Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2080: Get out of sleep

Chapter 2080: Getting out of trouble

The palm of Guiyuanzong's fifth-order Dixian slaps on the storage bag, sacrifices dozens of flying swords, condenses into a sword array in the air, and chops down towards Su Zimo.

"His grandma, any shit, also showed up for ugliness!"

Su Zimo cursed, without hesitation, took a sip of spirits, took a deep breath, and sprayed hard!


Countless spirits, turned into a dense wine arrows, gushing out, and sprinkled on the oncoming sword array!


A series of Jin Ge fighting sounded.

Gui Zongzong, a five-tiered fairy sacrifice sword array, was suddenly sipped by Su Zimo's spirits and sprayed instantly to collapse and scattered all over the place!

How terrible is Su Zimo's physical body today?

Qinglian's true body, thunder bones, and cultivation of "Idol Breathing Gong", the power that erupted from her breath was terrifying, even enough to kill the same-tiered earth fairy!

If anyone were to take a hard look, the dozens of flying swords that had fallen to the ground were already dim and all gone!

Take a sip of spirits and discard dozens of magic weapons!

Guiyuanzong's fifth-order earth immortal earthquake.

He wouldn't believe it unless he saw it.


This person realized that the drunk man seemed a little tricky, and wanted to speak for a long time before other monks came forward to join him.

"His grandma, frighten me with this bunch of torn copper!"

Su Zimo's voice had just sounded. Gui Yuanzong's fifth-order Dixian only felt a flower in front of him. It seemed that someone was passing by him, blowing a breeze, and disturbing his forehead hair.

Gui Yuanzong's five-step Dixian opened his eyes wide and seemed to want to speak and say something.

But he found that the strength in his body was flowing quickly.

There was a sting in his mind, his consciousness gradually blurred, and eventually he sank.


The person's body fell from mid-air.

At the center of his eyebrow, there was a blood hole with the thickness of a finger, and blood was flowing.

Not even himself knew what had just happened.

Only a few people were present at the scene. Only then was the drunk man's body speed very fast. He came to the person, stretched out his fingers, gently touched his eyebrow, and then put his hand forward.

The whole process is like flowing clouds.

The footsteps and movements of the drunk man did not pause for a moment.

There is no magical power, no magic, no secrets, but just passing by casually, raising a hand, killing a person, unspeakable ease.

"Brother Li!"

Gui Yuanzong's several earth gods looked shocked and exclaimed.

In the air, there were originally two mirrors of the demon mirror. At this moment, one of the mirrors lost control and fell down.


Without the restraint of a demon mirror, the girl in white roared, and the dragon's blood in her body gradually started to work.

Cracks appeared in the frost on her body.

The Xuan Bing Lock that was originally bound to her also sent a creak, and it seemed to be broken by the girl in white at any time!

"Just watch her!"

Xuanbinggu's fifth-order earth fairy, realizing that the drunk was a little tricky, quickly called out and turned to stare at Su Zimo.

He pinched the fairy with one hand and offered magical power with one hand.

At the same time, the Xuanbinggu's fifth-order earth fairy did not hesitate, and launched the meta-mysticism, risking the danger that Yuan Shen might be injured!

Even if Yuan Shen is injured, as long as he can kill this drunkard, he can capture this young dragon and make up for today's loss.

Gui Yuanzong ’s death of the fifth-order earth fairy was, to some extent, a good thing for him.

At least no one competed with him for ownership of the young dragon.

"Xuanbing Arrow!"

At the center of Xuanbinggu's fifth-order earth fairy, the huge sense of condensed into a sharp ice arrow, exuding a cold breath, and stabbing towards Su Zimo.

Meta mystery is coming soon.

The drunk man on the opposite side didn't seem to react, but he didn't have any resistance, but he continued to walk towards him stupidly.

Xuan Binggu's fifth-order earth fairy is overjoyed.

If he has not resisted, his elementary mysticism will surely kill the drunkard's elementary god!

He seemed to see the scene of Su Zimo's demise and fall from the air, the corners of his mouth could not help but rise slightly, showing a smile.

The magic and magical powers in his hands were too lazy to release.

Just when these pictures flashed in his mind, Su Zimo had come to him.

"What's smirking? Just like an idiot."

Su Zimo threw a slap backhand and drew it on his cheek.


Xuanbinggu's five-tiered land immortal lives.

At this moment, endless doubts appeared in his mind.

how is this possible?

This drunk man didn't have any defense, but he resisted my meta-mystic Xuanbing arrow?

I know, there must be a magic weapon for defense of the gods in this drunkard's knowledge!

It's my idea!

These thoughts flashed through the mind of the five-tiered earth fairy of Xuanbinggu.

At the same time, his vision gradually blurred, his body was cold, and his consciousness fell into a dark abyss.

Su Zimo's seemingly slap is enough to shatter the Yuan Shen in his head!

The five-tiered earth fairy of Xuanbinggu has no time for Yuanshen to get out of it!

Meta mystery, the power of Xuanbing Arrow is not small.

But Su Zimo didn't have to resist it intentionally.

In his knowledge of the sea, there is a good-looking lotus platform sitting in the town. Around the green lotus and the gods, there are ninety green lotus seeds that are bred with the rays of light. This black ice arrow cannot be broken.

What's more, his Yuan Shen has reached the sixth level of Di Yuan!

Even if the Yuan Shen is fighting, this person will surely die.

When 啷!

The other side of the sky mirrored the demon mirror and fell to the ground.


The girl in white did not have the effect of looking at the demon mirror on both sides. The blood in her body surged and the sound of the tide was heard.


Immediately afterwards, the girl in white shook her body, transformed into a form of a dragon, and instantly broke the black ice lock on her body, exuding a sense of terror.


The girl in white opened her mouth to bite the flesh of a fourth-order earth fairy directly into two pieces.

Stab it!

The dragon claws danced, tearing the flesh of another third-order earth fairy into pieces, dripping with blood and scattered in the void.

Although the girl in white looks only in the form of a young dragon, she still has a horned head, sharp claws, and roaring and roaring, which has already begun to have the majesty of the dragon family!


The girl in white opened her mouth again, exhaling a white breath, and fell on the body of another fourth-order earth fairy.

This fourth-order earth fairy was frozen into an ice sculpture in an instant, her expression froze on her face, and she could not move.

The girl in white stretched out a dragon's claw, as if playing around, and gently touched the man.

Click! Click!

This human-shaped ice sculpture was quickly covered with cracks, shattered and scattered.

The girl in white rose into the air, and a roar of Xin likes broke out, chasing and killing other monks.

These two ancestors lost two fifth-order ground immortals, even if they did not shoot with Su Zimo, these remaining people were not the opponents of white girls at all!

(End of this chapter)

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