Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2077: Ruin

Chapter 2077 Ruin

The man in the black robe changed his look!

He never thought that a fourth-order Dixian on the opposite side, two levels lower than his realm, released such a humble drop of water, and even broke his great magical power!

Not only that, this drop of black light dripping through the huge fireball has not completely dried up, leaving a ray of impact on the man in the black robe.

"What a demon!"

The man in the black robe shouted, stretched out his robe sleeve, and waved it with his hand, trying to wipe off this drop of water, once again condensing fairy art, and Su Zi ink bucket.

But the moment his robe sleeve collided with water droplets, the man in black robe shook!

This drop of water did not shake him.

At this moment, it seemed that he was not facing a drop of water, but a sea of ​​oceans, which was setting off a raging wave and raging!


Water droplets burst.

The man in the black robe was directly hit by a fly, and there was a sound of bone fracture in his body. He fell and flew out and rolled away a dozen feet away!

If there is weak water between heaven and earth, Hongmao can't float, it can flood everything, and it is the lightest water in the world.

Then Tianyi Zhenshui is the heaviest water in this world!

Just a drop of water can reach the river and sea!

Although Su Zimo practiced successfully, only one drop could be condensed with his Yuanshen.

If you can really cultivate this day into true water, tens of thousands of drops, and cultivate the potential of rivers, it will destroy the world and destroy all the power!

The man in the black robe wanted to stand up while mobilizing his vitality and repairing the cracks in his bones.


A figure flickered in front of him, and Su Zimo had come to his body, stepping on his chest with one foot, as if a majestic mountain was pressing on him!

The man in the black robe couldn't move!

"You can't kill me!"

The man in the black robe quickly said: "I am a Zuo clan!"

Zuo's, one of the five families of Sun Moon County.

Su Zi, expressionless, asked, "Who sent you?"

"It's my own idea."

The man in the black robe said.

"You didn't tell the truth."

Su Zimo shook his head slightly and pressed his feet slightly, so he stepped on the chest of the man in a black robe, and seemed to be able to step on his chest at any time!

"Mo Ling, how dare you!"

The man in the black robe was furious, and gritted his teeth, "You dare to hurt my life, I am left ..."


Su Zimo exerted force at his feet, instantly stepping on the heart of the man in the black robe, and his chest collapsed deeply.


There was a scream from the man in the black robe.

Su Zimo did not give him any chance, stretched out his palm, covered his heavenly spirit with a shot, imprisoned his Yuanshen, and released the soul-searching technique directly!

Since this person does not tell the truth, Su Zimo will see for himself!

It didn't take long for this person's primordial spirit to languish.

After half a ring, Su Zimo rubbed the palms of his hands and killed the primitive **** of the black robe man.

"Zuo Zhuxuan."

Su Zimo glanced back at the directions of the star gates, sneer slightly.

He has a little impression of this Zuo Zhuxuan.

Among the descendants of the five major families, this cultivation is the highest, and like Shangguanzhen, they are all eighth-order earth gods. They are relatively stable and look extraordinary.

Unlike Xie Tianfeng and Lin Ming, this man showed little hostility to him.

Su Zimo did not expect that this person would not move, but this move actually killed his life!

Moreover, this person was extremely cautious, and for fear of an accident, he dispatched a sixth-order earth fairy to ensure foolproofness.

However, he met Su Zimo.

Su Zimo took off the black robe man's storage bag and threw down a flame, burning his body to ashes and destroying corpses before turning away.

His goal now is to go to the abyss of Long Yuan Xing and take care of this Zuo Zhuxuan for the time being.


Star gates, among a cave house.

Zuo Zhuxuan sat cross-legged on a stone bed, seemingly closing his eyes.

Behind him, stood an old man who was a few years old, and repaired to reach the seventh-order earth fairy.

"Master, why did you suddenly notice that Mo Ling and sent Zuo Fu to hunt him down?"

The old man asked curiously.

Zuo Zhuxuan gently rubbed his eyebrows, then opened his eyes, and said, "Shangguanzhen looked at this person with a strange look. I've tapped a few times and asked a few times before I knew the reason for the vision of the stars.

"How is it related to this person?"

The old man frowned, and some couldn't believe it, saying, "This man was only a first-order earth fairy, and could he attract such a big movement from the observation stage?"

Zuo Zhuxuan said: "In the beginning, when I heard Shang Guanzheng's speculation, I didn't take it seriously, it was only Shangguanzheng thinking more."

"However, this time the person went out of the customs, he has made a rapid progress in the realm, and has actually reached the fourth-order ground fairy. This is too much fun!"

The old man is also thoughtful.

Zuo Zhuxuan Shen said, "I'm sure there must be a strange treasure on this person. It is this strange treasure that spurs the vision of the stargazing platform, and it is this strange treasure that makes this person Three thousand times in a row! "

"That's why you let Zuo Fu kill this person and bring back the treasures from him." The old man was surprised.

Zuo Zhuxuan's eyes flashed hot, saying: "If I can get such an exotic treasure, I can break through to the nine-level ground fairy before the Shenxiao Fairy Club, and compete for the rankings!"

"As long as I can enter the top list, even if it is the last place, I will be famous!"

"This is just my starting point. At that time, I will grow my family and grow out of Riyue County. I will become a fairy family in the Great Jin Dynasty!"

"It's the family's honour to have the ambition of the young master."

The old man quickly praised him.

Later, the old man seemed to think of something, and asked, "Young Master, haven't your wedding with Shangguanyi been settled yet?"


Speaking of this time, Zuo Zhuxuan's complexion suddenly became a little gloomy, saying: "Hum, I have not spent much time on her over the years, but this woman has always been cold to me."

"Well, if I can leave a name on the list, I will be famous all over the world. At that time, even if she came to me, I might not see her!"

At this moment, Zuo Zhuxuan's heart moved and seemed to feel something. He patted his palm on the storage bag, took out a broken soul Jane, and his face was ugly.

"this is……"

The old man asked.

"Zuo Fu is dead."

Zuo Zhuxuan's eyes were cold and he gritted his teeth.

The old man frowned, and said, "How is this possible? Zuo Fu's combat strength is not weak. His cultivation level is still two levels higher than that of Mo Ling. How could it fall?"

"Two possibilities."

Zuo Zhuxuan said in a deep voice: "First, the Mo Ling relied on that strange treasure to kill Zuo Fu. The second one is this person's side and other helpers."

"I speculate that the first is more likely."

The old man thought for a moment, and nodded, and said, "When the man worshipped at the gates of the stars, he was alone. He has not contacted people in these years, and there should be no helper."

"Ha ha."

Zuo Zhuxuan suddenly smiled and said quietly, "I can look forward to killing the opponent's treasure with one person across two levels!"

(End of this chapter)

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