Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2104: Qin Xian Chu Shan

Chapter 2104: Qin Xian Comes Out Of The Mountain

Sun Moon County.

When King Genzuo took the torturous celestial guard to lead the lone star, and a group of torturous guards arrived, a lot of monks were surrounded by the incident.

In addition to some torturous guards, there are also guardian immortal soldiers of the Dajin Immortal Kingdom, which blocked all the vicinity, and Riyue County guards are here.

"Meet your Highness."

Riyue County Junshou saw the arrival of Motosuke Jun, slightly arched his hands, and said hello.

In these years, although the king's status declined, and he also lost the rule of Qingyun County, after all, it was the blood of the Jin king.

Riyue County guards did not dare to neglect, and retained the least respect for him.

Of course, Motosuke-gun wanted to command the Sun Moon County Shou, and could not command it.

"what happened?"

King Motosuke entered the center, and looked at some remaining marks on the battlefield, and frowned.

Nothing can be seen on the battlefield, only a pile of ashes.

Among the ashes, there were still a few pieces of black gold scorpion feathers that were not completely incinerated, and there were hardly any valuable clues.

"Thirteen torturing ground guards have died, including three commanders."

Riyue County Shou Shen said, "According to the information I have here, these torturing ground guards should be ordered by the master of Mengyao County to come and hunt down a man and a woman."

"But here, these torture guards are annihilated!"

At this moment, a celestial light galloped in the distance, almost in an instant, and had already come forward, sending out a huge coercion!

The comer was a woman with a tall figure, in a plain blue palace dress, fair-faced, beautiful and flawless, with dark hairs holding Fei Xianyu, with a transcendent temperament.

Many monks present saw the woman, her eyes were a little straight, and she was lost, as if she had lost her soul.

However, the woman's body exuded a cold and extremely dangerous breath that was not allowed to enter, which made many monks regain consciousness for the first time.

"Everything you watch, don't get down on your knees and meet the Lord of Mengyao County!"

Riyue County guards snorted and looked away, looking at the many guard immortal soldiers around.

These guards of the immortal kingdom of Jin Dynasty usually did not have the opportunity to see the true appearance of Qin Xianmeng Yao. At first sight, they were deeply attracted by Meng Yao's stunning beauty and were difficult to extricate themselves.

Many of the torturers reacted as soon as possible, bowing down in salute.

Many of the guards around were reminded by Riyue County Guards, and most of them also awoke, and quickly bowed their heads and fell to the ground.

There are still dozens of guards, still motionless, staring at Meng Yao indignantly.

Lord of Mengyao County!

This is the Qinxian Mengyao of the Four Great Fairies!

Not to mention the sound of Mengyao Fairy's piano, it is this appearance that is enough to let them linger in their dreams and perish!

The four immortals became famous for many years.

Each of them has a very different personality and has its own characteristics, but the appearance of these four fairies is the best in the Shenxiao fairyland, and it is also top-notch in the Jiuxiao fairyland.

Otherwise, they are not eligible to be called the Four Fairies.

"Qin Shuang, these guards under your control, it's time to take care of them."

Meng Yao slowly spoke, saying coldly.

"The Mengyao County Lord said very much that this time I go back, I will punish these dozens of guards and let them remember today's lessons!"

Riyue County Shiori said quickly.

Meng Yao said lightly, "You don't have to go back, I will discipline these people for you today."

As soon as the voice fell, Meng Yao stretched out his ten fingers and suddenly plucked in the void.


Suddenly a mid-air piano sounded.

The dozens of guard's eyes burst, bursting with blood arrows!


The dozens of guards screamed.

From beginning to end, Meng Yao did not look at these people.

She didn't bother to look at it.

"I read that you are the guards of my Dajin. This time, I just did a little punishment and abolished your tricks."

Mengyao's words were clearly murderous, but they seemed to have a magical power, and her voice could not be heard.

The eyes of the dozens of guards were blind and suffering severe pain, but strange and obsessed smiles appeared on their faces, which seemed very satisfying and exciting.

"I can see the appearance of Meng Yao Fairy in this life. It is worthwhile for my eyes to be blind."

"I can hear Meng Yaoxian talking to me, and I have no regrets in my life."

The dozens of guards only looked at Meng Yao and were conquered by him. Even if they blinded their eyes, they did not have any resentment.

Hearing these words, the fairy fairy Meng Yao did not get angry, but a smile appeared in her beautiful eyes.

She likes the feeling of being subservient and bowing under her skirt.

"Sister Meng Yao, I haven't seen you for years, you are getting more and more beautiful."

Motosuke-gun hurriedly stepped forward and said with a smile, "I just saw it and I didn't recognize it for a while, and thought it was a fairy."

Mengyao deserves these praises, but in the mouth of Motosuke-gun, it is more or less flattering and flattering.

Even if Meng Yao can feel it, she won't break it.

She enjoyed the feeling of being praised and stars holding the moon.

She is confident enough.

How much praise, how much praise she can afford!

"Yuan Zuo, it's been a long time."

The head of Mengyao County nodded slightly.

The two were half-brothers without much affection.

However, after all, the blood of Jin King flowed in both of them, and Meng Yao also returned to the King of Yuan Zuo County.

"Any clue?"

Mengyao turned to look at Riyue County, and asked Shen Shen.

"It was burnt to ashes by a fire here, and nothing has been gained yet."

Riyue County Shiori shook his head.

Although the master of Mengyao County did not control any territory in the immortal kingdom of the Jin Dynasty, among the many sons and daughters of the Jin King, in addition to the Jin Wang Shizi, she would rank second!

Not only because the master of Mengyao County is a true disciple of Feixianmen, and she is powerful, but also because she is Qinxian.

Qin Xian's influence is huge, even above Jin King Shizi!

Therefore, the master of Mengyao County can completely order the major guards of the Great Jin Dynasty.

"Sister Meng Yao, let the Lone Star try blood secrets."

Motosuke-gun hurriedly stood up and made suggestions.

The Lone Star did not dare to hesitate, and quickly urged the secret method to try to condense the blood in this area and sense the direction.

But after a long time, the lone star dispersed to Famen and shook his head with a bitter smile: "No, it can't be sensed, it seems to be blocked by some force."

Meng Yao groaned a little and said, "It must be the reason for those two treasures."

Lullaby, downcast, these two weapons of the ancient era can isolate the induction of blood occult techniques!


Meng Yao sneered slightly, and said secretly, "This time I went out of the mountain in person, I don't believe I can't catch you two ants!"

At this point, Meng Yao moved, and galloped away.

It didn't take long for her voice to pass over, saying: "Take all the celestial guards in Riyue County and give me a full search of those two people!"


Riyue County guards bowed.

Using the county's tortured Tianwei to search for the two immortals, we can see that Meng Yao attaches great importance to this matter.

Motojo-gun raised his eyebrow slightly, looked at Lone Star, and whispered: "Let's go, we can't get involved in this matter."


Lone Star responded.

(End of this chapter)

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