Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2105: A month

Chapter 2105: One Month

According to the map, Su Zimo headed in the direction of Panlong Mountain.

In the middle, there have also been some crises.

Fortunately, he is now a sixth-order earth god, relying on treasures and other powerful means such as Zhending Ding, he already has some self-protection power, which can be considered assured.

In the process of trying his best to get on the road, Su Zimmo couldn't distract himself from cultivation.

In his body, although he inherited a large amount of heaven and earth vitality because he accepted the inheritance of the Taishou Xuanling Beidou Zhenjing, he still had no chance to absorb refinement.

Therefore, his cultivation of realm has just entered the level of the sixth-order earth fairy.

Two months later, Su Zimo finally saw the Panlong Mountains.

Even if he didn't check the map, he can conclude that the endless and magnificent mountain in front of him is the Panlong Mountain!

Xingyu is right, whoever comes here will not ignore this towering mountain in front of him.

When you come here, the Panlong Mountains on the map have become more and more clear, manifested into a thick, thick, dark line that spans almost the entire Shenxiao continent, dividing this continent into two!

This Panlong Mountain can no longer be measured simply by its length.

The terrain of the Panlong Mountains is complex and changeable. Some areas meander and twist, such as sneaking dragons, and some areas surround a circle, like a dragon lying on a bed, which is quite charming.

Su Zimo moved on.

It didn't take long for Su Zimo to hear a tumult of noise coming from the front. Above the mountains, the figures were dense and dense.

Over the Panlong Mountains, there are still four huge clouds, hundreds of people standing on it, standing high.

When he came to the vicinity of Panlong Mountain, Su Zimo really felt the grand election of Xianzong.

On the top of the mountains, there are many monks standing at a glance. As if crossing the river, there are at least millions of monks, and their voices are full of enthusiasm!

These monks have different realms, Xuanxian, Dixian and Tianxian.

Some are casual repairs, some are monks of the Zongmen forces, gather together and stare at the bottom of the mountain, with bursts of exclamation and cheer from time to time.

Su Zimo rose into the air, not long after, also came to the top of the mountain and looked down.

I saw a huge curtain of water rising slightly below this mountain, suspended in midair.

Above the water curtain, a series of images are reflected. It can be clearly seen that some monks are struggling to kill, some are walking alone, and some are trying to escape.

This water curtain is somewhat similar to the methods of the mirror of the shadow, which can reflect many situations in an area on the water curtain.

Su Zimo glanced around and came to a Xuanxian, coughing softly.

The Xuanxian was startled by the voice and looked back.

"I ask you a few things."

Su Zimo's expression was calm and calm.

"Shangxian, please say."

This Xuanxian couldn't understand the details of Su Zimo, coupled with his low level of cultivation, he didn't dare to neglect, and responded quickly.

"What are the rules of this election, you tell me."

Su Zimo didn't go around the corner either, and asked directly.

The Xuanxian was a little stunned, but quickly reacted, saying: "The Election of Xianzong is actually bringing together a lot of strong men in the land to fight each other."

"This terrain of the Panlong Mountains is about to enclose each other to form a valley. It is said that the strong men of the Four Great Sects have joined forces to use this terrain to arrange a closed array."

"The water curtain below can reflect the situation in the valley at any time."

The Xuanxian explained while pointing at the valley surrounded by the Panlong Mountains.

"How many immortals have participated in the election of Xianzong this time?"

Su Zimo asked.

This Xuanxian said: "Before the general election began, the four major immortals announced the number of 184,551 people."

"so much!"

Su Zimo dumbfounded his tongue.

You know, those who participated in the Election of Xianzong are not ordinary land immortals.

Dare to come to the Election of Xianzong, all who are eligible to participate are the top powerhouses in Dixian, and the lowest level of cultivation must be the seventh-order Dixian!

It is possible to gather 180,000 top-level earth gods here, which shows that the four great immortals attract many monks.

What's even more cruel is that the top 180,000 top immortals are fighting to kill, and only one hundred people are finally selected!

The competition is too fierce.

Being able to come to the Election of Xianzong means that it has already surpassed most of the immortals.

Among this group of people, one hundred of the most outstanding Dixian strongmen must be selected to have the opportunity to worship the Four Great Celestial Sects!

Su Zimo stared at the water curtain below, a pair of monks fighting the war.

One of them was defeated and was badly wounded. Seeing that he was about to die in the other's hands, this man suddenly took out a golden token.

Immediately afterwards, a golden light bloomed on the golden token, forming a golden mask to protect the person, and all the monks' offensives were resisted.

Then, a whirlpool emerged suddenly above the heads of the two.

He dragged the devastated monk in, but the golden token in his hand was left in the valley.

Before entering the vortex, the person's waist storage bag suddenly burst, and dozens of identical gold tokens emerged.

The monk on the opposite side waved his hands and took these dozens of tokens into his pocket, looking pleased.

The monk who was taken away by the whirlpool was thrown out of the battlefield and landed outside the Panlong Mountains, looking embarrassed and annoyed.

"What is that golden token?"

Su Zimo asked.

"That's the Panlong Order issued by the four Great Sects, and there is one for each Dixian participating in the Great Sect."

The Xuanxian said, "If you are really out of reach in the valley below, or if you are in danger of life and death, you will inject vitality into the Panlong Order, which will trigger a golden mask to save your life."

"Of course, in this way, it also means failure, will be taken away, leave the battlefield, and leave the panlong order in the valley."

After a short pause, Xuanxian said, "Yes, there is one more point. The election of Xianzong lasts for one year. No matter how many people are left on the final battlefield, the one hundred people who got the most panlong orders are the final winners."

Su Zimo nodded slightly.

This can prevent some monks from fighting negatively, hiding and staying to the end.

Su Zimo thought of another thing. The rules of Juecheng's Ten Jue are most likely to be modeled after the Fairy Election, and the two are somewhat similar.

It's just that Ten Jail is completely killing mode and there is no other way out.

The election of Xianzong, at least, gave the immortals who entered the battlefield a little vitality.

As long as you know how to give up, you will never die if you offer a panlong order at a crisis.

Su Zimo thought of a very crucial thing and suddenly asked, "How long is the Election of Xianzong?"

"There is only one month left."

The Xuanxian pointed at the valley and said: "The original more than 180,000 earth fairy strongmen, after more than half a year of competition, there are more than a thousand people on the battlefield, and they will soon be over."

"A month?"

Su Zimo's eyes were deep, he looked at the valley below, and murmured, "Time is enough."

(End of this chapter)

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