Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2116: Beidou Tuxian

Chapter 2116 Beidou

This shield is a perfect magic weapon for the earth!

"What kind of person is this man, so terrible!"

Xiao Yun was shocked.

A war has broken out on both sides, and Su Zimo has shot again, and he can't stand him thinking.

Xiao Yun screamed, spurred blood, and drew a giant axe out of the storage bag, holding a shield and axe in one hand, fighting with Su Zimo!

Xiao Yun became more and more shocked as he fought.

From the beginning to the end, Su Zimo did not use any magic weapon, but barely punched him, and completely suppressed him, leaving no room for resistance!

His shield and giant axe, against Su Zimo's flesh and blood body, were not cheap at all.

The two sides only fought for seven or eight rounds. Xiao Yun felt that his arms were swollen, his teeth were loose, bleeding spots were leaking, and his mouth was salty.

This seemingly sick young man seems to have infinite power between his hands and feet.

Moreover, the strength of each punch and each palm became more and more fierce, and the vastness seemed to be swallowed up.

Xiao Yun couldn't imagine how such a seemingly thin, fragile body could have such terrible power.

You know, Su Zimo is now the true body of the ten-pin green lotus. Even if he doesn't use his blood, he can still use the innate rank magic weapon.

He practiced "Too Virtual Thunder" and possessed the bones of Thunder.

Even if you don't use the slightest amount of blood, the power of one punch and one foot is far beyond that year!

Xiao Yun's blood-like state has not been cultivated, which is far worse than Qinglian's true body with the bone of thunder.

If there is not a gap between the two small realms, this Xiao Yun can't resist even Su Zimo!

Xiao Yun took a few punches from Su Zimo, and his whole body made a crunching sound.

If he fights down, his bones will fall apart, and the viscera will be shattered!

"Okay, okay, okay!"

Xiao Yun looked fierce, took the time to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, stared fiercely at Su Zimo, and said, "My hole card was originally prepared for several other land fairy strongmen. Since you pushed me to this step Don't blame me! "

In other words, Xiao Yun's palm was patted on the storage bag.

This is a separate storage bag, and four figures pop out!

These four figures are similar to the human race, but the whole body is covered with some metal casting, shining with a dark golden luster.


Su Zimo frowned slightly.


Xiao Yun scolded: "Tangle me!"

The four magpies were divided into four directions, and flung towards Su Zimo facelessly.

Su Zimo raised his hand, punched him in a sloppy chest, and hit him directly.

Then a backhand was drawn again, and he drew it on the side face of the other cricket, pulling it out a dozen feet away.

The two crickets got up quickly.

One of his uncle's chests had collapsed deeply and was almost penetrated by Su Zimo.

Another stinging head was also deformed by Su Zimo's palm.

But the two maggots still had no effect, and they didn't feel any pain. They tried to kill Su Zimo again!

This is horrible.

No pain, no fear of death.

On the other side, Xiao Yun got a respite, swallowed a panacea, began to urge the Yuan Shen, operated the magic of the magical magic, sacrificed magic weapons, and teamed up with the four great puppets to launch a fierce offensive against Su Zimo.

For a time, Su Zimo fell into siege, and seemed to be stretched a little bit.


On the mountain, a monk sighed, "It's a pity to encounter such a powerful enemy as Xiao Yun. Otherwise, I see that this sixth-order Dixian has a chance to defeat the eight-dimension Dixian."

"Well, this person dared to participate in the election of Xianzong. There are indeed some means, but unfortunately, they still cannot support it."

Many monks' attitudes towards Su Zimo have gradually changed.

High up.

Baihai Tianxian shook his head and said, "This child will soon be unable to support it. If there is no other means, there will be another ten rounds, and the winner will be divided."

Qingfeng Tianxian said: "It's a pity. When Xiao Yun released his uncle, the only chance for this son was to avoid his edge and turn away."

"Today, he is in the siege of the four great crickets, and is suppressed by Xiao Yunxian's magical powers. He has no chance to escape."

Yang Ruoxu said: "Even if Jiujie Dixian meets Xiao Yun and these four big concubines, I'm afraid they have no chance to win."

Lu Wenbin, who was standing behind Yang Ruoxu, was a little dissatisfied, sneered slightly, and muttered quietly: "I don't know if the sky is high, even if there is no Xiao Yun, I will meet other strong ones, and I will be taught sooner or later!"

At this moment, the battle situation in the valley suddenly changed!

I saw the sick young man startled, and he continued to squeeze the tactics in his hands. On his head, a vast star chart suddenly appeared!

This star map, with a large area, is dim.

But just the bright area is shocking enough, floating in the sky and stars, spilling billions of stars, falling on this young man.

This young man was shining bright stars all over his body. The whole person is like a **** under the starry sky.

"Ah! What is this?"

"Is it a blood vessel vision!"

"I don't know. I didn't see this person spurring blood!"

There was an exclamation from outside the valley.

In the clouds and mists, the four great gods of heaven impressed, and stood up at the same time, looking at the scene in the valley, with a shocked look.

"This is not a blood vision!"

Tian Yuan slowly shook his head.

"This star chart seems to be ..."

Qingfeng Tianxian thoughtfully.

"It should be a map of the Xuanling Beidou."

Yang Ruoxu groaned.


Qingfeng Tianxian brightened in front of his eyes, and blurted out, "It is the map of the Beidou of the mysterious spirit! Unexpectedly, the mystery of the stars in the legend has even been born again!"

"Brother Qihai Baihai."

At this moment, a disciple of Feixianmen came forward and said, "Some time ago, there was news that a monk did inherit the gates of the stars, and then the monk disappeared."

"It doesn't seem wrong."

Tianxian laughed during the day: "It should be this person!"

The four great immortals looked at Su Zimo's eyes with a touch of appreciation, as if they saw Bao.

In the valley, Su Zimo sacrificed the map of the Beidou of the Xuanling, and his combat strength rose sharply. He shot again and shred the two puppets directly from the middle!

The remaining two puppets were also shattered by him and lost their combat power.

In an instant, the situation reversed!

When Xiao Yun had no helper, he was left alone, facing Su Zimo with his head hanging on the head.

The outcome is no longer suspicious.

Su Zimo rushed forward, only a few rounds, he defeated Xiao Yun, and took over 800 pieces of Panlong Ling in his storage bag!

Xiao Yun was grieved.

He didn't know any Xuanling Beidou map, and he didn't know what happened. It seemed that suddenly, he was defeated by a sixth-order earth fairy.

There was a burst of excitement among the crowd watching the Panlong Mountains.

Many monks looked excited and were discussing fiercely.

Su Zimo looked calm.

This battle seemed to be lively, coming and going, and the ups and downs were actually under his control.

He even intentionally exposed the map of the Xuanling Beidou.

In doing so, one will not reveal his identity, and the other will reveal a little skill, which is enough to attract the attention of the four great immortals.

If Su Zimo really wants to defeat Xiao Yun, one round may be enough.

(End of this chapter)

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