."

"I sensed it long ago, your Yuanshen Realm has reached the Dixian. But you may not know that my Yuanshen Realm has already broken through to the Dixian level!"

As soon as the voice came down, Yun Ting no longer hid, and slowly exuded a huge amount of coercion.

Diyuan Realm Double!

Yuan Shen is the hardest to cultivate.

In the upper realm, it is almost impossible for the self-cultivation of the Yuanshen to occur.

Being able to transcend oneself into a small realm is already a peerless demon.

Like Yun Ting, he transcended himself into two small realms, and couldn't find a few in the entire Shenxiao fairyland!

The main reason why Su Zimo was able to do this was that his Yuanshen, the two great gods of Qinglian and Dragon and Phoenix, merged under the blessing of the power of the Prajna Nirvana.

Today, he cultivates himself as a ninth-order Xuanxian, but his Yuanshen practice also achieves the duality of the Diyuan Realm.

However, under the blessing of the Six-Tooth Idol, the power of the Yuanshen, the physical body, and the blood vessels all soared fourfold.

His Yuan Shen cultivation is that although there has been no change, the power of Yuan Shen is already equivalent to the triple of Yuanyuan Realm!

Yun Ting can naturally perceive this gap.

But he was not worried.

Yun Ting smiled slightly and said, "Your power of the gods is indeed better than me, but if you fight with the gods, you still have to lose."

"Because no one can stop my Sword of Primordial!"

Yun Ting's tone revealed strong confidence.

"is it?"

Su Zimo looked calm and unmoved.

I saw a palm-sized red scarlet dragon scale slowly floating at the center of his eyebrow, crescent-shaped, permeating with horror.

Metamysticism-Inverse Scale!

The moment the inverse scale appeared, the space of the whole hall seemed to be frozen. Only this dragon scale was slowly floating towards Yunting, exuding heart-struck waves!

It seems that any force that touches this dragon scale will be devastated!

Even the three middle-aged Taoist siege besieging Tang Ziyi showed dread, converging their consciousness, for fear that this dragon scale would be killed!

"Okay, okay, okay!"

Yun Ting looked fearless, nodding his head again and again, and said loudly, "Since you are going to fight against the gods, let you lose it today!"

Yun Ting's eyebrows were wide open. In his knowledge of the sea, the position of Yuanshen even hung a long sword!

Primal Sword!

Su Zimo's eyes narrowed.

The soul of any living being is born from itself and is not much different from the body.

Yun Ting is a human race, but Yuan Shen is a long sword. In this case, Su Zimo has only seen it on one person.

That is his big disciple, Bei Mingxue.

The element **** of Bei Mingxue is Wu Wu, a long sword!

No one has the talent of this big disciple in Kendo.

But now, Su Zimo saw the second person who condenses the sword!

"Cut me!"

Yun Ting pointed forward and drank softly.


In the sea, Yun Ting's Yuanshen's sword sent out a **** sword light, extremely severe, and chopped down fiercely!

The two major mysteries collided instantaneously, and there was nothing moving and silent.

But at the moment of the collision, Su Zimo and Yun Ting appeared at the same time.

A blood-colored sharp edge suddenly descended into Su Zimo's sea of ​​knowledge through the inverse scales, and chopped towards the Qinglian Yuanshen!

Puff puff!

The natural lotus platform sensed the crisis, and among the 81 lotus holes, a ray of light burst forth instantly.

The eighty-one green lotus seeds seemed to condense into a long sword, and they constantly hit the **** front, eventually smashing them without harming Qinglian Yuanshen.

On the other side, Yun Ting's Yuanshen Sword felt a strange power and blessed him directly. He couldn't escape!


This primordial sword trembled violently, and then it shattered, revealing a silver flickering genius villain, exactly like Yun Ting, taking a few steps back, panicking.

Seeing this scene, Su Zimo's heart was astonished.

Yun Ting's Yuan Shen's sword has not been cultivated to the extreme, and his Yuan Shen has not completely transformed into a long sword.

Now, being struck by the force of the inverse scale, the original shape suddenly appears.

At the same time, Su Zimo was secretly shocked.

Dragons have inverse scales and will die if they touch them.

He has practiced so far, and only people of the same rank who can resist the inverse scales are Yun Ting!

While resisting the inverse scale, the sharp edge of Yunting Yuanshen's Sword also descended on his sea of ​​knowledge, threatening his Yuanshen!

If he hadn't created the lotus lotus, under this sharp edge, his Yuanshen would have difficulty retreating from his body.

In fact, Su Zimo knows clearly that if the power of metamysticism is discussed, Yun Ting's **** edge is better than inverse scale.

Because, the power of his Yuan Shen surpasses Yun Ting a realm.

Before Yun Ting broke the front of the main hall, there was great loss to Yuan Shen.

After all, in this case, the two also just tied.

Su Zimo was just frightened, but Yun Ting was frightened inside, setting off a huge wave!

how is this possible?

His Primal Long Sword, the Scarlet Edge, missed?

In the sea of ​​Su Zimo's knowledge, what treasure is there that can dissolve my **** edge?

Yuan Shen's battle is too fierce!

His Sword of Primordial God, without returning to nothing, said that his Primitive God was shocked by the dragon scale prototype!

This time the Yuanshen battle really frightened Yun Ting.

He hasn't realized that what is really scary is still behind!

(End of this chapter)

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