Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2043: Secret

Chapter 2043 Secret

The head of Longyuan City, Xu Shi, once told Su Zimo that in this Shenxiaoxian realm, it is the entire heavenly realm, and the major gates can be roughly divided into three levels.

Xuan level, prefecture level and heaven level.

There are only four Celestial Celestial Celestial Sects in the Celestial Celestial Realm, Shanxian Celestial Celestial Sect, Yufengguan, Qiankun Academy, and Feixianmen.

In the abyss of Longyuan Star, Su Zimo's Yuanshen entered the dragon corpse, borrowed the corpse to return the soul, and had contact with the strong men of these cases.

The lords of the heavenly ancestors are all fairy kings.

Below the level of heaven is the level of earth.

The lords of the prefecture level ancestors are generally true immortals.

The most common is the Xuan-level ancestral gate.

The stars gate is the Xuan level ancestral gate.

Su Zimo was thinking, if he was hiding in Tibet outside and trembling with fear, it might as well be hidden in a sect of spiritual practice.

Such Xuan-class ancestral gates are too common in the Jin Dynasty.

Even if King Genzuo hunted around and came to Xuan-level ancestral gates, it was impossible to search the disciples one by one.

The guards of the Great Jin Dynasty, guarding the fortresses of major cities, searching around, have reached the limit.

It was impossible for them to run into a sect of Xuan-level ancestors and do a lot of searches, at most they only passed down the wanted order.

The most important thing for Su Zimo now is to retreat and improve his realm.

He came out of the Yuanling Mine this time, went to ten utter prisons, entered the emperor's grave, and experienced many wars. He also witnessed too many strong people fighting and survived along the way.

These sentimental experiences are his most precious experiences.

What's more, when he was picking up and picking up along the way, a lot of cultivation resources such as Lingdan and Yuanlingshi were accumulated in the storage bag.

He has just broken through to the level of the Diyuan Realm. As long as there are enough resources and enough time, he can continue to improve and hardly encounter any major obstacles.

Most importantly, Su Zimo's gains this year have been too great!

Breaking through to Xuanyuan Realm is next.

In Ten Absolute Prisons, he got "Too Furious Thunder".

Although he directly inherited the inheritance of Lei Huang, he can understand it in many places without even practicing, but there are still some experiences that need him to understand.

Among the emperor's tombs, the town prison was restored on the third side.

Xuanwu Holy Soul taught him a secret method, he has not cultivated yet.

On the third side, the "Prana Nirvana" was not enlightened.

There is also the mysterious Sambo Jade Ruyi.

This Qinglian real treasure is an infinite treasure.

So far, Su Zimo has only discovered one of these capabilities.

If you want to practice these and understand the mysteries, you need a long period of retreat!

The path to spiritual practice is long, even if the fortunes are sky-high, the opportunities are unlimited, and the talents of Zoran can not be achieved overnight.

Although the level of this star gate is not high, it is suitable for Su Zimo to lie down and wait for the opportunity.

At this point, Su Zimo gazed at the altar and walked away from the air, walking towards the people who just spoke.

"Hey, a few people over there!"

Before Su Zimo was near, he shouted from a distance, exhaling alcohol in his mouth, and cursing: "His grandma, that's what you are!"

He changed his face and changed his words and behaviors in order to make people see no flaws.

The monks over there looked up, and there was an ugly, drunk monk walking in the distance, showing disgust.

But the older monk looked calm and whispered: "This is the earth fairy, everyone be careful, don't offend him."

"Meet Shangxian."

The older monk stood still and bowed to Su Zimo.

Although the other young monks were unwilling, they also saluted.

Su Zimo despised a few people on the ground, looking arrogant, while sipping his wine, he asked, "How do the gates of the stars go?"

Several young monks, especially the female ones among them, bowed slightly, looked disgusted, and even refused to look at Su Zimo more.

The elder monk smiled that year, and said, "Shangxian, along this road, go straight east for more than two thousand miles. This is where the stars are."

"There are seven peaks among the star gates, the most prominent and extremely easy to identify."

"His grandma's got lost."

Su Zimo yelled, took another sip of spirits, and hurriedly headed for the east.

The older monk breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's disgusting where the drunkard comes." A young man spit.

"Brother Liu, our family is near this city of Cangyu, and we have some strength. Were you afraid of an alcoholic?" A young girl asked.

The older monk shook his head and said, "Do not despise anyone when you are outside. You don't look at this person drunk, but who knows what means and identity he has?"

"You know, for so many years in Sun Moon County, there have been some family clan, who will send talented clan within the clan to worship the stars, which person may also be from which family clan."

Another asked: "Brother Liu, are the rumors about the Star Gates true? Is there a hidden secret in this mysterious gate?

"This statement has been around for a long time, and I don't know if it is true or false."

The senior monk said: "It is said that many years ago, an extra-territorial prince came to the mainland of Shenxiao to launch a killing ring. Among the immortal kings, no one can be defeated! Eventually, the emperor was shot, and then he was killed and fell in the mountains in."

"Then the terrain of that mountain range changed, with seven peaks rising against the sky, rising to the sky, and the surrounding mountains towering to form the gates of the stars today."

"Since then, various legends have spread in the Shenxiaoxian domain. The most widely spread is the prince outside the domain fell, leaving the heritage in that mountain range. Some people say, yes It ’s a work called "Mysticism," and I ca n’t remember the name. "

The crowd behind him heard it, and someone asked, "What happened later?"

The older monk smiled and said, "Later, many monks came to this mountain and wanted to inherit the inheritance of this foreign prince and look for that nirvana."

"I heard that initially, not only Shenxiaoxian Realm, Jiuxiaoxian Realm, but even Bliss Pure Land and Demon Realm, monks came and wanted to get this chance."

"But in the end, it all came back in vain."

"Some people are reluctant to leave, guarding the mountain all day, and then they gradually develop into a gate, which is now the gates of stars."

"When the stars were first established, Zhenxian was sitting."

"But over time, the first generation has grown old, and no one has gained any chance, and fewer monks have come to the gates of the stars."

"To this day, only some of our family members in Sun Moon County will send some disciples from within the tribe. In fact, there is no hope, even if they go out and practice."

Everyone heard howls.

The older monk shrugged, shook his head and smiled: "In fact, it's all rumors. I also heard that the prince who fell that year did not come from outside the country, but from outside the world!"

"The outside world?"

Everyone froze.

The older monk said: "It's not our celestial being, the prince of other interfaces."

I wish you all a happy Mid-Autumn Festival and a happy reunion ~

(End of this chapter)

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