Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2051: Star Wars

Chapter 2051 Star Wars

"How to do?"

Xie Tianfeng frowned and asked, "Can you crack this array?"

"I don't understand matrix formations."

Lin Ming shook his head slightly, then smiled, and said, "If you don't thank your brother for your shot, you can directly release the magical powers and break this formation."

Both are seventh-order earth immortals, far beyond Su Zimo.

Although you don't understand the formation method, there is still a great chance to break through the force with brute force.

Xie Tianfeng figured it out in his heart and did not take any action.

After all, this is the mid-mountainside of the main peak of shaking light. If it is forcibly broken, it will definitely cause a lot of movement.

Attacking the same monk ’s cave house can be as big or as small as that. If the elders of Zongmen drop punishment, they will lose more than they pay.

Xie Tianfeng sneered, and said, "What is my identity and teach a drunkard to use his own shot? I don't believe that he can still hide in Dongfu."

"Yes, just send someone to stare."

Lin Ming nodded.

The two rarely reached an agreement and dispersed.

In the cave, Su Zimo ignored the two people outside and had already begun retreat.

At this retreat, he has too much to practice.

In addition to upgrading to the realm of cultivation, there are also "Too Xunlei Jue", "Prana Nirvana Sutra", "Idol Breathing Gong", basalt secrets, and the mysterious mystery of the three treasures, Ruyi.

Su Zimo thought a little, and decided to practice the scriptures on the third side of the wall of Zhending Ding to perfect the Prajna Nirvana.

The Prajna Nirvana is a taboo secret. When Su Zimo's Xuanyuan Realm, he can help him practice using the spirit stone.

If it is more perfect, his cultivation speed will inevitably increase.

Moreover, so far, this taboo secret code is regarded as the foundation of his ascension to the upper world, and it is also the main cultivation method.

Su Zimo took out the Zhending Ding, and the consciousness was poured into the third side of the Zhending Ding. The Sanskrit text above gradually lightened up.

These Sanskrit words are extremely complicated.

Wanting to cultivate is extremely exhausting. Fortunately, Su Zimo had the foundation of the first two articles.


time flies.

No matter where the monks came and went, various things happened in the ancestral gates, and Su Zimo remained motionless and remained in retreat.

Normally, monks want to obtain the Yuanling Stone in the sects, they can only complete some tasks assigned by the sects, accumulate contributions, in exchange for some spiritual resources.

But Su Zimo didn't need it at all.

In previous spirit mines, the Thunder City and the Emperor's Tomb, he experienced several wars. Just picking up the storage bags of others, he accumulated a lot of resources such as Yuanling Stone and Ning Yuandan.

In an instant, 329 years had passed since Su Zimo's retreat.

In the cave, there were about ten Yuanling stones beside Su Zimo.

Inside his body, there were ten golden wires as fine as hair, submerged in these ten spirit stones, while absorbing the heaven and earth vitality inside.

The vitality of heaven and earth on his body became stronger and stronger, and the entire cave house became dazzling and misty, like a fairyland!


Su Zimo was shocked, and the breath of the whole man skyrocketed. He opened his eyes, took a sharp breath, and swallowed all the surrounding mist.

The entire Dongfu restored Qingming again.

Diyuan Realm Double!

In the past three hundred years or so, at the level of the earth and the yuan, we can go one step further. If such speed of cultivation is known to others, it will inevitably startle the chin.

The main reason for achieving this speed is the third aspect of Zhending Ding, perfecting the Prajna Nirvana.

Today, Su Zimo can use the Prajna Nirvana to absorb and refine ten elemental stones at the same time!

This has greatly improved his practice speed.

His previous experience in Juelei City, Emperor's Tomb, and Longteng Mountains, what he saw and heard, gave him great gains, without encountering any obstacles, and breaking through to the dual world.

Not only that, on the third side of the town prison, at the end of Sanskrit, there is a mystery of the Buddhist monk.

This is a seal of law.

The impermanence of every line!

"The impermanence is the law of birth and death ..."

The Sanskrit language of this seal is extremely esoteric and incomprehensible. Su Zimo will feel what the seal means, although he has some free time, he will not fully understand it.

The first two chapters of the Prajna Nirvana are all cultivation methods. Until the third chapter, there is no secret law inheritance.

There is no doubt that it can become the secret method in the taboo secret code, which has absolutely unimaginable power!

Ten years ago, Su Zimo received the induction from the martial arts deity.

Dorothy soared.

Originally, Tao Yan wanted to stay with Martial arts.

However, the resources of the Nether are scarce, and the master of martial arts can use the martial arts furnace to refine the Taoist fruits of Yunyou King a little bit to improve cultivation.

But Tao Yan had no choice.

If the two people soar at the same time in the future, it is very likely that they will be separated from each other.

If this is the case, it is better to let Tao Yan soar to the upper bounds as soon as possible, to suit the cruel environment there, and improve as soon as possible.

Tao Yan was very reluctant, but also knew that he was useless to stay beside the martial arts deity.

The martial art deity is continuously improved, and he stays in the wilderness, without any advancement.

The gap between the two will only grow wider in the future.

As a result, Tao Yan soared ten years ago, attracting thirty-nine days of calamity. Fortunately, he successfully passed through. The martial arts deity could not perceive the specific interface.

With the departure of Tao Yan, nowadays, most of Su Zimo's deceased, except for those who were unable to soar, have already left.

Over time, the era that belonged to the Emperor Wu Gong gradually came to an end.

After Tao Yan left, the martial arts deity stood in Pingyang Town, looking at the direction of the King Zhou City, silently, and looked utterly silent.

Over the years, Ji Yaoxue's cultivation is a realm, and he is still returning to the virtual world.

The martial art deity once found a lot of space nodes in the deserted continent, left the deserted, and went to other small worlds, looking for countless rare treasures that are not found in the deserted continent, and then sent Tao Yan to pass over to Ji Yaoxue.

However, Ji Yaoxue's Shouyuan showed no signs of growth, and his status as a stagnant state.

Back to the virtual Taoist, five thousand years of life.

Now counting, Ji Yaoxue's Yangshou should only have about 2,000 years left.

The martial art deity stood still for a long time before sighing and returning to the house to retreat.

Throughout the years of cultivation, he has exhausted many of the primitive spirits of the original Upper Power.

The life wheel behind him once again increased to sixfold!

Through the induction with Qinglian's true body, the martial arts deity can probably speculate that the state of the six life wheels has reached the level of earth fairy in strength!


Time is like an arrow, and the sun and the moon are like shuttles.

After Su Zimo stepped into the second level of the Diyuan Realm, he continued to retreat.

In 516, Su Zimo broke through again and stepped into the territorial realm triple!

Su Zimo continued to retreat.


Wu Fei rabbit walked, starring.

Hundreds of years have passed.

On this day, more than 1,300 years have passed since Su Zimobai entered the gates of the stars.

(End of this chapter)

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