Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2079: Who frightens me?

Chapter 2079 Who Frightens?

"The blood of this dragon is really extraordinary."

Another fifth-order Dixian smiled and said, "If it weren't for the two of us today, it's just that these younger brothers and younger sisters really wouldn't be able to drop this young dragon."

Su Zimo looked on coldly, clearly.

Not surprisingly, these two monks should be the two ancestors said by the guards of Longyuan City, Xuanbinggu and Guiyuanzong.

This white girl can persist for so long, on the one hand, she is not weak, but on the other hand, it is the two fifth-order Dixian who want to capture it, leaving room for shots and no killers.

Of course, as time goes on and continues to consume so much, there are more and more scars on the girl in white, and the injury worsens, and it will certainly not be long.

"You wicked humans!"

The girl in white was grinding her teeth, her eyes were filled with hate and angry eyes, and she hated, "You are so brave, but you still want to enslave me! Are you not afraid to draw the anger of the Dragons and stir up the battle between Dragon and Heaven! "

The two fifth-order ground immortals froze slightly, seeming startled.

But soon, the two looked at each other, laughed, and their eyes were full of mockery.

"What did the baby dragon just say?"

Xuanbinggu's fifth-order earth fairy pretended not to hear clearly, and deliberately shouted, "This young dragon is threatening us with the Dragon Realm and the Heaven Realm? Really scared me!"


Even the other monks burst into laughter.

Gui Yuanzong's fifth-tiered land fairy looked at the girl in white and sneered: "Who do you think you are? A young baby with a stink smell wants to cause interface war?"

The threat of the girl in white did seem a bit ridiculous.

After all, she is just a young dragon, and the Yuanyuan Realm is heavy.

If the entire Dragon Realm is a young dragon with a terrific realm, it will start an interface war. It sounds like a nightmare.

It's like a human race immortal died in Dragon Realm. Will Tianjie start an interface war because of such a trivial matter?

Interface war, how cruel.

Once the two interfaces start to fight, there will be countless strong people involved in it, there will be countless soul races, and it will never be over!

Not to mention a land immortal, even if he is a strong man in the cave, a prince who died in other interfaces may not cause interface wars.

The secrets of the gates of the stars means that there is a prince with other interfaces, who has launched a killing ring in the **** Xiaoxian domain, which has attracted the immortal to kill him.

Even so, I haven't heard of any interface launching a war against heaven.

"You, you!"

The young girl in white resisted, her cheeks swollen with anger, she didn't know how to argue.

"Even if there is no interface war, my mother will find you, tear you all up and eat a little bit!"

The girl in white has not given up.


Xuanbinggu's fifth-order Dixian couldn't help but laughed, and said leisurely: "Little girl, you are still too young, I will teach you some truth. As a dragon, you ran to the realm of my heaven, even if it fell here That ’s no wonder others! "

Gui Yuanzong's five-tiered land fairy looked at the girl in white and shook her head: "You are so naive. We will take you away as soon as we capture you, who knows that we will take you away?"

"Shameless despicable humans!"

The girl in white couldn't help scolding.

This young girl seems to have not been deeply involved in the world. Even if she feels so hated in her heart, the most coming and going is just a mean and shameless one.


The five-tiered fairy of Xuanbinggu took advantage of the distraction of the girl in white and suddenly offered a magic weapon, which landed on the girl in white, and twined around for a few moments.

This is a silver-white rope, similar to the demon-binding rope in the cultivation world.

However, this rope has more general changes than the ordinary demon-binding rope.

The girl in white shouted, trying to break free of the bondage. On this rope, the silver light flickered and quickly condensed into layers of frost, exuding a chill.

Don't say that the girl in white trapped in it, even Su Zimo watching the battle from a short distance, felt a chill.

The white girl's body was also covered with a layer of frost, and the dragon's blood in her body gradually coagulated, her movements became slower and slower.

Before long, she will be suppressed by these monks.

Seeing this scene, Su Zimo showed his figure and staggered towards the battlefield.

"His grandma, I'm so noisy!"

Su Zimo clutched the jar with one hand, cursing in his mouth.

He has no acquaintance with this girl in white and has no friendship.

However, Su Zimo had an innate sense of closeness to the Dragons.

This feeling, on the one hand, comes from the Dragon Phoenix Elemental.

On the other hand, because of the real life of Dragon Phoenix, he lived, grew up and cultivated for many years on the Dragon Tribe.

It is also because of the protection of the Dragons and the help of Long Ran that the Dragon Phoenix can gradually grow up, and finally achieve its peak and become a taboo Dragon Phoenix!

So, seeing the girl in white in crisis, Su Zimo didn't want to stand by.


The monks present were shocked.

Xuan Binggu and Gui Yuanzong's two fifth-order Dixian frowned slightly, and looked at it in accordance with the sound.

The consciousness of the two swept around Su Zimo's body. Seeing that Su Zimo was only a fourth-order earth fairy, he could not help but look slightly relieved.

"Xuan Binggu, Gui Yuanzong dropped demons here, irrelevant people, etc., and left quickly to avoid the scourge of the sword!"

Xuanbinggu's fifth-order ground fairy gave Su Zimo a cross, his words were cold and threatening.

"What the hell?"

Su Zimo turned his head drunk and said, "Xuanbinggu, Gui Yuanzong is a feather? Lao Tzu is still the Star Gate, you two little cubs, who are you to scare!"

The girl in white was in siege and was covered with bruises. The situation was critical and she should not have laughed.

But when she saw Su Zimo's drunkenness and madness, she was really funny, cursed, but couldn't bear it, she burst out laughing.

She was angry, holding a fire, but not scolding.

One sentence of Su Zimo was to help her vent the fire in her heart.

But the girl in white quickly realized that she was wrong and shut up quickly.

Xuan Binggu and Gui Yuanzong, the two fifth-order earth fairies, sank and looked cold.

If the state of dealing with Xiu is high enough, the two may be patient.

But when they saw a drunkard with a quadruple level, they dared to insult them. The hearts of the two men were murderous at the same time!

"I'll kill this person!"

Guiyuanzong's fifth-order Dixian Shenxian said, "Lest extra branches be born."

This drunk man was crazy and unconscious. If he was allowed to leave, who knows what he would say outside.

If there are other powerful men on the continent of Shenxiao, knowing that they will catch a young dragon, they will certainly give birth to a sorrowful heart.

"You go and resolve this person as soon as possible."

Xuanbinggu's fifth-order earth fairy said in a deep voice: "This young dragon is trapped by my Xuanbing lock. With me staring, she can't break free!"

(End of this chapter)

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