Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2113: Who is this?

Chapter 2113 Who Is This?

"It's just a better escape. I don't think it's a skill."

Lu Wenbin of Qiankun Academy muttered in the back.

He had had a short conflict with Su Zimo before and lost face again, naturally he did not like the Su Zimo everywhere.

Yang Ruoxu shook his head slightly and asked in return: "Six yuan in the Yuanyuan Realm can have such a physical speed, and even exceed the master of the Honghong County. Is this not a skill? Can you compare?"

This sentence of Yang Ruoxu, with a hint of lesson, is actually to make Lu Wenbin humble and not to be blind.

Lu Wenbin was uncomfortable, and his face was flushed, arguing: "Brother, you can't say that. No matter how fast his body training is, our election in Xianzong is not a trial of body training."

"When I was selected into the academy, I was fighting all the way through my own fighting power."

"Furthermore, the rules of the Election of Xianzong are there, and they need enough Panlong orders to become the final winner. Even if he can survive to the end by this method, he cannot enter without Panlong orders. The Four Immortals. "

Baihai Tianxian chuckled: "Your brother is right."

Yang Ruoxu was silent.

If this person in the valley can't win a sufficient number of Panlong orders, even if he is pitiful in his heart, the rules of the Xianzong election cannot be broken.

In the valley.

After a while, the master of Honghong County gradually slowed down, stomping his feet, rubbing his little tiger teeth, and said arrogantly, "You run away! There is only one month left. In this valley, I don't believe it. I can't catch you! "

After that, the owner of Chihong County also left here.

On the other side, after Su Zimo completely got rid of the entanglement of the Chihong County Lord, he successively changed several directions and gradually slowed down.

His purpose was to seize Panlong Ling.

One month left, enough time.

At this stage, it was not like the beginning of the Election of Xianzong, monks could be encountered everywhere, and the war was going on all the time.

Today, there are only a thousand people left, and they may search for a long time without seeing people.

For example, some monks who have already obtained a sufficient number of Panlong Ling, out of caution, will choose to find a hidden place to lie dormant, exhausting the last time to reappear.

This part of the monk is even more missing.

Su Zimo spent almost half a day in the valley, and finally met a monk again.

This is a single monk, and the cultivation of this person is the seventh place of the Diyuan Realm!

This time, Su Zimo did not escape.

The target he was looking for was this kind of monk.

Alone, cultivation is not high.

He can easily solve it and seize the opponent's Panlong Order without revealing too many methods.

After seeing Su Zimo, the seventh-tier Dixian on the opposite side suddenly became extremely nervous and looked alert.

But after investigating Su Zimo's state of cultivation, the man breathed a sigh of relief.

"I didn't expect to be able to meet a sixth-order Dixian here, it was my luck."

The seventh-step Dixian looked at Su Zimo for a long time, and put aside his lips, and said, "Boy, give up your panlong order, I will save your life!"

"Okay, I will save you."

Su Zimo also said a word, the voice did not fall, the body moved, the whole person has rushed past!

As soon as the word "life" fell, Su Zimo had already come to this seventh-tiered earth fairy!

It's too fast!

They are close at hand!


This seventh-order earth fairy was so shocked that he had no time to say a word, but he was rushed by the momentum and blocked the rest of the words!

This seventh-order earth fairy has an illusion in an instant.

What rushed over was not a sixth-order earth fairy, but a terrible ancient beast that would swallow him down!

I saw this ancient beast probing his sharp claws and grabbing at him!

At this time, it is too late to condense the magical powers.

Even the magic weapon in the storage bag was too late to be sacrificed.

This seventh-order earth fairy can only raise his arm subconsciously, and resist the past upward.


Su Zimo's palm fell on the man's arms.


Immediately, the sound of bone fractures sounded!

The man's arms were broken by the palm of Su Zimo. The huge force broke through the arms and landed on the man's chest, directly hitting him dozens of feet away!

The seventh-step earth fairy flew out, and Su Zimo followed him, watching him coldly.

This person originally wanted to take some elixir to stabilize the injury, and then fled here.

But paired with Su Zimo's eyes, he couldn't help but be frightened.

He quickly took out the Panlong Order and urged the protective mask on the Panlong Order, and the whole person was dragged away from the valley by the water curtain vortex.

After the man left, he had a storage bag of Panlong Ling, but it fell into the valley and burst directly. Dozens of Panlong Ling scattered and floated in the air.

With a wave of his sleeve, Su Zimo took the dozens of Panlongs into his bag, and he turned and left.

By his means, if he wanted to kill that person and then seize the Panlong Command, it was naturally easy.

However, the two met with each other without revenge.

Su Zimo is not a man of indiscriminate killings, but only for the sake of the Xianzong election. He is no different from those unscrupulous bloodthirsty people in Shizhe prison.

"It won? Is that too easy?"

"That seventh-order earth immortal is careless, otherwise this person will not let this person seize the opportunity."

"You said that this man was unlucky and indeed bad. He was surrounded by strong winds and other people, and he met the Honghong County Lord. To say that he had good luck, and he was really good. He actually encountered the few remaining seven in the valley. Terrace fairy. "

"I only got dozens of Panlong orders, which is still far away from 1,800 yuan."

As time approaches, the approximate candidates have been identified, and there are not many variables.

Therefore, the attention of many monks fell on Su Zimo's body. It was also necessary to look at how long this sixth-order earth fairy could last.


Tian Yuan didn't talk much, and still only one word.

But Baihai Tianxian and others heard what he meant.

This softness means that the heart is soft, not strong enough, not enough to kill the decisive, and not hard-hearted!

In the ordinary world, this is naturally a good quality.

But in the realm of cultivation, if you are soft-hearted, it is easy to cause unnecessary evils!

Yang Ruoxu shook his head and said, "It's not necessarily true. There is a line to do things. If you don't try to kill them, at least you won't build too much resentment with others, and you won't set up a strong enemy."

Qingfeng Tianxian said: "Keep watching, as time goes by, it will be more and more difficult for this son to seize the Panlong Order."

"There are fewer and fewer seven-tiered immortals left, and he will definitely face eight-tiered immortals, even nine-tiered immortals."

Yang Ruoxu asked suddenly: "Who is this?"

Everyone was at a loss.

A monk asked around and no one knew his name.

At this time, the people in the Panlong Mountains did not realize what this seemingly sick young man was thrown into the valley.

And soon, everyone's impression of this youth will be completely subverted!

(End of this chapter)

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