Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2042: Star Gate

Chapter 2042 Star Gates

After Su Zimo went down the mountain, he didn't rush to leave, but used Sambo Jade Ruyi to change his face.

King Genzuo and Jingyue Zhenxian did not die, and they will never give up.

With the power of King Motosa-gun, he will surely retaliate against him!

If he were walking in his true colors, he would be watched.

Su Zimo groaned a little, and turned into an ugly-looking man with a majestic figure, wearing coarse linen, a half-open chest, a wine jar in his hands, half-closed with drunk eyes.

Su Zimo walked a few steps, feeling no flaws, and then headed for the city of Cangyu nearest to this place.

Within the jurisdiction of Sun Moon County, there are more than 100 cities.

Each city governs a large territory.

Although closest to the city of Cang Yu, Su Zimo also walked for more than three days before reaching the gate of the city.

Su Zimo glanced at the altar, drunkenly, glanced at the gate, and walked in.

The guards guarding the gate of the city saw this abominable man with a lot of wine and abomination, all showing the disgust and disgust, and refused to take a closer look.

The guards on both sides waved their hands and let Su Zimo go into the city.

Su Zimo rejoiced in his heart.

It was for this reason that he changed into this state.

The more disgusted others are, the less they will pay attention to him.

Su Zimo did not go around in the city, but went straight to the teleportation line in the city.

He had to leave Dajin Xianguo as soon as possible.

Although there are three treasures, Ruyi, this treasure may not be able to protect him.

He can only be truly safe if he leaves the territory of the Great Jin Dynasty.

The immortal kingdom of the Great Jin Dynasty has a vast territory. If he wants to make his own way, even if there are no obstacles, the journey will take hundreds of years and thousands of years.

What's more, he was alone and didn't know what kind of danger he would encounter.

These hundreds of years and thousands of years have been wasted.

Use the teleportation array to leave, the fastest speed!

It took about an hour for Su Zimo to pass through most of the city to the position of the teleportation array.

A large number of people gathered in front of them, blocked outside the hall of the teleportation array, and the voices were enthusiastic.

Su Zimo looked far away, and saw dozens of guards guarding the entrance of the hall, carefully examining every monk who wanted to enter the hall.

These dozens of guards are all Dixian Xiuwei.

Behind these dozens of people, two others were sitting on the back of the chair, looking at the torch, watching the crowd, with a terrifying breath.

These two people are very likely to be the Celestial Strong!

"What's going on here, why is it suddenly so strict?"

"Don't you hear that something happened over Cheongun-gun!"

"What's the big deal?"

"I heard that it was the supreme true immortality that was more than 400,000 years ago. With the help of his remaining party, he escaped from ten infernos and is still missing. Now, he is searching for those remaining parties.

The next person whispered, "I also heard that King Unzu-gun of Qingyun County, a hard-working clone, was scrapped by a man named Su Zimo and planted a big heel."

"Yes, it is said that who can provide clues for Su Zimo, there is a reward!"

There was a trifle of discussion among the crowd ahead.

Su Zimo blinked.

Unexpectedly, the news spread so fast.

He was still one step behind.

"What is the situation in front of me, why are some first-order earth gods brought to the two heaven gods alone and checked again?"

Someone whispered.

Su Zimo took a deep look.

Among the crowd, whenever there is a step to the earth fairy, they will be taken out by the guards on both sides of the hall alone.

The two Tianxian strongmen checked the storage bags of this step-level fairy, and then let this first-level step- fairy immortalize in front of the two.

Su Zimo frowned slightly, his ears moved, and after a while, he heard a few conversations.

"What are we doing here, why should we keep an eye on these first-order ground gods?"

"It is said that Su Zimo is a first-order earth fairy. But this person knows the ever-changing technique and can change his face."

"How is that possible? The ever-changing but supernatural powers!"

"Unclear, but even if it is ever-changing, it only changes the physical body and cannot change the Yuan Shen. Therefore, as long as the Yuan Shen is exposed, you can know whether this person has changed by Su Zimo."

Su Zimo looked dignified and retreated quietly from the crowd.

Not good!

He originally wanted to rely on Sambo Jade Ruyi to change his face and make Yi Rong leave.

But now, the teleportation array is inspected so carefully. If he steps forward, even if there are three treasures, the original shape will be revealed.

No way!

Su Zimo did not dare to take risks and was preparing to leave Cangyu City temporarily.

According to this trend, it is very likely that the entire city will be martialized. At that time, even if he has the intention to leave the city, it will be difficult to escape.

Su Zimo walked towards the gate of the city, but did not go far. A team of Cangyu City guards walked in the air, each spreading apart, and no one held a picture in his hand.

One of the guards descended not far from Su Zimo, went straight to the edge of the city wall, unrolled the scroll in his hand, and posted it.

On that scroll, there is a figure, dressed in a blue shirt, with a clear face, exactly what Su Zimo looks like!

Below this scroll are also a few lines of handwriting.

The general meaning is that who can provide this person's clues must have a reward.

Although Su Zimo knew that he had changed into another appearance, he would not have been discovered if no one had let him reveal the Yuanshen.

But when I saw this picture, I still felt guilty.

"This place shouldn't stay long."

Seeing that the guard next to him turned around, Su Zimo looked up towards him, hurriedly drank a sip of liquor, took a full meal, and hurriedly walked out of the city.

Before long, he disappeared into the crowd.

After leaving the city, Su Zimo checked the map and headed east.

He walked for two days, and along the way, from time to time he could see a team of immortal soldiers from the Great Jin Dynasty and search around.

Su Zimo relied on Sambo Jade Ruyi and changed his face. He has not been shocked by anyone who has exposed him to the Yuanshen.

But this situation will not last long.

Su Zimo was secretly crying.

All over the world, there is no land for kings.

He offended King Yuan Zuo County, a member of the royal family of the Dajin Immortal Kingdom. As long as he was on this land, he had little room for shelter!

Even if he was looking for a mountain range, opened a cave house, and escaped the world, it would be difficult to practice.

Someone must find his place!

At this moment, there were several monks walking in the jungle next to each other. They all seemed to be Xuanxian, two ninth-order Xuanxian, three eighth-order Xuanxian, and two seventh-order Xuanxian.

"Brother Liu, can you tell us how many stars gates can accept us?"

Among them, a young monk asked.

Another old man Shen said, "It should be about the same, the stars gate is only the Xuan level ancestral gate, we still have a chance."

"Star Gates?"

Su Zimo murmured, thoughtfully.

(End of this chapter)

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