Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2102: Election of Xianzong

Chapter 2102 Election of the Immortal Sect


Xingyu was silent for a long time, and finally sighed, and said, "Let's go, leave Dajin Xianguo as soon as possible."

"Senior, how are you ..."

Su Zimo was a little confused and didn't understand what Xingyu thought.

The two did not have any friendship, Xingyu captured him, and they could get a lot of treasures.

Even if he is not surrendered, you can press "Tai Shang Xuan Ling Bei Dou Zhen Jing".

Xingyu seemed to see the doubt in Su Zimo's heart and said, "I saw that you were taken away by Liu Tong's tie, and guessed that this person wanted to plot the inheritance you just got."

"Although I am the master of a case, I don't want you to suffer this calamity, but I dare not offend the torture guard."

Xingyu did not conceal his fear of the torture guard and the Jin Dynasty.

"But when I returned to Dongfu, I couldn't calm down."

Xingyu said: "For so many years, the inheritance of the Star Gate finally appeared in this life, should it be taken away by the torture guards? As the lord of the Star Gate, I want to see the people who passed on the death?

Speaking of this, Xingyu laughed at himself and said, "I came here this time, I was going to fight this old life, kill these torture guards, and rescue you. I didn't expect these people were dead. Now. "

Although Xingyu didn't say it clearly, it is conceivable that he made this decision without knowing how difficult it was.

Once you hit the torturous guard, you will face the behemoth of the Great Jin Dynasty!

"If you were just Su Zimo, I would not let you go."

Xingyu said: "But you are Mo Ling, you have accepted the inheritance of the Star Gate, and I hope that this inheritance will reappear in your hands."

Xingyu's tone was sincere, and there was a look of expectation in his eyes.

Even in the upper world, not all of them are gangsters and bullies, they are bullies, they are greedy and cold-blooded.

Xingyu knew in his heart that since this inheritance chose Su Zimo, it means that Su Zimo is the most suitable candidate!

Xingyu suddenly took a rune out of the storage bag and handed it to Su Zimo: "This is a large transfer sign that can be directly transmitted to a city on the border of the Great Jin Dynasty, Qiyu City."

Su Zimo dumbfounded his tongue.

You know, the immortal kingdom of Dajin has a vast territory with 16 counties and more than 1,000 cities.

Taking Su Zimo's cultivation as an example, even if it is a day and night journey, it takes several months to cross a county, let alone across the entire Jin Dynasty.

The preciousness of this rune is evident.

"You shattered this rune and landed on the border. After leaving Qiyu City, you are equivalent to getting rid of the pursuit of the immortal kingdom of Jin Dynasty."

After a pause, Xingyu said, "However, after leaving the Great Jin Dynasty, it does not mean safety."

"On the continent of Shenxiao, the territory under the **** of the three immortal kingdoms only occupies half, and the remaining half are mostly landless. There are all kinds of powerful beings, full of danger and unknown. "

"Some spiritual lands are occupied by powerful Sanshou; some mountains are horrified by horrible monsters; some blessed lands are under the jurisdiction of Xianzong ... There are countless places like this. If you enter it by mistake, you will always have your life Worry! "

Su Zimo groaned a little and asked, "How can I leave Shenxiao Fairy after leaving the Jin Dynasty?"

Xingyu Road: "After leaving the city, you will be heading south all the way. If there is no accident, it will take decades for you to make all your efforts to cross the road. It will take you decades to reach the Xiaoxiao continent and reach Bixiaoxianyu. . "

"A few decades ..."

Su Zimo frowned slightly.

This time is only the most ideal case.

According to Xingyu's words, across the borderless land, the forces of all sides, countless powerful creatures entangled, I do not know how much danger to go through.

If there is any accident in the middle, it will be delayed for hundreds of years, and it will be normal for thousands of years.

"Is there nothing like teleportation?"

Su Zimo frowned.


Xingyu said: "However, it is the king city of the Three Immortals, or the transmission hall of the Four Immortals, and Shenxiao City!"

"Without special status, don't even think about entering the king city of the Three Great Immortals, and the Four Great Immortals are impossible."

"As for Shenxiao City, which is the domain of the Emperor Shenxiao, I don't know how many strong people live in seclusion. Even if you have any ever-changing means, you will definitely show flaws when you get there."

Su Zimo shook his head.

The path of the teleportation array is even more unrealistic.

"Where is Qingxiaoxianyu?"

Su Zimo's heart moved and asked again.

Emperor Lei once told him that Lin Zhan is now in the Qingxiao fairyland and is in charge of a fairyland.

"The Qingxiaoxian domain is farther."

Xingyu shook his head and said, "The south of Shenxiaoxian Realm is Bixiaoxian Realm, and further south, it is Danxiaoxian Realm, and then south is Qingxiaoxian Realm. In the middle, there are two big immortal realms. It is far away. "

Su Zimo shook his head secretly.

With his current methods, it is impossible to reach Qingxiaoxian Realm.

Xingyu thought about it, and suddenly said, "In fact, if you can worship one of the four great immortals, you may be able to resolve this calamity!"

"The Four Immortals?"

Su Zimo murmured softly.

At the beginning of the Longyuan Star, he had contacted the monks of the four great immortals.

The four great immortals of the Shenxiao continent are Shanxian Immortal, Yufengguan, Qiankun Academy and Feixianmen.

Xingyu said in a deep voice: "The forces that can compete with the three great immortal kingdoms in the Shenxiao immortal realm belong to these four great immortals. Although the four great immortals are the ancestral gates, they have a terrifying background and are not weaker than one immortal kingdom! "

"If you can worship one of the four great Sects, you can get rid of the threat of King Motosa-gun?"

Su Zimo asked again.

Xingyu nodded and said, "King Yuanzuo County has lost its status among the Kings and Kings of the Kings of the Great Jin Dynasty more than 2,000 years ago due to wind and wind. It is the same today that the King and Kings of Qingyun County have changed. people."

"Although you were chased by him, as long as you leave Dajin Xianguo and worship the Four Great Celestial Sects, he will be arrogant again and dare not go to the Four Great Celestial Sects!"


Xingyu kept talking.

"Just what?"

Su Zimo asked.

Xingyu hesitated, and said, "Just, based on your current practice, it's not realistic to want to worship the four gates. I don't think it's over."


Su Zimo frowned and asked, "What do you need to worship the Four Great Sects?"

"Every one hundred years, the four great immortals will hold an immortal election in the Panlong Mountains. They will gather the most talented and powerful earth immortals on the Shenxiao continent."

Xingyudao: "The entire election lasted for one year. In the end, only one hundred celestial celestial beings were selected, and the four celestial deities were worshiped."

"Xianzong election has restrictions on the state of cultivation?"

Su Zimo asked.

"That's not true, as long as it's Dixian."

Xingyudao: "But the people who participated in the Election of Xianzong were the top land immortals from all over the Shenxiao continent.

"And in the end, almost all of them are Nine-step Dixian."

"Although you have the help of the Xuanling Beidou map, Xiuwei's realm is still too far away. Even if he participates in the Xianzong election, there is no chance."

"The competition for the Election of Xianzong is too fierce, a little careless, and there is danger to life!"

Xingyu saw the corpse of torturous guards all over the ground, and subconsciously thought that these people died in the hands of the man who was pursued by the torturous guards.

He never thought that the death of these people was related to Su Zimo.

(End of this chapter)

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