Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2093: Don't go back

Chapter 2093 Don't Go Back

Without this Xuanguang Zhuangyuan array, the many torturous guards present would have no confidence in leaving Gu Tongyou.

And laying down this large array, isolated the heaven and earth vitality, Gu Tongyou could not use the vitality to urge Xiao Yin, and the threat to them was minimized.

When plunged into this mysterious array, I can only use the power of the Yuanshen and the physical blood, but cannot release any magical powers.

Whether Gu Tongyou or Qiu Siluo, the blood and flesh of the two are extremely common.

Qiusi was paralyzed and sat on the ground, there was no fighting power.

There is only one severely injured Gu Tongyou, his vitality is dried up and the threat is not great, so the torturing guard present will be so relaxed and fearless.

"Go ahead."

Xiong commanded Shen and said, "Give the two lives to the master of Mengyao County."

"and many more."

At this moment, Liu Tongling suddenly stood up and turned to look at the four of Xie Tianfeng, Lin Ming, Zuo Zhuxuan, and Shangguan Yan behind him, and said, "Four of you go up and arrest me."


This decision was extremely sudden.

In the hearts of Zuo Zhuxuan and Shangguanzhen, a hint of alertness immediately emerged.

Xie Tianfeng and Lin Ming also looked hesitant.

Leng Tongling snorted and said, "These two are weak physically and seriously injured. Even if they are eight-tiered earth gods, they can't exert any combat power. What are you afraid of?"

"Can't you grasp such an opportunity?"

Leader Xiong, Leader Li, and other torturers watched.

Although they did not know Liu Tong's intentions, they did not dare to determine if Gu Tongyou had any other hole cards. It was okay to send outsiders to try it out.

Zuo Zhuxuan, Shangguanzhen and Lin Ming looked at each other with hesitation.

Xie Tianfeng's eyes flashed a savage color, and he stood up and patted his chest, "Liu Tong, I'm here!"

In fact, Xie Tianfeng also knew that there was a certain danger in this shot.

But wealth in wealth insurance!

If he can take this opportunity to win the favor of the three torturers, he and his family may bring great benefits!

Moreover, Xie Tianfeng also has this confidence.

Although his cultivation is a realm, although the Diyuan Realm is sevenfold, the Xie family's exercises are good at refining the body. In this Xuanguang Zhuangyuan array, even if they are defeated, they can save their lives and escape.

Xie Tianfeng squinted glances at Lin Ming and Zuo Zhuxuan before looking at Shangguanzhen, showing off: "Shangguandaoyou, you see it too. These two people are as timid as a mouse, they are really shameful."

After that, Xie Tianfeng was aggressively heading for Gutong.

Gu Tongyou stood in place, holding Xiaohu down, motionless.

Although Xie Tianfeng stood up, he did not despise his opponents and did not rush.

Instead, he stood outside Gu Tongyou, walked slowly around him, looking for flaws and waiting for opportunities.

Gu Tongyou is still standing in place, just bowing slightly, looking at the depression in his hands, his eyes gloomy.


After Xie Tianfeng walked around for a few laps, he took a footstep, suddenly shot, his body burst out of blood, and a long knife was smashed out of the storage bag, killing him in the direction of Gutong!

"Kneel me down!"

Xie Tianfeng knew he wanted to stay alive, so for this knife, he chose to cut to Gu Tongyou's knees.

Gu Tongyou didn't seem to see Xie Tianfeng rushing over, and remained unmoved.

Until Xie Tianfeng had come near, the long knife was almost chopped on his knees. When the breeze blew his face, Gu Tongyou suddenly raised his palm.


In his hands, he always held down Xiao.

In the process of raising the palm of his hand, Lo Xiao Xiao relied on the breeze from Gu Tongyou to make a strange Xiao sound!

The many torturers on the sidelines didn't feel much.

But Xie Tianfeng, who was closest to Gu Tongyou, was shocked, and the blood in his body calmed down instantly.

Even his primordial spirit shook slightly, his eyes were dull, and his consciousness appeared short-lived.

In fact, the power of downcast Xiao is tremendous.

If Gu Tongyou played the flute flute with the strength of heaven and earth, Xiao sounds, and the seven souls that can make people fall with it!

And the sound of the harp's harp sounds, which can hook people's spirits and dissipate in the world!

The harpsichord, the downcast Xiao was one of the two most famous weapons in an ancient era.

The two major weapons were urged to the extreme. The sound of Xiao Qin sounded, and he was so ecstatic that he could even wipe out all the creatures in an interface in a short time!

Unfortunately, the vitality in Gutong's body is almost exhausted.

He couldn't use the vitality of the world to play downcast.

However, he is proficient in music and has a very high talent. He just uses Xie Tianfeng to rush through the breeze, and through the downhole of Xiao Xiao, he sends out a strange Xiao sound.

Although this Xiaoyin didn't integrate the vitality of the heavens and the earth, it sounded in Xie Tianfeng's ears and still affected him.

After a brief movement, he lost his consciousness and soon recovered.

This instantaneous flaw is enough for Gu Tongyou.

Xie Tianfeng's movements stopped for a while, but Gu Tongyou's movements did not stagnate.

I saw that he raised the downcast Xiao in his hand and issued a Xiao sound, and at this moment, the downcast Xiao was right in front of Xie Tianfeng's face!

Gu Tongyou's arm, leaned forward slightly.


Downcast Xiao pierced a blood hole in Xie Tianfeng's brows.

Xie Tianfeng just calmed down from Xiao Yin, and there was a pain in the sea!

And this time, his consciousness fell completely into the abyss, and he never woke up again.


Xie Tianfeng fell to the ground, staring at his eyes, never staring!

Seeing this scene, Su Zimo couldn't help sighing in his heart.

Gu Tongyou's shot was like a wild horse, and the antelope hangs horns, full of imagination.

The whole process, such as peers flowing water, there is an indescribably elegant and free.

This feeling is strange. The killing in this man's hands does not seem **** and cruel, but with a touch of beauty.

Killing Xie Tianfeng, Gu Tongyou hardly exerted much effort.

But even so, his figure shook a bit, and seemed to consume a lot of blood, and a corner of his mouth overflowed with blood.

The wound on his body cracked again!

"Tongyou, you ..." Qiu Si was worried.

Gu Tongyou sighed softly, "We are going to die here today."

He's already running out of oil and lights. Anyone present can kill both of them!

"You three go up."

Liu Tongling looked at the remaining Shangguanzhen, Zuo Zhuxuan and Lin Ming.

The three's faces changed.

Xie Tianfeng just fell, even if the ancient Tongyou is already at the end of the crossbow, the three of them are afraid of the strange means of Gu Tongyou, and dare not rush forward.

Lin Ming's eyes turned and he pointed to Su Zimo next to him and said: "Liu Tong, let him go! He just got the inheritance of the stars gate, just to let everyone see his means!"

Liu Tonglin's face sank.

He wanted to hide it, but let Lin Ming tell it directly.

"What are the gates of the stars?"

Li Tongling, who seemed to be aware, turned to ask.

"It's nothing."

Liu Tong led the topic away and said coldly, "Let's hurry and detain these two people so that we can go back and confess the Lord of Yaomeng County!"

After speaking, Liu Tong headed towards the two of Gu Tongyou.

Just then, he suddenly put a palm on his shoulder, and someone said in his ear, "Don't go back."

(End of this chapter)

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