Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2103: Leaving Dajin

Chapter 2103 Leaving Da Jin

Su Zimo had no plans to worship the Four Great Sects.

But according to Xingyu, with his current practice, he wanted to leave the territory of Shenxiaoxian Realm and go to Bixiaoxian Realm, which took too long.

The journey is long, and I do not know what kind of change and danger will be experienced.

It would be much more convenient if he could worship one of the four great immortals, get the protection of immortals, and gain a firm foothold if he wanted to leave Shenxiao immortal realm.

Among the four great immortals, there are also super teleportation arrays that can lead to other immortals.

In these years of turbulence in the Upper Realm, Su Zimo felt more and more deeply that it would be difficult to establish a foothold in the Upper Realm without a strong enough force to support it.

But now, there are only four great immortals who can compete with the immortal kingdom of the Great Jin!

What's more, even if you can reach Bixiaoxianyu, it is not the best policy.

Because, except for the entire journey, it is extremely dangerous, and the remote Bixiaoxian Realm is also full of unknowns.

Su Zimo's greatest threat in the upper world, Yun You Wang, may even be in the Bixiaoxian Realm!

If this is the case, he enters the Bixiaoxian Realm, which is tantamount to self-throwing.

Now, since the Four Great Celestial Masters are recruiting disciples, it is a rare opportunity.

At this point, Su Zimo planned to take a look at the Panlong Mountains and asked: "Xingyu Senior, how should this Panlong Mountains go?"

Xingyu frowned, pointed his finger at the calculation, shook his head and said, "It's not right, I'll calculate the time. The Election of Xianzong has already begun.

"Isn't the predecessor just saying that the Election of Xianzong will last for one year before the final result will be selected?" Su Zimo asked.


Xingyu nodded: "Even if you rush past now, I'm afraid it's just the end. The election of Xianzong is almost over. How can you participate?"

After a short pause, Xingyu said, "Of course, you can choose to hide and wait for the next Xianzong election."

"This general election is held every 100 years, and you don't have to hurry to participate in this election."

While talking, Xingyu took out a roll of maps from the storage bag.

This map is full of dense black dots.

If the consciousness is immersed in it, these black spots will gradually expand, and the names of places will emerge.

Xingyu handed this map to Su Zimo, and said, "After you leave the Great Jin Dynasty, walk southwest, through the Muxian River, Jiuguangyu, and then through the Tianmang Mountains and Yunyunze Can reach the Panlong Mountains. "

Xingyu said simply, just a few place names, but this middle distance, I do not know how many miles.

Xingyu Road: "The Panlong Mountain Range is majestic and majestic, and stands on the continent of Shenxiao. As long as you have a good direction, you will definitely see it."

"Thank you senior."

Su Zimo closed the map and thanked Shen.

"You go and leave as soon as possible."

Xingyu waved his hand: "I hope you can make the Xuanling Beidou map reappear on the Shenxiao continent!"

"Seniors take care."

Su Zimo bowed to salute.

Xingyu nodded and turned away.

Su Zimo took a deep breath and did not stay here. Qinglian Yuanshen held Sanbaoyu Ruyi and changed his appearance again.

This time, Su Zimo changed into a sick young man.

He took a white robe from his storage bag and put it on.

At the beginning, he was on the continent of heaven by the witch clan's desperate curse, and Yuanshen was severely damaged. This was the state.

Therefore, Su Zimo's transformation into this appearance will not reveal any flaws.

Although Sanbaoyu Ruyi's ability is not aggressive, it is too important for him.

Su Zimo did not go far, and took out the teleportation rune.

He had doubts in his mind as to whether there would be any problems with this teleportation rune.

But with Xingyu's cultivation as his realm, it is not necessary to spend so much time to deal with him.

Su Zimo took a deep breath and shredded the teleportation rune.

This piece of Fuyu's fragments kept spinning, and a dark and deep space tunnel emerged in the midair, and Su Zimo went in.

Walking through the space tunnel, you can't feel the passage of space and time, nor can you feel the weight of the body. All perceptions will be greatly weakened.

I don't know how long.

It was a few breaths. Su Zimo's eyes lighted up, but he felt that his body suddenly fell lightly and fell quickly from mid-air.

He quickly controlled his body, spreading his senses and keeping alert.

There is no danger around, empty and empty.

He has left the space tunnel.

In the distant sky, a huge ancient city can be vaguely seen.

Su Zimo galloped in the direction of the ancient city. It didn't take long to recognize it. Three ancient characters were written on the ancient city, Qiyu City!

Qiyu City is an ancient city on the southern border of the Great Jin Dynasty.

This teleportation rune really delivered Su Zimo to the border of the Great Jin Dynasty!

As long as he walks through this ancient city, he will leave the territory of the immortal kingdom of Dajin. At that time, there are three treasures to help each other, that is, Hai Kuo relies on the fish to leap, and the sky can fly as a bird!

Su Zimo disguised as a sick young monk, his face was yellow, his lips were pale, he had no blood color, and entered the Seven-Hill City without any obstruction.

When leaving Qiyu City, many guards in the city visited him many times and asked some questions.

The ancient city on the border, unlike other cities, is heavily guarded.

Su Zimo had already prepared the answer. She was shocked and successfully exited the country and left the Great Jin Dynasty!

After galloping for a while, Su Zimo stopped his body, turned around, and took a deep look at the direction of the Great Jin Dynasty, his eyes gradually getting cold.

Then he checked the map and ran towards the Panlong Mountains.


Thirteen torture guards fell into Riyue County, angering the guards of Riyue County.

At the same time, King Wonsa Jun, who was in Sun Moon County, also received the news, and led the torturous celestial guard to lead the lone star, as well as a number of tortured guards, left for the incident.

At that time, King Genzuo was stunned by Jin King Shizi, and he was frightened.

Jin Wang Shizi asked him to get rid of all the remnants of the night in Da Jinxian.

Because of the escape of the wind and the sky, the King of Jin was furious, withdrew his rule in Qingyun County, and also removed Qingyun County Guard of Jingyue Zhenxian.

In these years, in addition to hunting Su Zimo's whereabouts, King Yuan Zuo spent most of his time running around the territory of the Great Jin Dynasty to search and destroy the remaining nights.

With the warning of Jin Wang Shizi, he did not dare to relax!

The days of tranquillity and resounding are long gone.

Today, King Motosa Jun is exhausted, and among the many Kings and Kings, his status is already in the middle and lower.

More importantly, his real body, which was exhausted from his time and effort, was abolished, and his deity was implicated at the critical moment of breaking through the real world.

Without great opportunities, he may never be able to achieve true immortality!

One wrong step fell from the cloud to the bottom!

After a series of incidents, Yufu was captured and he was injured by Jin Wang Shizi. All of this is because of one person!

Su Zimo!

A bit of Cavern, sorted out the plot before finishing.

(End of this chapter)

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