Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2081: His name is Long Ran

Chapter 2081: His Name Is Long Ran

Gui Yuanzong and the remaining monks in Xuanbinggu were frightened and scattered.

But the speed of these monks is no faster than the body of the dragon of the girl in white. Before these people escape the abyss, they are all beheaded and killed by the girl in white!

After Su Zimo killed two fifth-order Dixian, he did not take any more action. Instead, he took out the storage bags around the waist of the two, checked them, and put them in his pocket.

It didn't take long for the girl in white to return and still maintain the fighting status of the dragon clan. The giant longan stared at Su Zimo and looked alert.

Su Zimo ignored her and continued to clean up the battlefield, collecting all the monks' storage bags.

"If you don't want it, it's mine."

Su Zimo raised the storage bag in Yang's hand.


The girl in white said swollenly: "I don't want these despicable and dirty storage bags for humans!"

Su Zimo poked his mouth slightly, put away the storage bag in his hand, and asked, "This is heaven, you claim to be from the dragon world. But as far as I know, between the two interfaces, there is an endless sea of ​​stars. How can you cross the starry sky? "

If you want to cross the starry sky, at least you must reach Tianyuan Realm.

Becoming a strong fairy is only theoretically possible to travel through the stars.

It is similar to crossing the starry sky from Longyuan Star to the Shenxiao continent.

But if you want to cross the starry sky between the two interfaces, even the Heavenly Immortal is still dead!

Even if the two interfaces are closest to each other, the starry sky between them is too wide to imagine.

At the speed of the Tianxian strong, I want to cross the past, I do not know how many years to go.

In this vast starry sky, the danger is everywhere and the crisis is pervading.

In these starry sky, there are countless dangerous places, which may be a lake, a dark forest, or a starry black hole ...

In the starry sky, there are all kinds of creatures. Any creature can easily kill the Tianxian strong!

Therefore, it is almost impossible for the Celestial Strongman to cross the starry sky between the two interfaces.

Only stepping into the realm, condensing the Dao fruit, and achieving the true immortal, can we have a certain self-protection power when we cross the starry sky.

Therefore, I heard that the girl in white came from the Dragon Realm, and Su Zimo was hard to imagine that a Dragon family with a heavy realm could go to the Heaven Realm.

"I naturally have my way, why should I tell you!"

The girl in white said something, staring intently at Su Zimo, her eyes were still hostile and alert.

Su Zimo glanced at the girl in white and said, "Little girl, I saved you. Why do you look at me like that?"

"My mother has told me that you aliens are despicable and insidious!"

The girl in white said, "Who knows that after you saved me, will you, like those people, want to catch me!"

Su Zimo laughed and said, "If I want to catch you, can you resist it? The two fifth-order earth gods just killed me!"


The girl in white raised her dragon's head slightly, and said proudly, "I have now manifested the dragon's fighting form. I'm not afraid of you at all!"

The girl in white rubbed her dragon teeth at Su Zimo, and said in a pose: "You are only a fourth-order earth fairy. Didn't you see those fourth-order earth fairy who died under my claw?

"Little girl film!"

Su Zimo sneered slightly, and said, "It seems I must teach you something!"

As soon as the voice fell, Su Zimo suddenly stretched out his palm, released the big palm of Yuan Yuan in the air, and shot down towards the dragon head of the girl in white!

"You wicked, really bad intentions!"

The girl in white was furious and roared, opened her head, exposed a sharp row of dragon teeth, and bit her in the palm of Su Zimo.

Although the girl in white started to work, she still had room for it, and didn't do anything.

In her heart, no matter what, the drunk man had just saved her.

Seeing Su Zimo's palm is about to fall into the dragon kiss of the girl in white, Su Zimo's figure flickered, and suddenly disappeared!

By the time Su Zimo reappeared, he had come behind the girl in white.

True Dragon Nine Flashes!

Su Zimo's palm was pressed against the white girl's head, and her power burst out!

The girl in white only felt shocked, the blood in her body was suppressed, and the huge dragon body shrank uncontrollably.

In an instant, she transformed into a humanoid form, standing next to Su Zimo, half short.

At this time, Su Zimo's palm was hanging above her head.

As long as the palm of your hand is strong, you can kill it!

The young girl in white seemed to be frightened, stunned in her place, her face incredible.


Su Zimo gently rubbed the head of the girl in white and said, "Don't be afraid, I have some relationship with the Dragons and won't hurt you."


The girl in white suddenly screamed, grabbed Su Zimo's big hand, blinked her eyes constantly, looked at Su Zimo, and stumbled and said, "You, you, how did you understand this secret technique? This is obvious ... ... "

"True Dragon Nine Flashes?"

Su Zimo interrupted the white girl with a smile.

"This is the secret technique of my dragon!"

The girl in white said, "How are you possible? Are you a dragon? Let me see ..."

While talking, the girl in white stabbed Su Zimo's clothes, and looked up and smelled.

Su Zimo quickly pushed her away and said, "I'm not a dragon."

Although his dragon gods are fused with dragon and phoenix gods, he really cannot be regarded as a dragon.

Su Zimo turned away from the topic and asked, "Why do you come to Longyuanxing so far?"

The girl in white saw that Su Zimo had used True Dragon and Nine Flashes, and she completely lowered her alertness and even gave birth to a touch of intimacy.

This feeling is like meeting your own people in a different world.

Just before shouting and killing, in a blink of an eye, the girl in white was thrown away, looking at Su Zimo's eyes full of curiosity.

The girl in white said, "There is a senior of the Dragon tribe who once fell here. I ran out secretly and wanted to find the bones and treasures of the senior of the Dragon tribe."


Su Zimo moved in his heart and asked, "What kind of dragon family is this dragon senior you said?"


The girl in white said: "This senior was very powerful that year, he almost stepped into the cave heaven!"

Su Zimo knew that the dragon in white girl's mouth was most likely the one he saw.

"I know where you say the burial place of this dragon senior."

Su Zimo groaned a little, and said, "But after all, I discovered this place first, there must always be a first come first."


The girl in white whispered, it was difficult to hide her look.

Su Zimo thought about it and said, "Since this place is the burial place of your dragon's predecessors, I only need a part of the treasures inside."


The girl in white turned sorrow into joy and was full of joy.

"But there is a condition in it."

Su Zimo spoke sharply and said, "If you return to Dragon Realm, if you meet a dragon who has risen from the heavens of the lower heavens to Dragon Realm, I hope you can take more care of him."

"His name is Long Ran."

(End of this chapter)

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