Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2022: not dead?

Chapter 2022 Not Dead?

Even the thick scarlet sea of ​​blood can't stop Xuanwu's eyes!


Xuanwu didn't come out of Dingbi at all, but just opened his eyes. The blood on both sides seemed to be irresistible. He kept rolling and surging to open a passage.

Su Zimo hid in the prison of the town, avoiding the blood of the hunting list.

The prison prisoner drove straight in, and slammed into the head towards Motosa Jun!


Motosa-gun's face was startled, exclaiming.

You know, one year ago, the wind destroyed the bronze Fang Ding and shattered the pillar of Thunder God.

Although Su Zimo did not have the power of the wind and the sky, if he was hit by this bronze Fang Ding, he would be smashed into pieces.

King Genzuo's response was extremely fast. He controlled the hunting list with one hand, blocking it in front of him, and patted it on the storage bag with his other hand.

Around his body, a defensive barrier was instantly condensed.


Zhending Ding hit the hunting list, and instantly collapsed this dark canvas, and then hit the defense barrier heavily before stopping the cast.

Motojo-gun Wang Changshu breathed a sigh of relief.

Click! Click!

But soon, a crackling sound sounded in his ear.

Although the Zhending Ding was resisted, the defensive barrier on his body was also broken and a crack appeared.

A short pause, it collapsed instantly!

After seeing this scene, Motosa Jun resigned his heart and prepared to flee the place.

But his mind moved, and he turned around, but suddenly saw a figure, suddenly frightened!

I don't know when Su Zimo came behind him!

I saw Su Zimo holding a long grey knife in his hand, his eyes were cold, and he directly hit the long grey knife into his body.

The two were close at hand, and King Motosa-gun could not even react!

True Dragon Nine Flashes, Fourth Flash!

In fact, when Su Zimo broke through to the Yuanyuan Realm and the Yuanshen Realm reached the triple of the Yuanyuan Realm, he could already urge the fourth flash.

It was just that he never used this last flash.

Because he didn't find a best time.

It wasn't until the prison prisoner broke the defensive barrier that the King Suzuo King was shocked. Su Zimo moved the fourth flash and came behind the King Suzuo King before releasing a fatal blow!

The gray long knife that had been sunk into Motosuke-gun's body was a time knife.

Below this distance, of course, Su Zimo has other killing tricks, but he is worried about what kind of card protector Wang Yuanzuo County has, and then he decides to release the sword.

Even if King Nosa Jun had more cards, his Yangshou had only 30,000 years left.

Years are like a knife, and a knife can cut 60,000 years of life!

Motosuke-gun cannot resist!


King Yuanzuo County stared at his eyes, staring suzimo unwillingly. His hair and eyebrows quickly turned white, his face was old, and he was wrinkled.

Just in a blink of an eye, the whole person has become old-fashioned.

The breath of life in his body quickly passed.

This knife cut his Yangshou cleanly!

Yuan Zuojun's king slowly fell to Su Zimo's feet, his voice disappeared and he died.

Su Zimo breathed a sigh of relief.

it is finally over.

Based on his cultivation, in the face-to-face confrontation, he could not defeat the seventh-order earth fairy.

He was able to slay King Yuan Zuo County. In addition to Zhending Ding, Zhenlong Jiusheng, and many other powerful hole cards, he also took a few lucky chances. King Yuan Zuo County was unprepared and was caught by surprise.

"Su Zimo."

At this moment, Feng Ziyi's voice came, a little dignified: "It seems that it is not right."


Su Zimo looked at Feng Ziyi and asked.

I saw Feng Ziyi staring at Motosa Jun's body, looking weird, and in his eyes, there seemed to be a hint of fear.

Su Zimo looked down subconsciously.

I saw King Genzuo Jun's body lying on the ground horizontally, staring at him, eyes staring at him, and a strange smile appeared on the dead face.

The smile was chilling and creepy!

Su Zimo can clearly and accurately detect that King Yuan Zuo has indeed fallen, and there is no breath of life in his body.

But before he died, why did he show such a smile?

At this moment, Su Zimo felt a terrifying force emerging from the side.


Su Zimo looked sideways, and could not help but change his look!

I saw that the hunting list next to it floated slowly, suspended in mid-air, the blood on it appeared endless blood, the breath kept rising!

"how can that be?"

Feng Ziyi looked shocked and murmured.

Normally, Motosuke-gun is dead. His destiny magic weapon is already an unowned thing. It is impossible for him to run and flutter by himself!


Su Zimo and Feng Ziyi looked at each other and thought of the same possibility!

"Wonzo is not dead!"

Su Zimo looked dignified and slowly opened his mouth.


At this moment, the blood glow from the hunting list continued to intertwine, and gradually formed a **** figure. Before the features were manifested, there was a burst of laughter. It was the voice of King Motosa!

Su Zimo frowned.

Laughter gradually fell, and this blood-colored figure was completely condensed, exactly like Motosuke-gun!

"You are very smart."

King Genzuo looked at Su Zimo and slowly said, "You just killed it, it's just a clone of my cultivation!"

"You think, it's just Dixian Xiu, why can I rule the land of a county? It's just because my father and father love me?"

"You look down on me, Yuan Zuo! Two ants, and you are thinking about Jun!"

Hearing this sentence, Feng Ziyi's heart burst into despair.

The ancestors of King Yuan Zuo's practice are all seventh-order earth gods. Then his deity is likely to be a strong **** of the heavens!

Not just her, everyone despised the young county king.

Wang Zuojun always showed this person with this avatar, it seems that he is addicted to alcohol, and has no intention to cultivate, but his deity is already a strong man of Tianxian level!

This time Yufu was a big deal, but his deity was in retreat, so he didn't show up.

This was originally a secret of him, but was now broken by Su Zimo and Feng Ziyi.

"Destroy my avatar, and you two ants will kill me!"

In mid-air, the **** figure of King Motosa-gun coldly said.

This **** figure, although it is only his deity in the retreat, urged the hunting list to manifest something similar to the spirit of the instrument, but it is enough to kill Su Zimo two!

The power of the Celestial Strongman to urge the release of the hunting list is naturally far stronger than his Dixian avatar.


Su Zimo suddenly yelled, awakened God's consciousness, and blocked Zhending Ding in front of him.

When he thought about it, Xuan Wu in Zhending Ding opened his eyes and slowly crawled out from the wall.

Xuanwu's action seems extremely slow, but at every step, extremely terrifying coercion erupts!

"this is……"

Motosa-gun's look changed dramatically.

He did not expect that the sacred beast basalt pattern in the town prison tripod came alive, and came in front of him!


Xuanwu Yangtian Changming!

Scarlet Yuan Zuojun was shocked and couldn't withstand the pressure of the sacred beast. He shed light on his body!

(End of this chapter)

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