Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2115: Change of situation

Chapter 2115: Changing Situations

Panlong Mountains.

The election of Xianzong is still going on, and as time goes by, fewer and fewer monks are left in the valley.

To the surprise of most monks, the sixth-order Dixian, who should have been eliminated soon, did not leave.

On the contrary, the sick young man who came to the valley seemed to suddenly become alive and energetic. He was running around with almost no rest.

On the first day of entering the valley, the man escaped from the siege of the gale, and was hunted down by the owner of Chihong County to escape the birth.

Then defeated a seventh-order earth fairy, and got dozens of panlong orders.

On the third day, this person again encountered a seventh-order earth fairy, the method was still simple, using the speed of the body, hit each other unexpectedly, and got a dozen panlong orders.

In the next period of time, this young man encountered the eight-step divine immortal and the ninth-step divine immortal. He fled without turning back.

In this valley, even the chief of Honghong County could not catch up with him, let alone others, he could only watch him leave every time.

If he encounters the seventh-order earth fairy who has fallen into a single order, the young man will take the initiative to fight against him, and he can win without any accident.

But on the fifteenth day, the situation gradually changed.

With more than ten days left, the election of Xianzong is about to end.

And the monks in the valley, there are only more than 500 people, most of them have been eliminated!

Of the remaining five hundred or so people, almost all were eighth-order earth gods and nine-level earth gods, and Su Zimo had already spent more than four days without encountering a seventh-order earth god.

In his storage bag, there are currently more than 300 Panlong orders, a distance of 1,800 pieces, and a considerable distance.

"Not surprisingly, the number of this person's panlong order should not fluctuate much."

"It's too difficult."

A monk who watched the battle said: "This body law is so powerful, the means are not weak, and it can be killed and leapfrogged, but only get more than 300 panlong orders."

Another skeptically said, "The Election of Xianzong once in a hundred years, only one hundred people were elected at a time. What is this concept?"

"This means that on the entire Shenxiao continent, only one Dixian has the opportunity to worship the Four Great Celestial Sects every year! Is it difficult for you to say it? It is even harder than going to heaven!"

High in the sky, the clouds are surging and the fairy is discouraged.

Yang Ruoxu shook his head and said, "This is not the way to go. To get a sufficient number of Panlong orders, he must find an eight-tiered land fairy to fight."

Seven-tiered earth immortals in the valley have little left.

What's more, the panlong order on the seventh-tier earth fairy was not much.

Even if Su Zimo searched out all the remaining seven-tiered land immortals and seized the opponent's Panlong command, it would be difficult to make up a total of 1,800 yuan.

"Eight-step Dixian, difficult."

Tian Yuan spit out a few words slowly.

If you want to defeat the Eighth-tier Dixian, this is to cross two small realms, and the difficulty is doubled!

Moreover, in the valley, which can support the eighth-order earth fairy now, which one is not powerful and has a lot of cards?

Struggling at the same level, the outcome is unpredictable, not to mention the two small realms.

Qingfeng Tianxian suddenly said: "This son has a good posture and is very suitable for practicing in my Fengfeng Temple."

"What's the use for fit?"

Baihai Tianxian chuckled: "If this son only has more than three hundred panlong orders, then we can't break the rules."


At this moment, Yang Ruoxu gave a soft sigh and said suddenly: "This son has met the eight-tiered earth fairy!"

"In more than ten days, he encountered the eighth-order earth immortal, and the ninth-order earth immortal were countless. It turned out that it was strange to turn around and run away.

Baihai Tianxian shook the folding fan, disapproving.

"No escape."

Tian Yuan said in a deep voice.

When Bai Haitianxian and others looked, they looked intently.

I saw in the valley, the sick young man confronted a middle-aged man in a yellow robe, but did not escape, it seemed to be ready to start!

"It seems that this son is also aware of the problem and wants to challenge the eight-tiered land fairy to capture a sufficient number of Panlong orders." Yang Ruoxu said.

Qingfeng Tianxian frowned and said, "This middle-aged man is named Xiao Yun, who is very powerful. He had suppressed another Nine-step Dixian before the first battle!"

"Well, there should be more than 800 Panlong Lings in this Xiao Yun's storage bag."

Bai Haitianxian said: "It is naturally easy for the son to escape by physical means, but if he wants to win, there is almost no chance."

In the valley.

Xiao Yun looked at Su Zimo not far away, with a sarcastic look, and chuckled: "We met once before, and you turned and ran. Why didn't you run this time?"

The last time the two met, Su Zimo changed his direction and galloped all the way, without any intention to fight with him.

Xiao Yun almost chased blood, but failed to catch up.

This time, he saw Su Zimo again, and he did not plan to leave to catch up.

"Do not leave this time, ready to grab your panlong order."

Su Zimo shook his head slightly, without concealing his intentions, and said frankly.


Xiao Yun laughed a little, and seemed to be unbelievable. He asked, "Only you? A sixth-order earth fairy?"

This is really not his contempt for Su Zimo.

He took the eight-level cultivation of the Diyuan Realm as the realm, and has supported it to the present. He has also won more than 800 Panlong orders, which can prove his strength.

Xiao Yun even has the ability to kill his opponents beyond the ranks!

Now, there is a sixth-order earth fairy, a monk lower than him, threatening to take his panlong order.

In his opinion, this is simply a big joke!


Su Zimo said nothing. With a change of body shape, in a blink of an eye, he had already come to Xiao Yun's body, raised his palm, and condensed the big mixed Yuan palm to suppress Xiao Yun's Tianling cover!

In the previous battles, Su Zimo had hardly used any secret combat techniques.

Just use the speed of the body, hit opponents unexpectedly, single combat skills.

Now, when Su Zimo takes a shot, he is a big mess!

Although Xiao Yun was laughing, in fact, he was highly alert and was always watching Su Zimo's every move.

It is no fluke that he can survive till now!

Su Zimo's body speed is so fast that even he is afraid of it, so naturally he doesn't care.

At the moment Su Zimo's figure moved, Xiao Yun's palm was wiped on the storage bag, offering a huge shield and holding it high!


Su Zimo's stunned palm fell heavily on this shield and made a muffled sound.

"Good guy!"

Xiao Yun was so shocked that he took a deep breath!

Although he had been prepared for a long time, he was still palmed by Su Zimo, shaking his blood and tingling his arms.

At the same time, he was secretly ecstatic.

His shield was unusual, attackable and defensive. On the surface of the shield, there were numerous spikes with barbs.

If you slap it on your body, you can tear off a large piece of flesh directly!

Su Zimo's palm erupted into such a fierce force, and was photographed on his shield. The palm of this young man is estimated to have been punctured, and the flesh is blurred!

Xiao Yun resisted this palm, glanced at it, but frowned slightly.

I saw Su Zimo's palm as white as jade, without any slight injuries.

He looked at the surface of the shield in his hand again, and there was a spike in the shape of a palm that was smoothed out!

(End of this chapter)

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