Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2091: Lullaby

Chapter 2091 Hooked Piano

Su Zimo chose not to be afraid of the three when he chose to follow the three criminal defenders.

However, Ji Yaoxue departed, and his heart was upset and difficult to relieve.

Even without these three torturers, he is ready to leave the Star Gates.

Since being re-watched by the killing guards, he will just let it go and board the fairy boat, just following the three killing guards and leaving the gates of the stars.

Originally, Su Zimo didn't take Liu Tong's task as a thing, and he was not interested.

However, he faintly heard the name 'Meng Yao' and felt a little familiar, and seemed to have heard it somewhere.

Su Zimo was confused at this moment.

In my mind, the scenes with Ji Yaoxue sometimes flashed, sometimes confused, why Ji Yaoxue's cultivation will stagnate, sometimes thinking about the future plans.

For a moment, he couldn't remember who this "Meng Yao County Master" was.

On the other side, Xie Tianfeng was shocked when he heard the words "Meng Yao County Lord".

Being named the county master means that it is Jin's daughter!

What kind of identity this is, how honorable it is!

Lin Ming also stood up and said in a deep voice: "Because the county's owner entrusted me, I must do my best! I just don't know what the two people are and what they are doing, so we can be prepared."

"These two are a man and a woman. The man's name is Gu Tongyou, who is good at making Xiao, and the woman's name is Qiu Siluo. He makes good use of Guqin.

Liu Tong led: "The two men are proficient in the melody, with Xiao Sheng, the Qin Yin kills the invisible."

"It's only eight-step earth fairy. There are three torturers in charge of Liu Tong. I'll wait for my best shot, and these two will definitely not escape!"

Xie Tianfeng was confident.

Zuo Zhuxuan said: "It ’s rare to see monks like this in terms of rhythm. I heard that the most famous in the Xiaoxiao Fairy is the one of the four great fairies.

Liu Tongling glanced at Zuo Zhuxuan and said, "You have some knowledge and you have heard the name of Qin Xian."

"Dare not dare."

Zuo Zhuxuan said with a smile.

"Do you know what Qin Xian is?"

Liu Tongling asked with a hint of irony in his eyes.

Zuo Zhuxuan shook his head and said, "This is not clear. I just heard that each of the four great fairies is a fairy-like and jade-like figure.

Liu Tong led his mouth slightly twirled, his expression mocked, and slowly said, "Qin Xian, one of the four great fairies, is the master of Mengyao County!"


When this sentence was spoken, it caused an exclamation on Xianzhou.

Zuo Zhuxuan, Shangguanzhen, Xie Tianfeng, and Lin Ming were all shocked.

Su Zimo on the other side also gradually remembered.

Qin Xian Meng Yao.

In the abyss of Longyuan Star that day, many treasures were born, and this Qin Xian appeared before in order to find a Guqin.

And this Mengyao Fairy is not only the county master of the Great Jin Dynasty, but also one of the four great immortals, a true disciple of Feixianmen!

In addition to Meng Yao, there were two true immortals at that time.

Su Zimo summoned the sacred spirit of the blue dragon in the prison, and used the dragon corpse to fight the three true immortals and kill the three.

Just when Su Zimo was thinking about it, Liu Tongling stared at Zuo Zhuxuan and said coldly, "If you let the master of Mengyao County know that you dare to talk to her in private, you will die!" "

Suddenly, Zuo Zhuxuan's cold sweat dripped.

"Please ask Liu Tong to lead the atonement. Only then is he really ignorant."

Zuo Zhuxuan couldn't keep calm, his face was terrified, and he kept bowing for mercy.

Xie Tianfeng and Lin Ming were naturally gloating.

"Don't care about you first."

Liu Tong led a cold hum.

"Thank you, Chief Liu."

Zuo Zhuxuan kept saying thanks, but with just a few breaths, she was already pale.

In the kingdom of immortals in the Jin Dynasty, an offender was offended, let alone his eight-tiered land immortal. Even his family could be turned into ruins in no time!

"Why are these two men and women so unobtrusive that they provoked the owner of Mengyao County?" Lin Ming asked.

Liu Tong led: "The master of Mengyao County went to a secret place, looking for a guqin, but it was the famous ecstasy of the year. But I did not expect that someone dared to vie for the ecstasy!

"It's that woman, Qiu Siluo!"

Xie Tianfeng said suddenly, blurting out.

Leader Liu Tong nodded, and said, "The master of Mengyao County has only recently learned that the Lunqin piano is in the woman's hands, and then sent someone to ask for it."

"Who knows, this pair of dogs and men are so brave, not only did they not hang the Houqin piano with their hands, they also killed the maid sent by the master of Mengyao County!"

Another killing guard said: "The couple of dogs and men thought they could escape, but within this Great Jin Dynasty, as long as the killing guard was deployed and the Tianluodi net was deployed, even if they had the means to pass through the sky, they could not escape! "

Su Zimo in the corner of Xianzhou gradually recalled some pictures.

The ancient harp that Qin Xianmeng Yao wanted, he also encountered, it turned out to be called the Houqin.

Accompanied by this Guqin, there is also a whole black Xiao.

In the abyss that day, the Guqin and Gu Xiao had just appeared, and they had killed a lot of immortals.

If Su Zimo had the help of the Prajna Nirvana Sutra and recited the vast Sanskrit sounds in the sea, even he would almost die.

Later, he sacrificed the town prisoner and wanted to devour it.

Unexpectedly, this Guqin and Xiao Xiao are extremely intelligent. It seems to recognize the origin of Zhending Ding, and he did not hesitate to turn around and escape.

It turned out that Guqin and Gu Xiao had masters, and fell into the hands of a man and a woman.


Su Zimo's heart moved and suddenly remembered something.

At that time outside the abyss, because of a treasure, a Dixian wanted to take a shot and kill him.

Many immortals come and go, but no one helps.

In the end, a pair of men and women appeared as relatives of the immortal, and he was rescued by a shot, and he was told to be careful.

Su Zimo once asked the names of the two men. The man just said ‘raising his hand’ without leaving a name, and he ’s never seen it in the future.

Now, I heard that Liu Tongling mentioned Qin Xianmeng Yao, involving that Guqin and Long Yuanxing, and another man and a woman. Su Zimo couldn't help recalling the couple of children and gods who had saved him.

Su Zimo originally intended to find an opportunity to leave Xianzhou, but now he heard these messages and changed his mind.

The pair of children's immortal relatives, who saved his life, is his benefactor.

If the two were really besieged, he couldn't stand idly by, just look over.


Not long after, Liu Tongling said suddenly that the speed of Xianzhou also gradually slowed down.

Su Zimo stood up and looked around.

I saw dozens of shining triangle flags on the ground directly in front of them.

Each flag is engraved with dense lines.

These are the flags.

Draw the array pattern on the chess pieces in advance, and use the array flag to arrange the array, which can greatly reduce the formation time of the array method!

Among these dozens of flags, there are twelve monks.

Ten of them are torturing ground guards.

Another man and a woman were besieged by the ten torturous ground guards, caught in the flag, bloodied and bruised!

(End of this chapter)

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