Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2114: Mysterious stationery

Chapter 2114 Mysterious Stationery

Riyue County, Cangyu City.

After investigating the killing of thirteen torture guards last time, King Motosa-gun did not leave, but temporarily rested in Cangyu City.

Although he lived in the county king's mansion at this time, it was very different from the mansion he once lived in Qingyun City.

There is no way around this.

Since he met that person more than 2,000 years ago, his destiny has begun to change.

To be precise, it fell from the cloud to the bottom!

According to the normal trajectory, if he gets the jade charm, he will get a chance to get a taboo secret book. If he cultivates this secret book, he will surely be able to step into the real world and become a true fairy!

At that time, his position among the counties and kings will rise again, second only to Jin Wang Shizi and Qin Xianmeng Yao!

With this secret taboo, his combat power has skyrocketed, and he is expected to become famous in the future!

But everything was ruined.

Destroyed in the hands of a monk named Su Zimo!

He lost Qingyun County, lost the value of his father and king, lost a clone, lost his former status, and almost lost everything he had!

In the dim hall, King Motosa-gun sat alone, his face was more gloomy than the surrounding light.

Over the years, he dare not stop.

Once he calms down, he will be plunged into endless bitter resentment, unconsciously remembering the power and status he once had, and the nether monk who made him hate and grit his teeth!

For more than two thousand years, King Genzuo never gave up searching for Su Zimo's whereabouts.

But what he couldn't understand was that Su Zimo seemed to disappear out of thin air without leaving any clues!

Even with the practice of Feng Cantian, fleeing Dajin has paid a very heavy price.

This Su Zimo has just stepped into Dixian, how could he leave Dajin?

King Yuan Zuo had a kind of intuition, Su Zimo was in the Jin Dynasty and never left!

But if he is still in the Jin Dynasty, where did he hide in the past two thousand years?

The Killing Guards are located in every corner of the Dajin Immortal Kingdom, and there is a wanted hunting order in Dajin. How can he hide for more than 2,000 years?

At this moment, there was a panic of footsteps outside the hall.

"Your Highness, Your Highness!"

A torturer rushed in.

"what's up?"

Motosa Jun frowned slightly.

The torturer held up a stationery in his hand and said, "Someone gave this stationery to his subordinates, and let the subordinates hand it over to you, and let you open it yourself!"


Motosuke-gun asked.

"No, I don't know."

Torture Guard said.


Motosa-gun's eyes were cold.

The torturer shuddered and explained quickly: "The subordinates didn't know what was going on, just felt a little conscious, and then this stationery was added in their hands."

"Then a voice sounded in the mind of his subordinates, asking his subordinates to give his letter to His Highness, and to let His Highness open them himself."

Speaking of this matter, the torturous guard was still stunned and a little confused, saying, "From the beginning to the end, no subordinates saw people. I asked a few more words and did not respond."

"that's it?"

Motosuke-gun frowned.


The torturer seemed to think of something, and said quickly: "This voice also said, Your Highness will definitely be interested in the contents of the stationery."


Motosuke-gun sneered, and said, "Bring it over! I'll see who's doing the mystery and what's on this stationery!"

The torturer supported the stationery with both hands, and handed it out respectfully.

King Genzuo took the stationery and was about to tear off the sealed fire lacquer, but suddenly his heart moved, and he handed it back to the torturous guard in front of him, saying gently, "You help me open it, but don't look at the contents."

The killing guard felt a cold heart.

He could naturally see that King Motosuke was worried that there was something murderous in the seal of the letterhead, so he let him try.

Although he saw the intention of King Genzuo, he did not dare to resist. He could only bite his scalp, wipe off the sealed fire lacquer print, and extract a page of letter paper.

During the whole process, nothing changed.

The torturous guard was also scared of cold sweat, a long breath of relief.

Motosuke-gun faceless, took this page of stationery, opened it, just glanced casually, can't help but change his look!

The killer looked up secretly.

I saw King Motosa Jun staring at the stationery in his hand, his expression constantly changing, cloudy and uncertain, and he did not know what was written on the letter.

The torturer faintly saw that the back of this stationery seemed to have a human portrait painted on it, but most of it was covered by King Motosuke's palm, and it was not real.

After a while, King Genzuo said slowly, "Let the Lone Star lead me!"

After a short pause, Motosuke-gun said, "As soon as possible!"


The killing guard turned and left quickly.

Not long after, the tortured Tianwei led the Lone Star to hurriedly enter the hall, Shen Shen asked: "His Royal Highness, what happened?"

"Look at it."

Motosuke-gun handed this page of stationery to the lone star.

The lone star glanced at it, and his appearance changed, exclaiming: "Su Zimo! He has left Dajin and is participating in the Xianzong election in Panlong Mountain?"

"Who wrote the letter, and is the source reliable?"

Lone Star asked quickly.

"Who wrote it unclear."

Motosuke-gun frowned deeply and shook his head: "It is impossible to judge whether the news is reliable. But the content of this letter is quite true, and even many details can be matched."

"The letter said that Su Zimo knows a way of change, and can change his appearance for a long time, so he can lurk in Dajin for more than 2,000 years."

"Now, Su Zimo has transformed into an unhealed young man and is participating in the election of Xianzong."

"Behind the letter, there is also a portrait of this young man. Although the painting is very general, the costume, body shape, outline, and features of the five senses have all been painted.

As King Motosa-gun talked, the stationery in Lone Star's hands suddenly burned without warning.

The two cast a haste, trying to extinguish the flame on the stationery, but both had no effect.

In an instant, the stationery turned into ashes and dust, dissipating in the air without leaving any traces.


King Motosa Jun and Lone Star looked at each other and could see each other's inner fear.

The means of this letter-writer is unpredictable, far above the two!

In the hall, suddenly quiet.

After a long time, Lone Star asked, "What does Your Highness think?"

King Yuanzuo County slightly shook his fist, and Shen said, "It's better to be trusted than not to have it! Now that you have the news, you have to go to the Panlong Mountains to see what happens!"

"If the Election of Xianzong is over, this Su Zimo really worships the Four Great Celestial Sects. If he wants to deal with him, it will not be easy for him."

Lone Star also nodded and said: "Even if the news is wrong, we will only run for nothing at all, without any loss."

"However, the Panlong Mountains are no longer under the jurisdiction of my Dajin. Even if we come forward, it is difficult to cope with it."


Motosuke-gun groaned a little and said, "You go down and call the torturous guard, and I will leave with a message. The election of Xianzong is almost over, let's leave immediately, don't delay!"

(End of this chapter)

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