Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2002: Outbreak!

Chapter 2002 Outbreak!

Yun Ting's Yuan Shen was shaken out of the body and showed his original form. For a moment, his thoughts were confused and he had not reacted.

Normally, his bloodline vision should have formed at this time.

However, due to this battle of metamysticism, his primitive **** was also shaken, making the **** sword behind him slightly shaken and not completely solidified.

Yun Ting shook her head and seemed to want to put a lot of thoughts behind her.

In any case, as long as the blood vessel vision can be condensed out, Su Zimo will definitely lose!

This idea had just arisen, and Yun Ting felt a strange wave of strength, and could not help but change his look.


Yun Ting's eyes widened, and he subconsciously looked at Su Zimo: "It's Yuan mystery again?"

Normally, the average monk is at most practicing a mystery.

Because, even if you practice a variety of meta-mystic techniques, it is difficult to have a chance to release the second one during the war.

The two mystic spells are released in succession, and the requirements for the Yuanshen are too high!

Yuan Shen is not condensed enough. He releases two mysteries in a row. Without killing his opponent, his own Yuan God collapses first.

Yun Ting's practice of metamysticism, of course, has more than one.

But now, because of cracking the large array outside the main hall, his power of primordial spirit is consumed a lot.

Later, with Su Zimo's inverse scale, he stunned, his Yuan Shen has become very weak, even if he has heart, he is also powerless.

Seeing Su Zimo condensing a second element of mysticism, Yun Ting's heart was annoyed.

Knowing this before, he should be cautious before the main hall, should not be entrusted, and eager to break through the large array.

When he broke the battle, he really did not expect that among the same level, someone could push him to this step!

Su Zimo's hands constantly changed magic methods, and the consciousness in his eyebrow fluctuated, becoming more and more intense.

Then he reached out his finger and touched his brows.


With a bang, Su Zimo pulled out a blazing thunderbolt from his brows, jumping in mid-air, fierce and restless!

Extermination whip!

Although Tang Ziyi fell into the siege, when he saw the scene in his eyes, he felt a shock in his heart.

This is the meta-mystery in "Too Virtual Thunder". How could this person understand?

Is he also a man in the "Fan Ye" and got the true story of his father?

On top of the whip of destruction, there are thunders everywhere, permeating with horror, let alone the **** of flesh, even if it is flesh and blood, it seems that it can be beaten to death!

Facing Su Zimo's second meta-mysticism, Yun Ting quickly recovered his calmness, and in his eyes, there was still no fear at all.

"If I hadn't broken the line before, and consumed a lot of the power of the Yuanshen, you can solve this Yuan mystery!"

Yun Ting said proudly.

Su Zimo didn't answer. In his eyes, it seemed as if he had bred a thunder, holding out the whip in his hand and beating towards Yun Ting!


This destroyer whip on Yun Ting's body and suddenly disappeared.

In the sea of ​​Yun Ting's knowledge, a thunder intertwined with a whip emerged, quickly entangled Yun Ting's primordial spirit, the thunder was bright, the arc was flowing, and the light was dazzling!

The destroyer of the Nether didn't have such a change and power.

But in the ten extremities, Su Zimo was inherited by Lei Huang, and this meta mystery was transformed, reborn and more powerful and direct!

Normally, any primordial god, entangled by the whip of annihilation like this, cannot be alive and long gone.

But Yun Ting's Yuanshen has not been harmed!


Yun Ting's laughter sounded, although a little hoarse, but still proud and confident: "Su Zimo, even if it is the second mystery, you can't hurt me!"

In fact, when Zi Ting shook Yun Ting's Yuan Shen from its original shape, Su Zimo discovered anomalies.

In Yun Ting's Yuan Shen, the silver light flickered, as if wearing a silver lining, which was somewhat similar to the silver soul armor he wore, and there seemed to be any connection.

In fact, Su Zimo was right.

This piece of ice armor is divided into two internal and external armors, both from one person's hands, one outer armor protects Yun Ting's physical body, and one inner armor protects Yun Ting's Yuan Shen.

There are many types of magic weapons to protect the flesh, but the magic weapon to protect the Yuanshen is too difficult to refine, and each one is priceless!

This is the value of this Apparition Silver Armor.

With this ice armor inside and out, let alone Xuanxian, even if the earth is strong, it is difficult to kill Yun Ting!

Therefore, after Su Zimo condensed the whip of extinction, he did not pause at all, and urged Yuanshen again.

One meta mystery is not working, just two.

No two, just three!

Su Zimo's mind sounded a burst of Brahma sounds, and it seemed that the Buddhas were singing in a low voice, such as Huang Zhongda Lu, grand and solemn.

His eyebrows were opened again, a golden Sanskrit character appeared, shining with Buddha light, shining in the void, as if with a heavy weight, suppressing towards Yun Ting!

Come to France and India!

If you come to Fayin, this is the meta-mysticism in the Nether Power Dharma Dalai Rulai Jing. When you come to the upper world, this meta-mysticism becomes very common.

But because of the Prajna Nirvana Sutra, all Buddhism practices practiced by Su Zimo were transformed and mana was blessed.

This Rulai French seal has also transformed!


Yun Ting's expression changed drastically, and his eyes showed an incredible color.

With his Yuanshen's condensed degree, he can only release two mystic mysteries in succession. Su Zimo, who has soared in the lower world, can release three in a row!

What is the unity of this man's god?

how can that be!

Only Su Zimo knew that this benefited from Qinglian Yuanshen!

In the continent, Su Zimo even released dozens of spells in succession, relying on the Qinglian Yuanshen.

Today, Su Zimo has exploded three yuan mysteries in succession, shocking the world and impacting Yun Ting's gods!

In Yun Ting's knowledge of the sea, the inner armor of the Apparition appeared, resisting the thunder power of the whip of destruction.

At the same time, if Lai Yin comes, Yun Ting's Yuan Shen can't escape at all!

Destroy the whip, such as Lai Fayin, a Yuan mysterious art sacrifice, can kill a nine-level Xuanxian.

Now, the power of the two great mysteries is blessed on Yun Ting's primitive gods at the same time!


Yun Ting held her head with both hands, looking pained.

Even if he is protected by the Inner Armor of the Apparition, his Primordial Spirit is also subject to severe vibrations!

There are even cracks on the inner armor of the Apparition!

Click! Click!

There was a bitter chill in the cracks of the armor's inner armor.

The thunder on the whip of extermination was frozen.

If you come to France and India, it is also covered with frost!

The light of these two mysticisms quickly dimmed.

After two yuan mysticisms, after all, he failed to break through this piece of Inner Armor.


Yun Ting grinned, clenched his teeth, and slowly passed by, his eyes filled with bloodshot eyes, and staring at Su Zimo, he slowly said, "You still failed!"

"Do not."

Su Zimo squeezed his hands in each hand, looked at Yun Ting, and said lightly, "I didn't expect these three mysteries to kill you."

"Then why are you still ..."

Yun Ting was about to ask a question, but suddenly couldn't go on.

Because, the scarlet sword behind him is rapidly disintegrating!

His Primordial God, despite the protection of the Inner Armor of the Ice Soul, was intact, but still suffered a severe shock. Under the floating of Qi and Blood, the blood vision disappeared as a result!

(End of this chapter)

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