Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2054: Real disaster (second more)

Chapter 2054 Real Calamity

In an instant, the three Kunlun emperors fell into Luo's hands!

The blood of the emperor dyed the midair of Kunlun Market!

They were still struggling with many Kunlun ancestors who were killed by their ancestors in mid-air.

At this moment, the ancestors of Xianwuzong came down with many warriors, rushed directly into the crowd, and launched a killing ring against the Kunlun tribe!

Spells, magical powers, and magic weapons erupted, setting off a gust of blood in the Gods Canyon!

Under the impact of the Protoss army, the Kunlun town's defense line of the Gods Canyon was already in danger.

But now, many of the martial arts of Xianwuzong rushed from behind, causing the Kunlun tribe to suffer the enemy, and the defense line collapsed instantly.

Just between the first ten breaths I was in contact with, I do n’t know how many Kunlun people, unknown corpses on the spot!

These creatures guarding the frontiers of the wilderness are unclear until death, why Luo Huang and Xian Wuzong would take action on them.

Killing Gods Canyon Lost!

Emperor Luo looked at the palace next to Xianwu. The remaining martial artists were squinting slightly, and slowly said, "Why, do you still not do it?"


A sorrowful warrior sighed, descended from the air, and killed the monk in the sky towards the other side of Kunlun Market.

Seeing this scene, the rest of the Xianwu Zong warriors also started to take action.

In the Kunlun Market, many monks who have just arrived here see the scene, all of them are dismayed!

You know, half of the martial arts on the continent worshiped the Emperor Wuzong, all of whom were Emperor Luo Huang.

Now, these martial arts powers have turned their heads and rushed towards them!

"Lin Daoyou, what are you doing? The Protoss army is killing Gods Canyon. Why are you shooting at the people in the wilderness?" Some monks looked furious and couldn't help asking.

"Sister Yuan, are you crazy!"

Someone shouted.

When the martial arts of Xianwuzong heard these words, a little guilt appeared in his eyes, but if he finally bit his teeth, he would kill the ring!

Originally, they were all in the sky, but at the time of the invasion of the protoss, at the same time, they were fighting in the same room and killing each other!

For a moment, the killing sound of Kunlun Fair shook the sky, and there was a sorrow.

The princes of various major gate forces, such as Tianji Palace, Jianzong, Shuluzong, King Kong Temple, and Shenhuangdao, have just gathered the strong men of the Zongmen, and are preparing to leave for the Kunlun Market to fight against the Protoss. Such a scene.

The emperor's expression shook, and his heart could not help raising a hint of chill.

"How could this be?"

The storyteller stared at the tragedy in Kunlun Market for a while.

There was only one thought left in his mind.

But this speculation was too frightening, he couldn't believe it!

"The Emperor Luo has betrayed the heavens!"

Canglonghuang's eyes showed endless killing, biting his teeth, he said with a grudge.

Lengrou still didn't want to believe it, and murmured, "This ... wouldn't it? Perhaps this emperor Luo was disguised by a protoss?"

"No way!"

The little fat man shook his head and said, "If the Protoss are disguised, there are ten emperors in Xian Wuzong, how can they not see Luo Ao's true body!"

"Unexpectedly, Luo Huang actually turned to the Protoss at this critical moment!" Ji Chengtian was distressed, his fists clenched.

Shi Jian frowned: "Even if Luo Huang wolf ambition, among the martial arts immortals, all martial arts practitioners, why would they follow him to betray the continent?"

"After all, the age of Emperor Wuwu has passed."

The storyteller shook his head: "This life is the time of Luo Huang. There are many warriors in Xian Wu Zong, who have benefited from Luo Huang's preaching of martial arts and are his followers."

As the years go by, the times change, the emperor Emperor Wufei rises, and the influence is waning.

The rise of the new emperor is affecting the entire famine!

"No matter how powerful King Luo's influence is, the warriors in Xianwu Zong can't all betray him!" Lengrou said.

The Emperor Yunlong suddenly said: "The monks in the Immortal Emperor Buddhism have disappeared almost half. I guess those people are the monks who rebelled against the Luo emperor.


The emperors were shocked.

Originally, the crowd was still full of ambitions, but when they saw the scene of Emperor Luo's betrayal, everyone knew one thing, the real calamity of Tianhuang came!

This time is even more terrible than the battle of ancient times, the **** monster catastrophe!

There were emperors in ancient times.

There was the Emperor Wu more than two thousand years ago.

But now, the only Emperor Luo who can rely on Tianhuang suddenly collapsed and joined hands with the Protoss!

You must know that Luo Emperor was the most powerful emperor after the age of Emperor Wuwu.

The emperors present, no one is his opponent.

And Xian Wuzong is the greatest force in the wild, even if half of the strong are damaged, its strength is far from being able to compete with the major forces.

What's more, half of the world's martial arts powers are under His Majesty Luo Huang. How can this battle be fought?

"Go, go to Kunlun Market and fight with the Protoss!"

Canglong Huang said in a deep voice.

"I was about to ask Emperor Luo, why did he betray Tianhuang when he cultivated martial arts?" Ji Chengtian said in a deep voice.

The crowd was in a heavy mood, but they still did not give up. They led their army and led their army, and they descended directly on Kunlun Market.

At this time, the Kunlun Market has become a **** sea of ​​corpses, and the Xiuluo field with bones everywhere, soaring into the sky!

Protoss army, more and more.

Protoss Emperor, eight people have appeared!

The Armed Forces of Heaven could not resist, and the whole line was defeated, leaving the bones of billions of souls.

Kunlun Market Lost!

The emperor Yunlong, the fat man, the storyteller and other emperors led their respective ancestors to come down. Seeing this scene, they all looked sad and furious!

In the air, Luo Huang looked indifferent, it seemed that the lives of hundreds of millions of souls under his feet were not worth mentioning in his eyes.

"Luo Ao, what you did!"

The Emperor Yunlong looked angry and sang loudly.


Although Ji Chengtian was only the ancestral homeland, at this time he stood up and asked loudly to the Emperor Luo: "Wu Wu stands, Bu Wu Cang is born! Why do you cultivate the inheritance of Wu Huang? Spirit! "

"Inheritance of the Emperor Wu?"

Luo Ao suddenly smiled and looked at Yunlong Emperor and others, saying, "I want to ask you, in this life, among the emperors, who can fight me!"

Yunlong Huang and others were silent.

Among them, there are only five ways to comprehend the supernatural powers.

And Luo Ao realized that there are as many as six peerless supernatural powers, and they are fellow initiates of Xianwu. His combat power is horrible, and no one is his opponent at all.

Luo Ao continued: "With my fighting power, even from the time of the ancient times, I am also the top powerhouse, comparable to the emperor and the emperor!"

"so what."

The storyteller Shen said: "The Emperor of Man, the Emperor Wu once made an immortal feat for the heavenly famine, admired forever! And no matter how high your combat power, you are also a sinner of the heavenly famine!"


Luo Ao laughed loudly, and looked coldly at the people of Yunlong Emperor, saying: "This is no wonder that I can't bear me! It's you who forced me!"

(End of this chapter)

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