Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2053: Luo Huang (one more)

2053 (details)

In the Sacred God Canyon, the corpses were everywhere, and blood flowed into the river.

The Protoss army seemed to condense into a golden spear, and sprinting in the Gods Canyon, the Kunlun tribe guarded with blood!

They cannot retreat and dare not retreat.

Behind the Kunlun Market, there is the Tianhuang Continent!

Once the Kunlun Ruins fall, the head of the Protoss army drives straight in, and the iron hoofs travel all over the sky, and more innocent lives will die under the Great Sword and Spear of the Protoss.

Moreover, all Kunlun people believe that the thousands of reinforcements from the continent will definitely come to support!

In the sky, three kings of the Kunlun tribe fought against one protoss.

This Protoss Emperor is extremely young and full of energy. He looks less than twenty years old, but he has strong blood and bright golden light in his body. With bare hands, he can fight with the three emperors and even have the absolute upper hand!

The strong ancestral realm of the Kunlun tribe is also fighting and killing many ancestors on the opposite side, and the situation is fierce!

In the same level, most human races are difficult to resist the power of the protoss.

This is a natural disparity in blood vein physique.

In the Emperor Wuhuang era, most of the arrogant demons that have experienced life and death, such as the war of thousands of peoples, the blood demon catastrophe, have soared.

Today's famine, although thriving and vigorous, is only a recuperation after the catastrophe, and is far less powerful than the Emperor Wu of the era.

The true top protoss of the Protoss has not yet appeared!

Today, it is only the appearance of a young emperor of the Protoss.

But even so, the Kunlun tribe has been unable to withstand it, and it has been defeated in the Killing God Canyon. It won't be long before the defense line will collapse!

Under the leadership of the powerful forces in all the famines, the forces of the Great Famine began to gather towards the Kunlun Market, killing the sound of the sky.

The Da Zhou Empire quickly gathered their troops and rushed to the battlefield of Kunlun Market!

At this moment, a figure emerged from the sky above Kunlun Market.

This man was dressed in a black robe and looked young, but he was erect, tall, martial, and calm like a puppet, like a **** who could not be offended. Barren, people can't help but worship!

After the Emperor Wu Wu, the proud and most powerful emperor in the wilderness, Luo Ao!

He practiced his own body and practiced Taoism. He had entered several territories alone, and had to fight against them.

He was a fellow initiate of Xianwu, less than a thousand years old, and he has become the emperor.

He founded Xian Wu Zong, recruited the Wizards of the world, and invited the strong men of all ethnic groups. Within five hundred years, he became the best of all the great gates in the sky!

It can be said that Emperor Luo is the most dazzling legend after the age of Emperor Wuwu!

The Emperor Wuwu did not open a sect, but only accepted two disciples.

Bei Mingxue and Xiaoyao both sought for the way, but they didn't create the ancestral gate, so they flew away.

And every 50 years, Emperor Luo will talk about martial arts, attracting many martial arts followers in the wild, and the Emperor Wuzong is also growing stronger.

Some people even say that the Emperor Wuhuang created the martial arts, which was the emperor Luo's follow-up to the sages, and carried forward martial arts to the top!

"It is Luo Huang!"

"Long Huang is here!"

Below the Kunlun tribe, monks from various ethnic groups saw the figure in the air, looking uplifted, and burst out shouting.

Heavenly Palace, the atmosphere is dignified.

The many emperors and ancestors who were discussing how to fight the World War I also felt at this moment and came into the air and looked towards the West.

There is a dazzling figure standing above the Kunlun Market. No one can ignore it!

"Luo Huang showed up."

The storyteller Chang Shu breathed.

Ji Chengtian nodded slightly, saying, "With the Emperor Luo, there will be a battle in the sky! Just the Emperor Wuzong ruled by Luo Emperor is enough for the protoss to bear."

At this moment, when I saw the sky above Kunlun Market, Luo Huang gently waved his sleeves, and a delicate palace emerged, constantly growing, suspended in mid-air, exuding an air of unparalleled breath!

"It is the imperial palace of Luo emperor."

Yunlong Huangdao said: "Looking at this, the monks of Xianwuzong should all be in Xianwu Palace. However, I don't know what the emperor Luo's move means."

While everyone was talking, the monks in Xianwu Palace came out one after another.

However, many of these monks are ugly, depressed, and stunned.


The fat man murmured suddenly, saying, "The strong man of Xian Wuzong seems to be a lot less."

Others have also discovered this. In the Emperor Wuzong, some ancestors and emperors did not show up, and they did not know where they were going.

"Maybe Luo has any other hand?"

Shi Jian speculated.

Because the distance is too far, many powerful men in Tianji Palace cannot see the expressions of many monks in Xianwu Palace.

"We gave an order to gather the strong men of Zongmen and set out as soon as possible to go to Kunlun Market to fight the Protoss!"

The storyteller said deeply.

"it is good!"

Many powerful men tore the void, returned to the Zongmen territory, gathered the Zongmen strongmen, and headed for Kunlun Market.


At the same time, it was over Kunlun Market.

Luo Huang looked at the many monks who came out of Xianwuzong and said lightly, "Go ahead."

Among the crowd, soon some monks stood up and went aggressively towards the battlefield.

Seeing this scene, the Kunlun people are even more excited!

Emperor Luo glanced at the remaining monks of Xianwuzong and shook his head: "It is a foregone conclusion today, you have no retreat. Only by obeying my orders will you have a chance to survive!"

As soon as the words fell, Luo Luo's figure flickered, and he came to the battlefield of the Emperor in the sky.

The three Kunlun emperors were already a little overwhelmed by the young **** emperor's assault.

Now seeing Luo Huang coming, finally relieved.

"Luo Huang be careful, this person ..."

A Kunlun emperor has just spoken, but he hasn't finished speaking yet. I saw Luo Huang take a shot and hit him on his vest!


The Kunlun emperor's eyes widened, his expression was dull, and his eyes looked puzzled, doubtful, and incredible.

The next moment, the body of the Kunlun emperor burst instantly and turned into a mist of blood!

His Yuan Shen was also shattered by Luo Huang's punch!

The remaining two Kunlun emperors were stunned.

Emperor Luo kept moving, backhanded, and drew heavily on the face of the second Kunlun emperor.

The emperor's head was directly blasted, and Yuanshen was gone!

In less than one breath, the two emperors of the Kunlun tribe fell in the hands of Luo Huang!

"Luo Huang, you ..."

The last Kunlun emperor had just reacted, his expression was furious, and a sting came from his chest.

A huge golden fist came out through his body and burst his heart!

The young emperor of the Protoss sneered slightly, and with both hands, he tore the Kunlun tribe's body in half.

The emperor's Yuanshen turned into a streamer and wanted to escape.

Luo Huang's eyes turned and fell on the Kunlun emperor's primitive god.

The person's primordial spirit paused immediately.

Click! Click!

The next moment, the Kunlun emperor Yuanshen shattered and died.

(End of this chapter)

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