Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2110: Each manifested

Chapter 2110 Each Shows His Power

The gale saw that someone was ready to start. He sat on the stone and waved his hand. "Don't worry, he can't run again, let me ask a few words first."

As soon as Su Zimo's consciousness moved, he explored the situation around him.

More than a hundred ground gods, and most of them are nine-stage ground gods!

Hit, of course.

But not necessary.

He is now a sixth-order earth fairy, and once he fights with this group of people, he will inevitably reveal many cards.

He came to participate in the election of Xianzong. As long as he got enough Panlong orders, there were millions of monks staring outside, and he didn't want to expose too much.

What's more, he has just arrived here, and he is not familiar with the surrounding environment, so there is no need to come up and fight hard with everyone.

"You, a sixth-order earth fairy, also came to the election of Xianzong?"

The gale squinted at Su Zimo, and raised an eyebrow.


Su Zimo said: "But I don't have Panlong Ling."

"Without Panlong, who believes!"

"Do you want to get rid of this kind of crap?"

The monks around laughed and looked relaxed.

Gale frowned slightly and asked again, "The Election of Xianzong is almost over. Why did you come in?"

"Just because he came in midway, there was no Panlong Ling."

Su Zimo did not conceal the truth.

The gale chuckled and looked disdainful.

Naturally, he would not believe what Su Zimo said, and was about to wave his hand and let the monks around him move.

I saw Su Zimo's eyes full, and suddenly lifted his feet!


Suddenly, the ground shook!

At this moment, the entire mountain peak was shaking slightly, countless rocks on the mountain rolled down, and dust was rising.

Unexpectedly, many monks on the mountain were surprised and startled.

Suddenly, Su Zimo's figure moved from the siege of many monks and rushed out. The speed was amazing!

These monks saw that Su Zimo was only a sixth-order earth fairy, naturally contemptuous, and never thought he could escape.

Therefore, the formation of the crowd is somewhat scattered.

This mountain peak was shaking violently, and everyone's standing became much more scattered. Su Zimo caught the opportunity and rushed away after being surrounded by a dozen people!

"Stop him!"

The gale was furious and roared.

The monks in the surrounding area also reacted in an instant and started to sacrifice various magical weapons, blocking Su Zimo's front.

Of the remaining monks in the valley, naturally, none of them is easy to deal with.

Some release mysteries, some sacrifice magic, and some seduce immortals.

Although Su Zimo rushed out of the siege of the first floor, he was quickly stopped by the monks who rushed over.

There was blocking before and chasing after.

In the air, there are many magical powers coming down.

Seeing that Su Zimo had no retreat, his body flickered and disappeared from the place!

By the time he appeared again, he had come outside the encirclement!

All magic powers are missing!

On the Panlong Mountains.

"Oh, this guy reacted quite quickly, but it was useless, and he still couldn't escape."

"Cultivate for the realm, the number of people is too much, and it is not so easy to rush out of the siege."

"Well, what about people?"

Many monks were discussing, but Su Zimo suddenly disappeared!

"Look, there, it seems to have escaped!"

"What just happened?"

There was a sound of noise in the crowd.

Over the mountains, above four clouds.

Seeing Su Zimo's body in the valley, all four of Bai Haitianxian, Tianyuan, Yang Ruoxu, and Qingfeng Tianxian were all in front of their eyes.

"This body method is quite good. Although it is not as good as teleportation, it is similar to transposition."

Tian Yuan nodded slightly.

Qingfeng Tianxian shook his head and said: "It can only be unexpected. If the other party is prepared, this body method is not very useful."

Baihai Tianxian shook his folding fan and said leisurely: "As far as I know, every place where the gale comes, there is a second hand. The real killer is still behind!"

Yang Ruoxu said: "Anyway, from the performance of the person so far, whether it is reaction, shot, judgment, it is very good."

If you change to someone else, you will be trapped in the siege of the team, even the first layer of siege, may not be able to rush out.

Panlong valley.

After Su Zimo rushed out of the siege, he galloped with all his strength, erupting directly into the golden light of the ground, the ethereal wings, the Tianzutong and other magical secrets!

On the misty wings, there is also an arc of thunder and lightning. Between the fans, there is a thunderstorm!

This is the wind and thunder wing in "Too Virtual Thunder"!

Although Su Zimo is only a sixth-order earth fairy, but so many mysterious magical powers erupted, his speed rose to an extremely terrifying level, and it took a thousand miles!

Although the eighth-order and nine-step earth immortals are behind, the distance from Su Zimo is gradually widening.

Even the few strongest winds were only temporarily suspended behind Su Zimo, and they were not left behind.

The gale stared at Su Zimo's back, his face was cold, the corners of his mouth were slightly tilted, and he suddenly pinched the tactics and realized.

At the same time, Su Zimo, who was galloping, flashed a warning sign in his heart, and the ghost suddenly stopped his body like a god, changed his direction, and ran towards the other side!

Just in front of what he was about to pass, a huge net suddenly rose on the ground, with thorns thorns and twinkling light, which was obviously smeared with poison!

If Su Zimo did not change direction, he would be captured by this poison net.

But now, Su Zimo's direction has changed, and this poison net is immediately lost.

The gale frowned and snorted coldly, but did not stop and continued to catch up.

Su Zimo was running. Suddenly his heart moved, and he changed direction again without warning, hitting a towering ancient tree next to it!


This towering ancient tree was broken by Su Zimo's waist!

Many monks watching outside the valley did not know what Su Zimo was doing.

In the eyes of everyone, this kind of action is totally redundant, but it will make you slow down.

But soon, everyone noticed anomalies.

After the towering ancient tree broke, it was accompanied by a figure, was hit and flew out, spit blood in the mid-air, and fell into the distant soil.

This is also the second-hand killing trick arranged by the gale!

The killer ambushed here, blending with this towering ancient tree, no one could detect it at all.

But I didn't expect that the killer hadn't waited for the shot, Su Zimo hit him first.

Seemingly a simple hit, the bones of this killer's body were all crushed by Su Zimo!

The killer watched Su Zimo chasing after him, frightened his soul, and quickly sacrifice the Panlong Order. The whole person sucked it away, leaving a Panlong Order.

Su Zimo didn't stay in shape, picked up Panlong's order by hand, continued to gallop, and soon came to the foot of the mountain, leaving the gale and others behind him.

(End of this chapter)

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