Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2070: Land of the gods

Chapter 2070 The Land of the Gods

On the walls, there were flames in the high priest's body.

"Grand Priest!"

The little girl behind him exclaimed, trying to rush up.

Although the little girl is also a protoss, there is not much sin in her body.

Although the martial art deity released karma, not all protoss will endure karma.

Protoss with insufficient sinful karma will not cause karma.

The high priest shook his head slightly, released a sense of consciousness, repulsed the little girl, and grinned, "I did not expect that the calamity of the Protoss is here."

Even if there is no karma, he will not be able to sustain it.

The high priest looked back into the sea of ​​fire, the ruined ancient city, and looked inside and outside the city of God, running away, the eyes of the horrified and horrified people gradually dimmed.

"Read love, you go."

The high priest murmured, "Hope you can save the rest of the people."

As soon as the words fell, the old body of the high priest was engulfed in karma, and instantly turned into dust. A red lotus flower was imprinted on the wall.

"Senior Emperor Wuhuang, Senior Emperor Wuhuang!"

The little girl who evoked emotions wiped away her tears, carefully took out a piece of gold paper from her arms, and shouted loudly towards the sky.

The figure of the martial art deity loomed in the air.

He looked down at the heavens and earth, his eyes fell on the little **** the city wall, and he looked slightly.

The girl was blonde and curled slightly, like Nian Qi, who had met him for the first time.

The martial art deity closed his eyes a little, then opened his eyes, and the thoughts moved, and the melting furnace between heaven and earth disappeared. The flames that destroyed the heaven and earth also disappeared.

In just a few tens of breaths, hundreds of millions of Protoss fell, and many were Protoss emperors, ancestors, and powerful men.

Martial arts master came here this time, and did not intend to kill everything.

Not all of the Protoss are militants, and they are thinking of fighting the Quartet above all other beings.

Of course, the martial arts decisive decisive decisive decision, this battle almost killed the emperor's emperor and ancestor!

After today, I am afraid that the Protoss will need unimaginably long years before they have the opportunity to recover to their peak.

It is quite possible that even a slump will result.

Of course, the most important purpose of this martial art deity is to make the protoss fear!

This fear must be ingrained, and it must be deeply rooted in the blood and soul of the Taoism.

Let God's continent never dare to set foot in the sky!

At this time, the melting pot of heaven and earth disappeared, the flames dissipated, and the protoss of the rest of the life after the calamity stood one by one, looking confused and disheartened.

The martial arts deities stood in the air, slowly walked towards the central city of God, and passed over their heads.

But many protoss, no one dare to look up!

If any creature dares to walk on the head of the protoss before today, it is simply an unacceptable provocation, and it will certainly bear the punishment of the protoss.

But at this moment, no protoss dare to see the figure in the air.

They are afraid that their eyes will lead to the anger of that person, the scourge of killing themselves, and even the scourge of genocide!

All the protoss are aware that this person's means can completely destroy the entire protoss and make this continent of gods a deadly flame hell!

At this moment, facing this figure, each protoss lowered their proud head.

It didn't take long before the deity of Budo came to the wall.

He looked at the little girl next to him, his eyes fell on that sheet of gold paper, and he was about to speak.

In a void outside the city wall, a gap suddenly opened, a figure emerged, wearing the crown of God, was the emperor who had just escaped!

"Wu Huang!"

The God Emperor looked at the dilapidated and stricken city, with a haggard expression, with a grudge on his face, and gritted his teeth, "You will one day rise! I will wait patiently for the day when you rise, when you will destroy the race!"


The spirit of the martial art deity stunned, and his heart fell on the emperor.

Hearing this sentence, the little girl's face changed greatly.

The Emperor Wu had originally given up, and the little girl did not want to cause any further genocide to the Protoss because of the Emperor.

"Senior Emperor Wuhuang ..."

The little girl shouted quickly.

But she found that the deity of martial arts had disappeared into her sight.

Just in a blink of an eye, the deity of martial arts came to the emperor, reached out his palm, and grabbed at the emperor!

The Emperor's face changed greatly, he didn't want to, he retreated, and sank into the void crack.

The martial art sneer sneered, and went in without hesitation!

Rushing into this void of the void, the deity of Martial arts only felt that it was shining, and seemed to enter another world.

This side of the world is full of light, and it feels very different from the feeling of the continent of God and the continent of heaven.

On the continent of God and the wasteland, the deity of martial arts is always aware of the threat of the laws of heaven and earth.

As long as the power he releases exceeds the upper limit of the lower bound, it will definitely lead to the backwash of the laws of the heaven and earth in the lower bound!

But between this world, this sense of threat disappeared!

In this space, even some vitality exists, although it is extremely thin.

"Upper Bound?"

Martial arts master moved.

But soon, he rejected the idea.

This can't be the upper world, but it should be similar to a small world created by the top powers of the upper world, independent of hundreds of millions of worlds, and not bound by the laws of the lower world.

In fact, there is such a place on the continent.

In the same year, when Butterfly Moon taught Su Zimo in Pingyang Town, she opened a dojo in his room.

That dojo is very similar to the small world in front of him.

But there is no vitality in that dojo.

The Taoist practice in the Pingyang town of Budoism will not suffer the backlash of the laws of heaven and earth, so his practice can always be improved.


God Emperor laughed, staring at the Master of Martial Arts, and hated, "Wu Huang, you have been fooled! I just said those words just to draw you over!"


The Budo master looked indifferent, and asked, "What is this place?"

"This is the most secretive and oldest mystery on the land of gods, the land of the gods!"

The Emperor God could not help laughing, looking at the eyes of the martial arts deities, as if looking at a dead man, slowly said: "In this world, there are real gods of the protoss!"

"The Protoss in the Land of the Gods, cultivated as a realm, has gone far beyond the Emperor and reached the level of the mysterious god!"

The martial art deity looks calm, and there is still no fluctuation in his eyes.


When the Emperor saw this scene, he laughed and said, "Wu Huang, I think you are scared!"

The martial art deity remains silent.

God Emperor stunned and laughed ironically: "I know, based on your knowledge, I don't know what a mysterious **** is. Would you like me to explain it to you and let you die?"

The chapters are messed up, I do n’t know where the bug is, and revised it again

(End of this chapter)

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