Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2052: Change of nature

Chapter 2052: Change in the Wilderness

The continent of heaven.

It has been more than 2,000 years since the Emperor Wuwu's ascension, and that era has come to an end with the rising arrogance of that generation.

The years have changed and the times have changed. Although it is only over two thousand years, due to the coexistence of thousands of races created by the Emperor Wuwu, the prosperity of the martial arts has brought countless arrogances to the land.

However, because of the war among the nations, the **** demon catastrophe, the strong among the nations have fallen too much.

In order to truly return to its peak, the Heavenly Desolation Continent needs to continue to rest and live through long years.

In the wild, no one knew that the deity of Budo remained in the Nether.

But at this time, the deity of Martial arts was searching for a treasure of heaven and earth in an unknown small world, but suddenly he stopped and felt something.

Martial art deity turned and looked at the direction of Tianhuang continent, frowning slightly.

He had left a few gods in Tianhuang, and felt that there was a movement in the Tianhuang mainland!

"problem occurs?"

The martial arts of the continent is prosperous, and the coexistence of thousands of ethnic groups. These are the major fierce tribes of that year, and they have no spirit.

In theory, there should be no threat.

But the martial arts master groaned a little, and was still reassured, and decided to return to heaven.

The small world he lives in is far from the continent. If he wants to go back, he will have to cross the void, and it will take some time.


The continent is a terrible land.

Over the Kunlun Market, a sudden and powerful wave of power came suddenly!

boom! boom! boom!

A huge roar rang through the sky, and this small world in Tianhuang was trembling slightly!

Four domains and one continent, the ground shakes.

Three oceans set off a rough sea!

On Penglai Island, the strong men on Shenhuang Island went out.

Most of the semi-strengths on the continent are also feeling their hearts. One after another appeared in the air, looking towards the west.

I saw a horrific wave of power erupting over the Kunlun Ruins, and then there was a crackling sound from heaven and earth, as if something was breaking.

The next moment, in the direction of Kunlun Market, a burst of golden light shone from the sky!


Many of the greats in the wild look changed and took a breath.

Not surprisingly, such a golden light, such a powerful breath, should only be released by one race.


Moreover, the location of Kunlun Market is precisely a space node that connects the continent of God.

In this way, the crackling sound that had just leaked was probably the seal of this space node and was broken by the protoss!

Protoss invades again!

Heaven is shaking!

"The situation is critical. Where is Luo Huang?"

There was a shout in the midst of the sky.

No one responded.

"What about the other emperors of Xianwuzong?"


The emperor of various races, his ancestors appeared in the air, his expression was in doubt.

Among them, the tenderness of Xiao Feng, the fat man, Shi Jian, and Ji Chengtian all went out of the customs and came to the air.

The cultivation of the four gentle gentlemen has not yet reached the emperor, but all have entered the ancestral realm.

Emperors and ancestors have appeared in the major forces of the human race's immortal gate, Buddhist gate, and magic gate.

Among the several fierce tribes, the Witch tribe was destroyed in the Ten Thousand Races, and the Blood Rattan tribe was destroyed by the Blood Demon Dao. Today, there are only six major fierce tribes: Dragon, Barbarian, Wa, Tianyan, Raksha, Jinwu.

The emperors of these six fierce clan have also appeared.

Dragon emperors include Canglong Emperor and Yunlong Emperor.

Canglong Huang is Longcang, a five-claw dragon with blood.

Emperor Yunlong, was once a Emperor Mount, lonely cloud.

Long Ran has soared, and today's dragon clan is the principal of Cang Long Huang and Yun Long Huang.

"You come to discuss the matter at the Heavenly Palace first!"

Just then, a voice came into the ears of everyone.

This voice comes from the storyteller of this life.

The storyteller of this life, once a disciple of Lin Xuanji, has also entered the realm of the emperor.

Emperors of all ancestors ripped open the void and descended into the heavenly palace.

"what happened?"

The barbarian emperor frowned, and said, "The **** emperor over the protoss has a very good relationship with the emperor Wuwu, how can he suddenly break the seal and break into the wilderness?"

The **** emperor in the mouth of the barbaric emperor is Nianqi.

The little fat man shook his head and said, "Take Nianqi's talents as a practice, and without any accident, he has risen to the upper bound. Now the **** emperor of God's continent should have someone else."

"What to do now, Luo Huang is nowhere to be seen. I just checked it out of Xian Wuzong and it was almost empty."

The storyteller looked at the crowd and asked Shen Shen.

Emperor Luo is a strong man who has risen in the past millennium. His name is Luo Ao. When he has a spiritual root, he breaks the rules and can be a fellow initiate of Xianwu.

It can be said that after the Emperor Wu Emperor, Luo Huang was the most dazzling and demon!

The Emperor Wuzong founded by Luo Emperor has recruited more than half of the warriors in Tianhuang, becoming the largest martial arts and the largest force on the continent!

Normally, when this kind of thing happened in Tianhuang, Luo Huang should stand up and lead the Tianhuang people to resist foreign enemies.

Only he has this prestige and this strength.

But now, Luo Huang does not know where he is, Xian Wuzong is empty, and everyone has no idea for a while.

The Emperor Yunlong looked dignified, and said, "The Protoss are fierce this time, I am afraid they will not give up."

In the ancient times, the Protoss had invaded the heavens and was intercepted at the Kunlun Market by the Protoss and suffered heavy losses.

In fact, between the two continents, there is a deep sea of ​​blood that is difficult to resolve!

It was only because of the Nianqi relationship among the Protoss in the time of Emperor Wuwu that the relationship between the two continents was eased.

"Nianqi is soaring today, and a new emperor is born on the continent of God.

Ji Chengtian said in a deep voice.

The Canglong Emperor Shen said: "We have no retreat, only one battle!"

"The sky famine will set off a world war again, and then blood will flow into the river. I don't know how many souls will be destroyed. Alas, and this victory is unpredictable." The storyteller sighed.

The continent has not yet cultivated from the **** catastrophe, but now faces such calamities.

"It may not be impossible to fight."

Shi Jiandao said: "For more than two thousand years, martial arts have been flourishing, and almost all souls can practice spiritually. And with top-notch combat power, we have Luo Huang sitting in the town."

The crowd nodded.

At the same time, **** battles have broken out in Kunlun Market!

The protoss army rushed out from the colorful cave in Kunlun Market, almost endless, each one with strong breath.

Protoss are inherently powerful, like gods.

The man is handsome and tall, and the woman is glorious.

Each of these Protoss army is wearing armor, wearing a sword at the waist, holding a spear, and constantly killing the defense line of Kunlun Market.

Just the combined power of the Protoss army, tens of thousands!

Among them, the ancestors of the Protoss, more than a thousand people!

This number is constantly increasing!

The Kunlun Fair is guarded by the Kunlun people all the year round, but it is still somewhat unsustainable in the face of such a terrible offensive by the Protoss.

The Kunlun Ruins in the Archean period could block the Protoss army because of two deities.

More than 2,000 years ago, the Protoss could be blocked because of the Emperor Wu and Yeling.

Today, only a group of Kunlun people are guarding the Kunlun Market!

The defense line of Kunlun Market will not last long!

(End of this chapter)

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