Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2111: Cat and mouse?

Chapter 2111 Cat And Mouse?

"Oh my god, this man is so fast!"

"That made him escape?"

"How could it be so easy to release so many magical mysteries? It is so expensive that it is hard to imagine. If you continue to hunt and kill, this person's vitality is exhausted, which is when he died!"

This time, hundreds of monks in the Panlong Mountains were almost attracted to this scene in the valley.

Many monks were secretly nervous because of their sympathy for the weak, and sweated for Su Zimo.

Tianyuan shook his head in midair: "This will not work, this area is full of jungle shrubs. His speed cannot be exerted, and it is impossible to completely get rid of the hunting by gale and others."

At this moment, I saw Su Zimo in the valley. After turning around the foot of the mountain, he suddenly changed his shape, shrinking into a tiny insect ant, crawling slowly in the stone gap.

"Seventy-two change?"

Yang Ruoxu frowned slightly and murmured.

This choice is somewhat risky.

If you use the seventy-two changes to change into plant and grass insects, you can naturally hide your tracks, but it also means that you lose the speed of the previous outbreak.

To change into an insect ant, you must crawl on the ground like an insect ant.

Once it is seen through, it means that there is no escape route, and it will be in danger again!

Not long after, Gale and others chased here, only to find that Su Zimo had completely disappeared.

"what happened?"

Someone asked.

The gale frowned, and groaned, "He can't escape so fast. Check it carefully, is he hiding nearby!"

The crowd quickly spread their consciousness and searched carefully in the vicinity, and did not miss any birds, animals, plants or insects.

However, the crowd still did not find Su Zimo's whereabouts.

During this period, there was a monk's consciousness passing by Su Zimo's transfigured insects and ants, and no abnormalities were found.

Normally, if Su Zimo used the seventy-two transformation of the great magical power, although he transformed into an insect ant, but there are traces and breath of magical power, it will inevitably reveal flaws.

But Su Zimo is using Sambo Jade Ruyi today!

This change can be regarded as hiding the sea!

After staying for a long time, more than a hundred monks followed, and Lie Feng and others did not find Su Zimo.

"Legal leader, it is estimated that this person has fled."

Someone said.

The gale yelled: "What a pity, really, where to find such a kid, it's a little careless! If I meet again next time, I will never let him go!"

"What should we do now?"

Another asked.

"Go, leave here first."

The gale glanced at the direction in the distance, and seemed a little daunted. He waved his hand and left the place with more than a hundred monks, and the jungle soon returned to peace.

On the Panlong Mountains.

Millions of monks stared at this scene in astonishment.

Just when Gale and others searched this area, everyone could clearly see through the water curtain. The insect ants transformed by Su Zimo was not far from Gale and others.

But the two sides just went wrong.

Many monks breathed a sigh of relief.

Such an end not only exceeded the expectations of the millions of monks in the mountains, but also the monks of the four great immortals in the air.

Take a shot, break through, dodge the killing, and hit the ambush assassin, win the panlong order, and finally hide the sky and cross the sea ...

In retrospect, this series of actions still feels a little amazing.

After falling to the ground in this group's eyes, the mortal person, not only did not die, but also received a panlong order!

This also means that as long as this person is careful, he can at least save his life in the valley.


Tian Yuan nodded slightly.

Tian Yuan has few words, and it is very rare to get such appreciation.

Yang Ruoxu also nodded and said, "The others don't say, but just this reaction and judgment, we can see that this talent is indeed unusual."

Outside the valley, everyone is unclear. The means revealed by Su Zimo is just the tip of his iceberg!

In other words, not even the tip of the iceberg!

"It's just a pity."

Baihai Tianxian shook his head and chuckled, "This man is still out."


Asked Qingfeng Tianxian.

"Look, who is that?"

Baihai Tianxian pointed at a figure not far from Su Zimo above the water curtain.

Everyone saw that this figure was wearing red clothes, riding red cloud boots, and walking on a sword. The pony tail fluttered slightly behind his head. This is one of the most powerful earth gods in the Xianzong election, Chihong County. the Lord!

Yang Ruoxu shook his head slightly, showing regret, and said, "This is a bad luck. I just got rid of the wolves, but I was caught by Chihong."

Baihai Tianxian laughed: "In the past six months, if you look at the remaining immortals, if you talk about body speed, Chihong County ranks first!"

"This person's body speed is as fast as he can't be compared with the Chihong county master, and in a while we can watch a cat and mouse show."


Panlong valley.

After the gale and others left for a long time, Su Zimo's transfigured insects and ants reappeared and regained their youthful appearance.

At the same time, Su Zimo's heart moved and looked in the other direction.

There was a red light galloping over there, and in the blink of an eye, came near, paused in midair, stood high, and looked down at Su Zimo.

Su Zimo frowned slightly.

Only then did he feel that someone was peering around.

It's just a person, he doesn't care, he is ready to take the shot and win over the person's Panlong order.

But I did not expect that this person turned out to be one of the most powerful earth gods in the valley, the owner of Chihong County!

The owner of Chihong County is Jiuxian Dixian. Even if he can't compare to Yun Ting, his talent and combat power will never be worse.

What's more, there is a gap between the three realms of the two sides. If they fight against one another, it will be tricky and expose too much.


Just as Su Zimo was groaning, the Red Hongjun Lord suddenly laughed and said, "You are so brave, six-tiered land fairy, you dare to participate in the election of Xianzong, and just changed into a small bug A disaster. "

The scene of the genius was seen in the eyes of the chief of Honghong County.

Lie Feng and others left so quickly because she was aware of her existence.

"Give me the Panlong Order, I won't hurt you."

The chief of the Honghong County chuckled: "Looking at your sickness, I just shot it, maybe you are dead."

Su Zi's face was expressionless, and he clenched his fist: "It's hard to obey."

After speaking, Su Zimo did not say a nonsense, turned and ran, and once again released the golden light of the ground, heaven and foot, misty wings, wind and thunder wings and many other magical secrets!

Speed ​​directly urges to the limit!


The master of Honghong County couldn't help but laugh out loud and said, "Fun, it's fun, but he wants to compare speed with me! If you can run away, it's a real ghost!"

While talking, the foot sword of the owner of the Red Rainbow County turned into a red rainbow, chasing after Su Zimo.

The Panlong Ling, the owner of the Chihong County, has long been enough. After spending more than half a year in the valley, killing and killing is a bit boring.

Now, there is actually a sixth-order little earth fairy who wants to compete with her, which makes her feel novel and interesting.

The head of Chihong County's mouth slightly raised, his face was smiling, and a flash of jokes flashed in his eyes, and he decided to play with this sixth-order little earth fairy.

(End of this chapter)

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