Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2112: Sudden runaway

Chapter 2112 Suddenly Run Away

Su Zimo urged Yuanshen and ran all the way with the help of many magical secrets.

His realm, though, is a sixth-order Dixian.

However, under the blessings of golden light, heavenly feet, misty wings, and wind and thunder wings, the speed of the outbreak is difficult for even the most nine-tiered land immortals to catch up!

But Su Zimo ran for a while, only to find that the owner of Chihong County had not been thrown away.

The body of the Chihong Jun master almost merged with the flying sword under her feet.

Galloping through the air, you can only see a rainbow flashing at an astonishing speed.

Even the many monks watching the battle outside, with little attention, are easy to lose the trace of the Lord of Honghong County!

When Su Zimo saw that it was difficult to get rid of the owner of Chihong County for a while, he re-applied the tricks again, spurring the three treasures, Ruyi, transformed into a tit, mixed with a group of tits, and walking through the woods.

The master of Honghong County behind him also seemed to disappear suddenly.


Su Zimo's heart flashed.

I saw a shadow hanging over my head, a huge goshawk dived down, sharp eyes like a sword, staring at Su Zimo in the **** group, grasped it fiercely!

The **** around were frightened and stunned.


Su Zimo knew that he had been exposed, instantly recovered his body, and continued to gallop towards the distance.


The chief of the Honghong County smiled slightly, also showed his figure, and chased after him again.

The two played one after the other.

During this period, Su Zimo used Sapphire Jade Ruyi to imitate all kinds of birds, beasts, plants and insects, but he was still unable to escape the perception of the owner of Chihong County.

The owner of Chihong County also changed, hunting Su Zimo with various creatures!

The complexity of this change is dazzling.

The chase between the two people, although there has always been no head-to-head confrontation, but to outsiders, it is more exciting and dangerous!

Many monks on the Panlong Mountains widened their eyes and held their breath.

Even so, many monks will often lose track of Su Zimo and Chihong County.

From the crowd, a shout sounded from time to time asking about their whereabouts.

Qingfeng Tianxian raised his palm and smiled, and said, "This boy is really out of luck when he meets the owner of Chihong County."

"The owner of Chihong County also had this interest, and actually played with this boy for so long." Baihai Tianxian laughed with a fan.

Yang Ruoxu shook his head slightly and regretfully said, "It is not easy to achieve this kind of body by using the sixth-order earth god's cultivation practice. It was only the eyes of the Chihong County master ..."

In the valley.

Su Zimo realized that he had been locked up by the Qihong County master's Qi machine, and even if Sanbaoyu was unpredictable, he could not get rid of the other party's entanglement.

Su Zimo stopped and turned to look over.

"Hee hee."

The master of Honghong County manifested himself, looked at Su Zimo with a narrow face, and smiled: "Sixth-order little earth fairy, why don't you run away?"

"I don't know what the county owner chased me for?"

Su Zimo frowned: "I just came to this valley, and there is only one Panlong command on my body. For the county master, it is not at all good."

When Su Zimo came into the valley, he did nothing and was hunted down by the team of Gale.

Now being watched by the owner of Chihong County, running all the way, his look can not help showing a hint of impatience and not much respect for his tone.


The owner of Chihong County pouted slightly and said, "You are a sixth-order little earth fairy, who do you think you're talking to? Tell you, I'm too lazy to ask others to chase me."

"Really, I am really flattered."

Su Zimo said something salty.

The chief of Chihong County waved his hand generously and said, "Originally, I wanted to accompany you to play and **** your panlong decree. However, along the way, the county chief sees that your talent is really good, so I will give you A chance. "

"From today on, you will follow me and be my little follower, alas ... the little guard is better."

"Of course, I will not treat you badly, I will help you grab enough panlong orders. Then, you have to worship the same immortal with me, listen to me, you know?"

The owner of Chihong County talked to himself, and also told Su Zimo that he was astounding.

Su Zimo resisted the urge to roll his eyes, and Shen said: "The lord of the county carried his love, but he was arrogant and disobedient. He could not be the guard of others. He also asked the lord of the county to find another master."

After that, Su Zimo headed away without leaving.


As soon as the main body of Chihong County flickered, he came to Su Zimo and stopped him.

"Well, what's wrong with you?"

The subject of Chihong County said temptingly: "Looking at your body, it seems that the serious illness is unhealed, and there must be a lack of supplements. At that time, I will go to the palace to help you find treasures and supplement your body, and I will definitely raise you. Fat for nothing. "

"If there is nothing else in the county, don't stand in the way!"

Su Zimo's tone became increasingly impatient.


Seeing that it was not good, Chihong County was angry, grinded a pair of little tiger teeth, and threatened: "You really do n’t know how to fight! You ca n’t beat me, you ca n’t escape, you believe it or not, I Grab your Panlong Order now? "

"is it."

Su Zimo clenched his fist slightly, and said lightly, "The county's governor has resigned, and I'll see you again."

After that, Su Zimo once again released a lot of magical secrets, galloping away.


The chief of Honghong County sneered, "Do you still want to escape?"

The words did not fall, and the owner of Chihong County transformed into a rainbow again, chasing after Su Zimo.

This time, she didn't want to play anymore, and with her full strength, the distance between the two was approaching slowly!


Behind Su Zimo, a pair of huge golden wings grow, bright and colorful, filled with powerful magical breath!


The pair of golden wings fanned and rolled up a storm, and Su Zimo's speed soared several times in an instant.

In the blink of an eye, it disappeared from the place and turned into a golden light.

Dapeng's wings are one of Su Zimo's most powerful cards, and he didn't want to be exposed.

But this Honghong county master is really difficult, Su Zimo is unwilling to entangle with her, and directly sacrifices her talents and leaves.

The owner of the Chihong County looked confused, and soon responded, all the qi and blood cultivation broke out, and he kept chasing.

But not long after, she completely lost the trace of Su Zimo.

Actually ... lost it?

The master of Chihong County stood in midair with some cyanosis and a dazed look. It was difficult to accept this fact for a while.

what happened?

What just happened?

Why did that little guard suddenly go violent?

The master of Honghong County was confused.

She thought it was a cat and mouse game.

Unexpectedly, this ‘mouse’ suddenly had wings, and it flew away!

Not to mention the owner of Chihong County in the bureau, even the crowd outside the valley caused an uproar!

"Where are you, man?"

"I don't know, it's gone for a moment!"

The sound of waves.

Even the four heavenly strong men in the sky shined.

"This man's body style is really ..."

Baihai Tianxian stopped talking.

Such a body form can no longer be described as human.


Tian Yuan nodded slightly, his cold face showing a smile.

Yang Ruoxu also showed appreciation.

Even Qingfeng Tianxian, who threw Su Zimo into the crowd, changed his attitude at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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