Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2069: Heaven and Earth Furnace

Chapter 2069: Heaven and Earth Furnace

Seeing this scene, billions of Protoss troops were all terrified.

But at this time, so many protoss gathered in one place and rushed towards Su Zimo. The general situation was already achieved, even if someone wanted to step back, it would not help.

The golden tide surged, the earth shook and the mountains seemed to drown everything!

"Want to challenge me?"

The eyes of the martial art deity are like torches, blood pulses, as if a tsunami strikes in the body, and the blood and blood are urged to the limit in an instant.


"Is teleportation?"

The billions of protoss rushed into a meal, and everyone's mind passed through every doubt.


Many protoss look changed, and looked up subconsciously.

Between heaven and earth, the wind and clouds suddenly changed, and the sky suddenly changed color, as if shrouded by the setting sun, extremely red, soaked in the sunset.

Before long, the color of the other half of the sky gradually changed to sky blue.

"what happened?"

"What magical method is this?"

Numerous Protoss looked in wonder, looking around.

Some protoss, even started to urge the Yuanshen, exploded with various magical powers, and struck the strange sky.

But these supernatural powers submerged into the void, failed to stir a little ripple, and disappeared.

"It's hot, what's going on?"

Some Protoss have begun to discover anomalies.

The temperature between heaven and earth is rising rapidly!


Above the sky, there was a fire!

Many Protoss looked up, can not help but change color.

I saw a huge ball of fire coming down in the sky, smashing into the crowd, overwhelming!

These fireballs shrouded the boundless central Shencheng!

Billions of protoss are too dense.

A huge fireball fell down, and several protoss could be swallowed up casually. This was a devastating disaster for the protoss below!


The fireball descended and fell on the city wall. The golden light shone and the indestructible city wall made a huge gap, and the firelight splashed.

Some protoss are less able to dodge and become infected with this kind of fire. In the blink of an eye, the whole person burns, and after a long time of struggling, they turn to ashes.

The Protoss army was chaotic.

This ancient city of God is also caught in a sea of ​​fire.

"Grand Priest, should I go to ask Emperor Wu for mercy?"

A little girl looked at the scene in front of her, crying and crying.

The high priest was exhausted, and his face was dark, but there was still no sign of shrinking in his cloudy eyes.

The high priest hesitated with the stick of dawn, and shouted loudly: "Don't panic, we are the gods guarded by gods, and there are many people. As long as everyone works together, we can break this vision of the Emperor Wu!"

"Light Knight, center on me, gather me!"

Protoss royals are desperately controlling the protoss army.

Under the orders of the high priests and some of the Protoss emperors, many Protoss gradually suppressed their inner fears, calmed down, and gathered together as close as possible.


The color changed in the sky. In addition to falling huge fireballs, a light blue fire rain fell down.

This flame does not seem to have any temperature, and there is no earth-shattering momentum.

But on the body of the Protoss monk, this Protoss monk will immediately fall, the ash will fly away, the soul will fly away!

The billions of Protoss armies have just calmed down and suffered the baptism of this sky-blue fire and rain, and then collapse again, chaotically, and defeat the army!

The high priest took a deep breath, exhausted his last strength, and shouted out loudly: "The tribe listen to my orders and release the magical powers, blood visions, and the sky above my head with me!"

The high priest's voice was hoarse, and this roar was like the last cry of life.

This shout once again shocked many Protoss spirits.


"Even if the flames burn, you will make a hole in this sky!"

One by one, the protoss no longer ran away, condensed blood visions, urged the talents of supernatural powers, held magic weapons in their hands, accumulated strength, and prepared to join forces to pierce the sky!


The body of a Protoss emperor burned a flame without warning, and soon swept the whole body!

Many protos can clearly see that this red fire does not come from the sky at all, but ignites from the body of this protoss!


This protoss screamed screaming, the body was constantly twisted, and the blood of the gods surged, which could not let the flame in the body go out.

He continued to release magical powers, and the flames inside his body became more and more blazing.

After a few breaths, the Protoss Emperor was burned to ashes.

Where he stood, a strange red lotus flower emerged.

"what is this?"

The protoss who saw this scene were pale with fright.

"In your body ..."

A protoss pointed to the other protoss on the opposite side, looking terrified.

The body of the tribe who was on the opposite side suddenly ignited the same flame. With three breaths, the protoss was incinerated, leaving a mark of red lotus!

At the same time, the flames of many Protoss races flared!

This is karma!

The sin karma is contaminated on your body, which will cause karma to burn!

Billions of Protoss troops, under the orders of the High Priest, finally managed to overcome their inner fears, and before they broke out, they were defeated by the fire of the red lotus industry!

All the protoss, including the emperor **** emperor, were plunged into endless panic, and there was no battle.

No one thought about how to resist, many protoss fled around, trying to escape this sea of ​​purgatory fire.

Many protoss find that in the place where the souls of the heavens stand, there is no flame coming,

Many protoss swarmed in that direction!

boom! boom! boom!

But these protoss were blocked before they rushed to the front of the desolate crowd.

Between the desolate souls and the protoss, a red curved iron wall emerges faintly, connecting the heavens and the earth!

Some protoss hit this red iron wall, and it was burnt on the spot to emit thick smoke, flesh and skin were burned, and bones were roasted red.

At the same time, the protoss who escaped in all directions encountered this situation.

Hitting these flaming iron walls is also a dead end!

All the protoss seemed to be trapped in a closed vessel, and they could not advance or retreat, nowhere to escape!

The first flame was the flame of the dragon and the phoenix who inherited the true body of the dragon and phoenix.

The second flame was the calamity he later realized.

In every calamity, there is the power of the calamity, and the Protoss of the Nether can't resist it!

The third flame is the red lotus industry fire.

The martial arts sacrifice the bleeding veins vision, all the gods of this heaven and earth, the central city of God are accommodated in it, with heaven and earth as the furnace, three blessings of fire, burn everything!

The Protoss is in it, yet it is not real.

The people in the sky and the wild standing outside were shocked. In their sight, a huge furnace appeared faintly in the sky and the earth was red, the flames were soaring, and they could not stand!

(End of this chapter)

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