Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2021: Oh it's you

Chapter 2021 It Was You

Wind purple clothes!

She had been out of trouble for a long time, but did not take the shot immediately, but waited patiently for an opportunity.

Today, Yuan Zuo County ’s Wang Shouyuan is exhausted, and Yuan Shen is hit again. This is a rare opportunity. As a top assassination, she will never let go!

The dark double daggers crossed up and down, and drew towards the neck and head of Motosuke-gun.

The two daggers were dark and sharp, but there was no flash of light, as if hidden in the void. The wind purple clothing did not even show a little murderousness and murderous power.

The dark double daggers seemed to be integrated with the wind purple clothing, just like her arms.

At the same time, Su Zimo was nourished by the natural lotus, and Yuan Shen recovered faster than King Yuan Zuojun. He operated the shrinking body, and came to King Yuan Zuojun in three or two steps.

Su Zimo didn't say a word, turned his palms, and suppressed it towards King Gensuke of Gensuke!

"Two servants, get out of me!"

Feeling the crisis, Motosuke-gun didn't care about the painful tear-like pain from Motoshen. He touched his eyebrows with his fingers and pulled out a dark scroll from the inside.


Motosuke-gun unrolled the inky scroll directly around him.

This is Motosuke-gun's innate weapon, hunting list!

The Dark Double Dagger failed to fall on King Motosa-gun, but was resisted by the Hunting List.

The dark canvas of the hunting list trembled slightly, sending out a huge force of anti-shock, flying the dark double daggers into two black lights, and sinking into the copper wall and iron wall of the hall!

This force was too powerful, the wind purple tiger's mouth was torn, and he moaned, and was again sent out by Zhenfei, spitting out a large mouthful of blood.

Su Zimo's palm fell down, and I saw the scarlet names on the hunting list suddenly burst into blood!

Su Zimo's name is also among them.

puff! puff! puff!

These bloods are extremely scary and powerful. Su Zimo's palm is a ten-pin forged green lotus, which is still penetrated by these bloods!

Su Zimo's heart was suddenly stunned, his expression changed slightly, and he quickly retreated.

If it is shrouded in this blood, his Qinglian true body will also be sieved!

The blood hole in Su Zimo's palm exuded a strong corrosiveness and wanted to continue to corrode the entire palm.

However, the fortune-making Qinglian's blood is powerful, and the healing power is amazing. The wounds on the palms also emerged with lightning arcs to suppress the evil blood of the hunting list.

There are Qinglian true body and thunder bones, blood holes in the palm, slowly healing and healing.

"Ha ha ha ha ... ha ha ha ha!"

The head of the hunting list of Motosa-gun was suspended by a low sneer, and then laughed.

"Just because of you two ants, you want to kill me!"

Motosuke-gun gritted his teeth. Although he was laughing, there was endless anger in his eyes!

As the son of the King of Jin, he led the county king, and he has not planted such a big heel for a long time.

Feng Ziyi shot at him, he could understand.

After all, the two sides have deep blood and deep grudges.

What's more, he has already broken Feng Ziyi's identity. Even if Feng Ziyi does not take any action, he will kill it!

But what is this Su Zimo in front of!

Why would such an unknown man who had risen from the nether rise to him?

And it hurt him!

Motosuke Jun feels his dignity and is provoked and insulted!

What is his identity?

What is Su Zimo's identity in front of me?

The two were in the sky and one underground.

This feeling was like a weak mantis standing in front of him, blocking his way, and hurting him.

It is conceivable that the anger in the heart of Motosuke-gun!

"You humble servant, who gave you the courage to dare to do it to me!"

King Yuan Zuo stared at Su Zimo, his eyes were fierce, and he asked with some gritted teeth.

"Su Zimo, if you can leave, just go quickly and leave me alone."

Feng Ziyi conveyed the message: "He has already sacrificed the hunting list. With this magic weapon, we can't hurt him at all."

"That may not be so."

Su Zimo shook his head slightly, still heading towards the King of Yuan Zuo County.

"it is good."

When Motosuke-gun saw Su Zimo trying to hit him, he laughed and said, "Since you want to die, I will complete you!"

King Genzuo pointed forward, and the hunting list above his head scrolled, and flew towards Su Zimo, sending out a light of blood to completely swallow Su Zimo!

Su Zimo had no fear, his eyebrows opened wide, and a blue light flew out of it. It quickly swelled in front of him and turned into a bronze half-hung fangding!

This bronze Fang Ding descended, filled with a distant ancient atmosphere, as if coming across the river of years, exuding a strange light.

There are three sides of the tripod, with lifelike patterns printed on three sides. There are blue dragon circles, Suzaku bathing fire, turtle and snake photo discs, showing the three holy beast patterns!

The last side of the tripod wall was broken, and the patterns on it were completely invisible.

"This respect ..."

King Yuan Zuo was shocked, only to feel that this bronze Fang Ding was familiar and seemed to have seen it somewhere.

When Feng Ziyi saw the bronze Fang Ding, he was shocked and seemed to think of something.

"Oh it's you!"

At about the same time, Motosuke-gun Hefeng Ziyi blurted out and said silently.

One year ago, Feng Cantian escaped from the ten absolute prisons and fought against eleven true immortals. He was suppressed by the absolute **** column in the Thunder City and almost lost.

It's also because Feng Cantian didn't know where to sacrifice a broken bronze tripod, so he crushed the pillar of Thunder God and regained the terrifying gun inside, thus reversing the situation.

The Yuanzu County King Hefeng Ziyi failed to recognize the first time, because in the emperor's tomb, the town prison tripod repaired another tripod wall, which was a little different from before.

Motosuke-gun has always believed that it was Fengzi that helped Feng Cantian get out of trouble.

The wind purple clothing is confused, and it is not clear how Feng Cantian breaks out of the shackles of ten infernos and emerges out of difficulties.

Both were extremely intelligent.

When they saw Su Zimo sacrifice a bronze Fang Ding, they wanted to understand a lot of things.

"It turns out that you are also the scum of the lingering night!"

Motosuke-gun screamed: "It's just right, let both of you be buried here today, and be a couple!"

As soon as the words fell, the blood of the hunting list flourished, and Su Zimo's body was directly engulfed.

Yuan Zuojun Wang Qiang endured the pain from Yuanshen and constantly urged the hunting list. The blood on it continued to surge, almost forming a sea of ​​blood!

In the hall, there was a strong **** atmosphere.


In this sea of ​​blood, there are two dazzling divine lights, reflecting the surroundings of the sea of ​​blood like daylight, revealing the figure of Zhending Ding.

I saw on the side of Zhending Ding's wall, the Xuan Wu who had his eyes closed originally, I do not know when, he has opened his eyes.

The two divine lights are emitted from the eyes of the sacred animal Xuanwu. They contain the supreme majesty and cannot be offended!

(End of this chapter)

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