Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2092: Xuanguang Array

Chapter 2092 Mysterious Array

The man besieged in the middle had a large figure and a long shawl.

On his face, the white robes on his body were all stained with blood, holding a dark jade flute in his hand, looking a little embarrassed, and even standing a little reluctantly, crumbling.

This man was the monk who saved Su Zimo on the Longyuan Star!

If it were not for the man's deep and melancholic eyes, Su Zimo would not have been able to recognize it in the first place.

Such eyes are too unique.

After a glance, he even automatically ignores the rest of the man, attracted by these eyes.

The woman in the white dress next to the man was extremely beautiful, and her skin was better than the snow. Now her face has become pale as a result of the severe wounds.

The woman in the white skirt couldn't even stand, sitting on the ground paralyzed with two **** wounds on her legs, shocking.

As Su Zimo expected, the man and the woman were the relatives of the gods who had saved him.

However, although he recognized the two, they did not recognize Su Zimo who had changed his face.

What's more, at that time, the two just rescued Su Zimo.

Even if Su Zimo showed his true countenance, they might not be able to recognize them.

Around this man and a woman, there are more than a dozen dead bodies lying side by side, all of them are torturers!

"How did you come here?"

One of the torturous guards was the tallest, nearly a foot tall, and glanced at Liu Tongling, frowned slightly, and asked loudly.


Liu Tongling said with a smile, "Xiong Xiong, something went wrong on the way, delaying the trip. But it seems that it is not too late."

"Not too late?"

Another Commander of the Killing Guard sneered: "We have broken a dozen brothers! If you can arrive on time, you won't hurt so many people at all."

"I will tell the truth to the Lord of Mengyao County when the matter of today is over!"

Liu Tongling was silent for a while before he said, "Li Tongling made a big statement."

"I changed my itinerary midway and heard the news temporarily. King Suzumo hunted down Su Zimo, who had been wanted for many years, and appeared near the gates of the stars, so I went to investigate there."

He wanted to inherit the gates of the stars, so he wouldn't tell the truth.

And he said very cleverly.

Liu Tongling knows that if he decides in private, changes his schedule, and delays major events, the master of Mengyao County will definitely offend him.

Of course, he didn't get any news about Su Zimo, but he moved King Motosa, and it was hard for others to say anything.


The two leaders Xiong Li snorted angrily, and sure enough they didn't say anything more.

"Since the Xuanguang Zhuangyuan array has been set up, these two will be unable to escape."

Liu Tongling smiled slightly.

Su Zimo entered these arrays of flags and realized for the first time that he could not feel the vitality of the outside world.

The array of these dozens of array flags can form a space and be isolated from the heaven and earth!

"Qiu thinks down."

Liu Tong looked at the woman in the white skirt in the middle of the siege and sneered slightly. "You are a pretty good student and you can play a good piano, but unfortunately, you should not offend the Mengyao County Lord!"

Su Zimo's eyes fell on the woman in the white dress.

Women in white skirts have hands like jade, ten fingers, and sit on the ground paralyzed, holding a guqin in their arms, about three feet six inches long, a total of seven strings, made of paulownia wood, black and red, full of ancient charm.

This Guqin is the one Su Zimo has seen in the abyss, which is the Luneng Qin in the collar of Liu Tong!

Xie Tianfeng wanted to make a contribution and wanted to make a good impression in the eyes of the torturers. At this moment, he stood up and said, "What kind of a **** woman do you deserve? , Qin Xianmeng Yao Yao to compete for Guqin! "

"I offended her?"

Qiusi smiled slightly, with a sarcastic look, and said, "I have obtained this soul-grass piano for many years, and I have long been connected."

"And your Mengyao county master learned of this, but sent someone to find me, and asked for a harp. I do n’t want to give it, you just grab it. What is the reason?"


Xiong Tong laughed and said, "You woman, you're so stupid! The Mengyao County Lord came to ask for the piano, it's already giving you great face."

"You honestly hand it over, and as the master of Mengyao County, it will give you some benefits. But you refuse to teach the piano, isn't that just killing yourself!"

Liu Tongling sneered: "In other words, if the master of Mengyao County sent someone to grab your soul harp directly, what can you do? The county master is a gift of honor before the soldiers!"

Su Zi's face was expressionless.

He had no good impression on this Mengyao county owner.

Although this woman is known as one of the four great fairies, she was originally in Longyuan Xing. This woman just shot a few words because of others, and then she killed.

Later, in order to search for the Haunting Qin, it was even more fearless to search the knowledge of all the monks present at the scene.

Su Zimo was not surprised that she could do such a thing.

Qiusi said: "Dignity County Lord, robbed me of a treasure of the earth fairy, but said so grandly, not afraid of the world's laughter."

"A bullshit!"

Li Tong led: "The county master went to Longyuan Star at that time, it was for this soul-harp, this guqin was originally the county master's thing!"

"Under the heavens, there is no land for the king, no shore for the land, no court for the king! In this Dajin fairyland, all the treasures belong to the Dajin royal family!"

"The lord of the county wants you to play the piano, but it's just the original owner."

Qiusi shook his head and said, "The magic weapon psychic, has recognized me as the Lord, what is your relationship with your dream Yaojun Lord?"


Liu Tongling gave a grin and said, "I heard that the spiritual knowledge of the Lunqin and the slumped Xiaozhong has been severely damaged. Who can make these two spiritualities indiscriminate and confuse the master."

The man next to him sighed softly and said, "If it isn't for you, you torture guards would not dare to chase it."

Once in Longyuan Xing, this Guqin and Gu Xiao had not acknowledged the Lord, so they killed a lot of immortals.

Nowadays, the spiritual knowledge in the flute has been hit hard, and its power has naturally diminished.

"Gu Tongyou!"

Leader Li reprimanded: "Asking Tianzong was destroyed because of both of you, you still don't know to repent!"

In Gu Tongyou's eyes, the color of depression was heavier, and he slowly said, "The lord of the county deceives people too much. This is something I think about, and what is it to do with our ancestors?"


Liu Tongling said aggressively: "Ask the Emperor Tianzong, and I want to protect you two, I don't know whether to die or not! Ask Tianzong even though he is a prefecture, but he can't stop a word from the Lord of Mengyao!"

Xie Tianfeng and Lin Ming, who were next to him, were pale and frightened.

The power of the prefecture-level Xianzong is much stronger than their family.

But because of a word from the master of Mengyao County, it was destroyed and reduced to ruins!

Li Tong led a look of embarrassment and said, "Gu Tongyou, you have very little energy left in your body. You are trapped in this mysterious array and seriously injured. What percentage of your combat power is left?"

"10% or 20%?"

"You can come and try."

Gutong said faintly.

(End of this chapter)

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