Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2003: The flames burned!

Chapter 2003 The Flame Burns!

Yun Ting is in the heavenly immortal realm, but a heavenly pride that is hard to see for ever.

When he saw the blood vision behind him falling apart, he realized Su Zimo's purpose.

Su Zimo successively released three meta-mysteries, which seem to be aimed at Yuan Shen, but in fact, he still wanted to defeat his blood vision!

Yun Ting certainly has other hole cards.

However, in the emperor's tomb, it is impossible to use the magic weapon, and his powerful methods cannot be exhibited.

Now that the blood vessel vision is broken, it means that it is difficult for him to threaten Su Zimo again.

Of course, since the two men's war, the consumption has been extremely horrible, and Su Zimo has successively released three yuan mysteries.

Yun Ting believes that Su Zimo is already at the end of his crossbow. He has run out of cards and cannot threaten him.


At this moment, Yun Ting's mind suddenly flashed a picture and was shocked!

He suddenly remembered that after Su Zimo released the three mysteries, the ten fingers of his hands continued to change, and he worked out a method!

Yun Ting quickly stared at it, only feeling the light in front of him, a bit dazzling, and the temperature in the hall suddenly rose.

I saw Su Zimo's side, four different colors of flames.

Gold, black, cream, red.

Although the four groups of flames are only the size of a fist, they emit a fierce heat, and even the surrounding vitality is burned and cleaned up!

"You can still ..."

Yun Ting clenched her fists and watched the scene incredibly.

He thought that the continuous release of three metamystics was already the limit of Su Zimo.

Unexpectedly, Su Zimo's Yuan Shen could even urge God's consciousness, gather vitality, and condense such a powerful fairy magic secret!

Each of the four flames is very different.

The golden flame method was solemn, and there seemed to be an ancient Buddha sitting cross-legged.

The black flames are weird and enchanting.

And the milky flame was even more strange, and there seemed to be a faint sound of phoenixes in it!

This kind of immortal magic has never been heard by Yun Ting's knowledge.

Su Zimo stood up in the air, his eyes were burning with two flames, the heat wave was rolling, it seemed that Yun Ting would be swallowed up and burned to ashes!

At this moment, Su Zimo's momentum has completely covered Yun Ting!

On the other hand, middle-aged priests and others were shocked.

Even they didn't expect that the battle between these two evildoers had reached this point, and that they were still a man who ascended from the lower realm and prevailed!

Under the pressure of Su Zimo, Yun Ting felt a bit suffocated and extremely uncomfortable.

But he still straightened his back, raised his head, and there was no flinch in his eyes, and he said loudly, "Su Zimo, you can't win me at all by these means!"

Yun Ting has the Inner Armor to protect the Primordial Spirit, and the Outer Armor to protect the flesh. Ordinary means can't hurt him.

Even if he cannot win today, he will never lose!

"is it?"

Su Zimo also did not argue with it, but just said lightly: "That's all right, I will give you a lesson today!"

The words did not fall, Su Zimo's two-handed tricks changed again, Xianmendaohuo, Bumendaohuo, Momendaohuo, and the milky Nanming Lihuo turned into four flames, galloping towards Yunting.

When still in midair, these four flames, like being pulled by some force, merged together to form a huge fireball!

Four groups of flames, each released individually, could not threaten Yun Ting.

But after the four groups of flames merged, this secret method has completely transformed and its power has skyrocketed!

Yun Ting looked dignified, staring closely at the huge fireball that came galloping, and started to procure the silver armor of ice, his body filled with layers of frost.

Although the power of this fireball is great, it can definitely resist it with the power of the ice armor.

At this moment, Su Zimo's eyebrow flared again.

Primordial Fire!

Su Zimo's Yuan Shen is already extremely weak.

The fire of the Yuanshen was released, and there was not much power, but when it fell into the fireball, this mystery once again transformed and became the fire of five madnesses!

The fireball's flames were flourishing and swelled again, like a scorching sun, swallowing towards Yunting!

Yun Ting's heart shocked!

He did not expect that at the moment when the fireball was about to fall, the power even climbed up again and reached another level!

He even felt the breath of death!


Wumei Road fire roared and swallowed Yun Ting in a blink of an eye!

The temperature in the hall has risen to a terrible level.

The middle-aged Taoist priests and other people who were fighting the next battle were already sweating.

The three looked at each other in shock.

If this fire was released to them, even if they had ten lives, they would be burned to death in an instant!

In mid-air, the fire was burning.

Amidst the Taoist fire, a dimly gleaming silver figure could be seen, and Yun Ting was struggling in it!

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

Yun Ting flushed and yelled.

Ice Soul Silver Armor has been urged to the limit, and all its power is released.

However, under the burning of the fire of Wumei Road, the ice layer on the silver armor of Bingmo gradually began to melt, and the armor even faded red!

The power of the Wumei Road Fire has completely burned the silver soul of the Boom!

Yun Ting looked in pain.

Even if Wumei Daohuo had not completely broken the ice armor silver armor, but the slightest force of flame infiltrated through the ice soul silver armor, poured into his body, and burned the internal organs!

Click! Click!

There was a crackling voice from Yun Ting's body.

Ice Soul Armor is broken!

But at the same time, in the cracks of the broken silver armor, a horrible chill suddenly burst out, and even the void around Yun Ting was frozen into ice cubes!

The rules of the upper bound are perfect, the road is immaculate, and the space is extremely stable and solid, which is completely different from the lower bound.

Therefore, the monks who have soared in the lower world will have many means to release them after they reach the upper world.

For example, Su Zimo's Gospel fire, although powerful, cannot reach the point where it can burn the void.

And the chill that Bingyu Silver Armor just released has frozen the surrounding void into ice. What kind of power is this?

Definitely exceeds Dixian, and may even exceed Tianxian!

Fortunately, Su Zimo was cautious and did not rush forward.

Otherwise, being penetrated by the chill of Fang Cai, even if it is Qinglian's true body, it will definitely die.

Under the shroud of chill, the flames of Wumei Road went out instantly and became invisible.

Although Yun Ting wasn't dead, he was also embarrassed. He had long hair and was burned for the most part. He was wearing the broken ice armor of silver, his face was black, and his body was filled with rolling smoke.

Su Zimo said unfortunately.

Yun Ting gritted his teeth and stared at Su Zimo, still unconvinced.

At this moment, the ice armor of Yun Ting's body changed, many fragments scattered around him, pervading a strange power.

(End of this chapter)

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