Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2078: Dragon

Chapter 2078 Dragon Race

Su Zimo came to Cangyu City and went straight to the direction of the teleportation array.

On the walls of the ancient city, a portrait of him wanted can still be seen, but over a thousand years later, censorship has gradually relaxed.

Su Zimo observed for a long time in the city. Before entering the teleportation array, no guards would come up to expose the monks to the gods.

In this way, his Yuanshen holds Sambo Jade Ruyi with no flaws at all.

Su Zimo swayed into the teleportation array and teleported to the edge of Sun Moon County, the closest city to Longyuan Star, the peerless city.

The longer the teleportation distance, the more Yuanling Stones turned in.

In the black robe man's storage bag, there are some Yuanling Stones, which are enough for his teleportation.

After arriving in the Peerless City, Su Zimo did not leave the city, and continued to teleport to Longyuan Star.

For more than two thousand years, the changes in Longyuan City have not changed much.

Su Zimo reappeared in this ancient city, with a bit of emotion in his heart.

When he left Longyuan City that year, it was only the seventh-order Xuanxian.

When he returned this time, Xiuwei had reached the fourth-order earth fairy!

The moment Su Zimo stepped out of the teleportation array, he soon felt a little different.

This difference comes from the eyes of many monks in the city.

Each monk looked at his eyes with a hint of awe.

Even the guards guarding the teleportation formation saw Su Zimo appearing, and all bowed slightly, showing respect.

The guard guarding the teleportation formation is nothing more than a sixth-order Xuanxian.

"Who is the owner of this city?"

Su Zimo glanced at the guard next to him, and seemed to ask casually.

"Return to Shangxian, the current Longyuan City Lord is Chu Ming."

Said the guard.

Su Zimo raised his eyebrows slightly and asked, "I remember the former owner of the city, it seems to be Xu."

"Shangxian said Xu Shi."

The guard said: "After Xu Shi stepped into Dixian, he had left his family with Longyuan City with his family members.

Su Zimo nodded slightly.

When he said goodbye to Xu Shi, the latter did say such a plan.

"Shangxian came here for the abyss here, right?"

The guard asked.


Su Zimo's heart moved and asked, "Why, have other monks gone to that abyss?"

This humane: "Shangxian has no idea. Since the incident of the Longyuan star that year, every once in a while, there will be some Shenxian continents coming to this place and go there to explore."

"It is said that there is a treasure hidden there, but no one has heard of it over the years."

Su Zimo nodded, and said, "Who has been to Longyuan Star recently?"

"There are two sect gates, Xuanbinggu and Guiyuanzong. I heard that they are both Xuan level sect gates." This humane.

"What do these monks do?"

Su Zimo asked again.

"It should be Dixian, but I don't know what it is."

The guard laughed: "I am in a big state with these Shangxian and can't see it at all."

Su Zimo nodded, took a jade bottle out of the storage bag, and threw it to the guard, saying, "Close it up, just don't see me."

The guard opened the jade bottle and saw that there were 10,000 small condensed yuandans inside, and he couldn't help but be overjoyed.

"Shangxian rest assured."

This person hid the jade bottle with joy.

In Su Zimo's storage bag, there are still many small Ning Yuandan.

After practicing Dixian, even if he took Xiao Ning Yuan Dan, the effect was very small for him.

He gave away 10,000 capsules without any pain.

Su Zimo jumped up, left Longyuan City, and headed straight for the abyss.

A day later.

Su Zimo's speed gradually slowed down, and at the end of his eyes, he could see a huge black crack that almost divided Longyuan Star into two halves!

Before arriving, Su Zimo heard a fierce fighting.

Among these sounds, there was still a long Yin!

Su Zimo frowned slightly and walked towards the abyss.

Before long, he came over the abyss and slowly descended.

At the bottom of the abyss, over the body of the corpse, thirteen figures can be seen constantly intersecting, sacrificing many magic weapons, releasing various magical magic, trapping a girl in white.

These 13 figures are all earth gods.

The highest repair is two fifth-order ground immortals, with different hanging tokens around their waists, apparently from two ancestral gates.

The remaining eleven celestial beings are the second-order celestial beings, with two in total.

There are six people on the third stage and three people on the fourth stage.

And the girl trapped in the middle, cultivated to the realm is only a matter of diyuan realm!

Su Zimo glanced.

I saw seven or eight monks lying on the ground, apparently not long after they died, and the blood flowing from the wound was still a little warm.

The monks who died fell miserably.

Either it was torn in half by huge forces, or the entire head was bitten down, or it was broken with an intestine ...

It would be hard to imagine these monks dying in the hands of this young girl without first seeing them.

This young girl in white practice is in a realm, very different from many monks, besieged by so many immortals, and she can kill seven or eight monks just because of one point.

She is not human!

Su Zimo felt a familiar vein in the body of this girl in white.

Dragon Bloodline!


At this moment, another wound was made on the girl in white. When she was angry, she opened her mouth slightly and burst out a dragon yin.

However, the girl in white was bruised all over the body, and the sound of the dragon yin was obviously weak.

Su Zimo nodded secretly.

The girl in white and the celestial siege that sieged him were four levels different from each other.

Such a huge gap, she can still persist until now, it is really not easy.

Su Zimo is currently a fourth-order Dixian, and with his combat power, if he is an eight-tier Dixian that differs by four levels, it is also unpredictable.

Of course, he has a lot of tools.

Between life and death battles, the winners and losers can often be separated instantly.

Normally, the dragons can only use their combat power to the extreme when they transform into the form of the body.

And this girl in white has never transformed into a dragon body.

Whenever she wanted to spur blood, a beam of light fell on her body.

Her body shape has just changed. She was hit by the beam and quickly turned into a human shape.

"It's a mirror."

Su Zimo looked at the two ancient mirrors in midair.

These two ancient mirrors are the magic weapon of two fifth-order earth gods!

Among the 13 earth gods who besieged him, those two fifth-order earth gods resisted most of the power of the white girl.

If there weren't these two fifth-order ground immortals, the remaining eleven land immortals, although they were more advanced than white girls, might not be able to suppress her.


The fifth-order Dixian laughed: "It's really luck today, it's just the mission of Zongmen. I actually met a young dragon here! I'm about to capture it and subdue it to become my spirit beast!"

(End of this chapter)

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